Originally from Fayetteville, Arkansas, Jed McCaleb, an accomplished programmer and serial blockchain entrepreneur, will be the keynote speaker for the 2021 RZRblock Hackathon Kick-off Event on March 5th. Early on in his career, Jed was the creator of eDonkey2000, an early peer to peer file sharing network and Mt. Gox, one of the world’s first bitcoin exchanges. After that, he went on to become the founder of two more famed cryptocurrencies: Ripple and then later, Stellar. Jed said he always spent a lot of time thinking about how to improve technologies, and how to use these technologies to improve the world. He currently serves as the CTO of the Stellar Development Foundation – a non-profit organization that facilitates empowerment for individuals around the world through the decentralized transfer of fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies. Don’t miss Jed McCaleb deliver his keynote address for the first time at the University of Arkansas on Friday, March 5th and RSVP to participate in the RZRblock Hackathon today!
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