Advances in Breast Cancer Research Workshop

October 26-29, 2010 | Sponsored by NSF and held at the University of Arkansas


Dr. Tracey Lively

Topic: NIH Funding Opportunities

Dr. Tracy G. Lively is the Associate Chief of the Diagnostics Evaluation Branch (DEB) of the Cancer Diagnosis Program. The DEB supports research programs to facilitate the development and validation of better diagnostic clinical tests to improve the outcomes for cancer patients. The goals are to improve the assessment of cancer prognosis by refining tumor classification and staging, predicting tumor progression and metastatic capacity, assessing the influence of germ line or somatic genetic mutations on disease prognosis, and detecting recurrence. In addition, the Branch seeks to improve the prediction and evaluation of response to treatment through development of clinically useful markers to guide the treatment of cancer patients. The Branch supports the translation of knowledge of cancer biology and tumor-host interaction from the laboratory to the clinic and the application of new biomedical technologies to prognosis and prediction through targeted initiatives, participation in broad ranging NCI and NIH initiatives, and investigator-initiated grants.
CV [pdf]

Dr. Theresa Good

Topic: NSF Funding Opportunities

Dr Good received her B.S. degree from Bucknell University in 1983 and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1996. She received the NSF Career Award from 1998-2002. Dr Theresa is a program director of the Biotechnology, Biochemical, and Biomass Engineering (BBBE) program of the NSF Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET).