Fall Graduate School Orientation

School of Journalism and Strategic Media

Thursday, Aug 22, 10 a.m. Reading Room


There are two forms they must file during their first semester:
Course Approval form. Course Approval form is a departmental form.
Master’s Advisory Committee form. MAC form is a grad school form.
–Submit the completed form to me


Thesis dissertation deadline is Dec 13.

Walk back a week and the practical deadline is Dec. 6.

Walk back two weeks and your committee will want to see the final document by Nov. 22

 Graduation- Apply to graduate by October 1st via your student center in UA Connect under “My Academics.” The graduation fee will be added to your student account. After the deadline, there is a late application fee for ALL students. The Fall All University Commencement Ceremony will be Saturday, December 21st. –Graduation resources:  https://graduate-and-international.uark.edu/graduate/current-students/commencement-graduation.php

Consult your Degree Audit to confirm that you have completed all degree requirements. Remind your advisor/committee chair that a Record of Progress must be submitted to the Graduate School and your Degree Audit must be completed by the department.

Graduate Catalog Procedures
–Selection of thesis title and formation of thesis committee and submission of new Master’s Committee form. At least three months prior to the date of the defense. That would be now: Aug 22.

     Select thesis title and form thesis committee:

IRB approval

Master’s Program Checklist

Examples of Successful Thesis Projects

Multimedia – Website and Thesis: Andrew Epperson



Documentary Film: Denzel Jenkins


Data Journalism Thesis: Mohamed M’Bareck


Public Relations Focus: Morganne Rhodes


Traditional Thesis: Boitshepo Balowzi


Statement of Intent

Not walk unless you defend thesis the same semester. No more walk in Spring Commencement, defend in the Summer.  If you want to walk in the Spring, you first have to defend in the Spring.


Thesis formatting training. Julie Rogers of the Graduate School. Slides from the session are here: Formatting Workshop-r50zze

–Schedule another session?

Blackboard Training: Carolyn Smith,  Faculty and Student Support
GIBX100 (479)575-5632 (office) ccsmith@uark.edu


Apply for departmental scholarships by Feb 15

Student affairs. GA openings. hr website for hourly student work

Benjamin Lever fellowship
RISE program for underrepresented students

Travel grants:

Students may now apply for a travel grant as early as the first year of their graduate program. The student must still be presenting his/her own research as the sole student presenter at the meeting/conference, and be enrolled during the semester the travel occurs (summer excepted unless the student is in a 12-month GA position).  The full policy may be found at: https://graduate-and-international.uark.edu/graduate/costs-and-funding/travel-grants.php. Please contact Vicky Hartwell (hartwell@uark.edu, 5-4327) with questions, also gradfunding@uark.edu 

To search for graduate student travel awards in particular, you may find it helpful to: Click on the “Advanced Search” link. Leave “All Fields” selected and enter “travel” into the search box. Click on “Applicant Type” and select “Graduate Student.” Click the blue “Search” button in the upper right corner of the page. Additional information and tips about using Pivot can be found online.


Additional Grants through the Graduate and Professional Student Congress (subject to availability of funds): The Graduate and Professional Student Congress (GPSC) is excited to offer funding for students traveling to present their own original work. The GPSC Travel Grant is funding “of last resort,” meant to help students who have already exhausted other funding sources open to them.  Currently, no travel grant shall exceed $500 dollars. Please log onto HogSync at https://orgsync.com/176733/forms/337734 for more information, application and deadlines.

Funding Spotlight – A.L. Chilton Foundation Award: Students may apply for up to $500 to assist them in purchasing supplies or other resources to aid them in their research efforts. Applications are reviewed once a month. Awards will be posted to the student’s account in UAConnect.
NSF GRFP – There will be an information session for students interested in submitting a proposal in early fall. We will send the date as soon as it is available.  Here is preliminary information that may be helpful:
Interested students should begin at the applicant information page http://www.nsfgrfp.org . The GRFP supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions. The program provides up to three years of graduate education support, including an annual $34,000 stipend.
US citizens and permanent residents who are planning to enter graduate school in fall 2020 are eligible (as are those in the first two years of such a graduate program, or who are returning to graduate school after being out for two or more years). The program solicitation (http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=6201 ) contains full details.

Listserv – Razorgrad report update, funding.  gradsupport@uark.edu


Start thinking about them for the summer.

Jour 508V very popular. Brooke, Britt, Breybinda and Paige Murphy

Updated forms, paperwork


–Office of Graduate Assistant Student Support: Career advising,  free coffee Fridays. Laura Moix, Assistant Director, Gearhart Hall 273,  lmoix@uark.edu, 479-575-7038
–Talk program CAPS. Pat Walker. Monday 2 pm-4 pm
—April research day. How to do research. Library tools.
–Treasurer’s Office tuition and fee estimator https://treasurernet.uark.edu/estimator.aspx

GA Reminders

Work duties: Not to exceed 20 hours a week – supervisor not to “average out” work.
Stipend is $12,500 for two semesters.
Mid-August, Mid-May: Get a half paycheck.
Taxed on Medicare, SSI.
Tuition waiver doesn’t cover misc fees. Technology fees. Media fees. Student health fees.
Option of payroll deduction for misc fees