Welcome to the Fritsch Research Group!
Here at the University of Arkansas, the unifying theme of our research program is the development of multifunctional, miniaturized analytical devices with integrated components on a single substrate. More specifically, we investigate chemistry in the limit of ultrasmall volumes, near materials having ultrasmall features, and with new approaches to moving solutions around to carry out sequential reactions in an automated way.
Additionally, we have developed a new method for stirring on a picoliter scale, moving solutions from one site to another on a chip for processing, and forcing solvent through channels to carry out separations of mixtures. It involves applying a phenomenon, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), that is better known in the astrophysics of plasmas and liquid metal pumping than it is in analytical chemistry. MHD involves three physical fields that are at right angles to each other: electric, magnetic, and flow.
If you are interested in joining our efforts, please contact us!