In honor of the recent graduation ceremonies, the Blockchain Center of Excellence wanted to recognize both of our Graduate Assistants from this last year for the EPIC Blockstar(s) spotlight. Our team was lucky enough to match with Lily Wilson (left) and Odessa Elie (right) at the end of summer 2020 and continue working together through this past Fall and Spring Semester on events, research reports, content creation and management operations. Both of these women share their favorite parts of the journey and what’s next to come in the article below. Thank you, Lily and Odessa, and congratulations!

What is your name, where are you from, and what will your academic degree be upon graduation? 

LW: My name is Lily Wilson. I’m from Fayetteville, AR, but grew up in Kansas city, MO and I’m graduating with my Master’s degree in Information Systems with a concentration in Blockchain Enterprise Systems Management.  

OE: My name is Odessa Elie and I am from the Caribbean island of Dominica. I will be graduating with my Master of Information Systems Degree in May 2021, with a concentration in Blockchain Enterprise Systems.

What first made you interested in crypto and blockchain? 

OE: During my undergraduate career, I was a double major in Computer Science and International & Global Studies, and I was really interested in databases and global affairs, but I didn’t see how they connected initially. I’ve always wanted to find a way to combine my interests, and I had the wonderful opportunity to take a course that encouraged discourse on the use of technology for social good. This is where I first learned about the power of blockchain for social impact, and the diversity of blockchain solutions beyond the corporate world. Since blockchain is still an emerging technology, I personally find it interesting to be living in a time when it is rapidly evolving, but already improving lives and business operations. After taking this class, I knew that I wanted to continue my blockchain education.

LW: While I knew a bit about it before I began my master’s program it was really my first blockchain class with Dr. Lacity that made me think of it as a truly interesting and expansive subject. 

Try to sum up or describe your time as a Blockchain Center of Excellence GA into three words. 

LW: A learning experience 

OE: Rewarding. Inspiring. Eventful.

What was your favorite part of your graduate assistance experience? 

OE: I loved being able to learn so many different skills as a Graduate Assistant. Throughout the year, I learned how to run virtual events, conduct interviews, and design websites, among other things. These skills are so valuable to me as a young professional, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to equip myself with more tools as I transition into my career.

LW: Being able to be a part of and support the Center’s events learning both from the events themselves and from assisting on the backend of the events. 

What excites you most about the future of blockchain? 

LW: The fact that it is such a new and expansive field. Every day we find out new and different ways that blockchain can be used and the fact that it is a continual learning experience is what attracts me to it.

OE: I’m excited about future adoption of blockchain as it’s becoming increasingly popular. There has recently been a surge of interest in blockchain from people who are not involved in the tech industry, and I find it fascinating how they are educating themselves about it and taking a proactive approach to learning about blockchain. The more comfortable people are with it, and the more accurate information they know, the more we will see diverse people working towards solving current challenges with blockchain. This will ensure future adoption of blockchain, and I think that will be amazing to witness.

What is one thing you are going to do this summer? or any future plans that you want to tell us about? 

OE: This summer I will be hopefully starting to publish blog articles about my technical journey and tech projects that I want to do and teach people about. I have been interested in doing this for a while, and now that I have more time, this is something I would love to make a reality. I am also looking forward to starting my career in technical consulting with capSpire this summer, where I will develop digital solutions for companies in the energy industry.

LW: I’ve accepted a position at SupplyPike, a local software startup company, that I will be working at for the moment.