Module #5: Flourish


Videos to Get Started:

Alberto Cairo and Flourish - Overview


Ravi Brock and Flourish in 9 mins

Cairo - Flourish - Stories

Alberto Cairo, Flourish Tutorials, Parts 1-6

Beginning Documents

Basic Tips:
--It's all about the templates. Select the one that best matches your idea
--Do your math, sorting, formatting in Excel before uploading to Flourish. Easier
--There are hidden menus and functions in the data section. A bit frustrating but you will figure it out.


Stories in Flourish

Importing Data

Flourish Design Tips
 --Labels: be judicious with text labels. 

Within Flourish story: Once you're finished creating your visualization, click on the "Create story" button in the top right corner. This will take you through to a new Flourish story with your visualization as the first slide.

too many numbers on the labels, so think of using annotations to fix that issue.,an%20annotation%20will%20be%20added.


 --Sorting: have the chart tell a story - sorting.
 --X axis labels. rotate the x axis labels, drop the font a bit and get more of the counties represented. bump up the fonts on the x axis. rather faint.
 --Delete rows "missing county info"
 --Labels: "become the boss of this data." we take control of these ridiculous labels. what is "administrative support and waste management and remediation services" - what does that mean? 
 --Style: your credit at the bottom in the footer
Work with this version:
More Resources

Bar chart race template

Google sheets
Basic Help page

Content to popups

Different accounts
Sorting data
Adam Marton Cheat Sheet


*** Graphic stories and animated stories
See the slider at the top of this page for examples of graphic stories and animation
Bar chart race
Animated dot animation
Animated charts
Story maps
Animated maps

Templates from Flourish Team: (more examples) 

Interesting examples:
Time map - map with time slider
Twitter timelines - good for events
Election results chart
Icon map
Photo slider
Sankey - 2
Parliament “C” chart - useful for showing votes on an issue, more
Sports - player positions on a field
Chord diagram- visualize connections between entities
Survey / Dot viz (good for exploring survey results and more)
Arc map - display connections between points on a map
Cards - 2 - blocks in a grid (candidates, much more)
Bar race / Line race
Point map - 2 - visualize large data sets on a map, animate around it
Animated scatterplot
Elections | Elections 2
Background: Flourish newsrooms plan

Private projects, HTML export and much more!

Get started here

In case your account has administrative privileges for your newsroom, you will be able to invite more users to your newsroom. You can find more information on how to do that and how to administer your newsroom here.

Our extensive help docs are carefully crafted to help you overcome the occasional issue you may run into, and also show you how to create cool things.

You can find them here.

Keep track of how Flourish is constantly improving and new features are being added through our new changelog.

If you want to see what we did – and what users like you made – in 2019, take a look at our Year in Review blog post!

As an extra, for our Spanish-speaking users, we've also recently published our popular elections blog post – in Spanish! Check it out here!
Flourish - Stories


How to Create a Flourish Chart

Bar chart race template

Survey template- break out to different groups, histogram or a map

Tables with sparklines

Mobile settings
Part 5 Scatter plot and animation

Part 6:
Examples from Fall Class
Flourish So Far

Part 3 Basic world Map

Create an Active and New Cases Map: 
Click data. 
On the Regions layer, upload “arkansascounties.json” which is found in Teams files or on Github: 

Click the arrow button next to “Upload data” and select “Upload data and merge”, then upload countyonlytoday.csv and merge on “NAME” and “County_Name”, 76 rows should be imported 
Geometry should be column A. Name should be column G. Select Active_cases, Active_cases_10k_pop, Confirmed_active, Probable_active, New_cases_today, New_cases_today_10k_pop, Pct_pos_new_to_dashboard (columns U,AV,AE-AF,AO,AU,AX) for the values. 
Make sure no counties are missing/greyed out on map 
In top right corner, select Export & Publish 
Flourish Links

Module #4: Data Visualization

Principles of Data Visualization

“Our limited brains are incapable of grasping reality in all its glorious complexity.”
What you design is never exactly what your audience ends up interpreting so reducing the chances for misinterpretation becomes crucial.

Cleveland McGill Scale

Cleveland McGill Scale for Data Visualization

Important Resources for Surveying the Data Visualization Options

Dataviz Catalog
FT Visual Vocabulary

For the weekly memo: Select two examples from the Dataviz Catalog and FT Visual Vocabulary that you find interesting or useful. Include a screenshot of the chart in your memo and describe how it could apply for our project.

Graphics Comments from Jon Schleuss, Los Angeles Times

And the colors. What does “red” mean when it’s used? And what about using too many colors. At the Times we really only have two or three colors: basic default, a highlight color and a negative color. We break from convention, but keeping it simple helps. I figure now I’ll show them how I approach chart building from start to finish.

Also, I see a desire to combine different data into the same chart. So there’s a left, bottom and right axis. But that’s a bit confusing to the reader, especially when things have the same values (percentages vs. percentages instead of percentages vs. hard counts).

I think my big takeaways are that most of these charts should be flipped on their sides. That’s because when we sort data largest to smallest (nearly everyone did) we then think of it as time passing if it’s a column chart (bars situated left to right). And that there’s a downward marching trend. Best to flip a lot of these on their side.

Build choropleth maps

A Comment on Color Choices

A reader made an excellent point that the red shading of the active cases map was misleading since ‘red zone’ is a specific concept in the White House task force reports.
Our shading does not match the red zone definition of the task force report and most readers would expect that it would.
I swapped out the shading for blue-green until we figure out the calculations for active cases per capita on that White House task force scale.
It just goes to show you how color choices on graphics are major communication issues.

Reader Comment: @BruceWard2
Have you considered using a standard for which counties are red?  The map gives a false impression that Arkansas counties are not “red zones” for CoVID when they are. Replying to @BruceWard2 and @KatySeiter

Build a Cover Image Using Canva or InDesign or Powerpoint  

Rachell Sanchez-Smith used Canva for a simple animation.

Higher Resolution Graphics in Tableau
Higher Resolution Photos: at least 72 DPI. Practically, should be higher.
–500k or more is a safe bet
–Cropping reduces file size.
Grainy Guidance:
Higher Resolution Graphics in Tableau  

Maps in Tableau

Mapping in Tableau

Please review this mapping tutorial
Sample Workbook

Build a Map COVID-19 Positivity in Arkansas Counties

Data: County data for one day.

–Import the countyonlytoday.csv data as text into Tableau
–Check the geographic role of county is assigned to county.
–Go to Sheet 1:
a) drag Longitude to columns
b) Latitude to rows
c) County Name to the pane
–A map of Arkansas appears.
d) In top Menu: MAP | Edit Locations | State / Province | Fixed – Select the great state of Arkansas
–The map now has all counties represented as dots
e) In Marks card: Change Automatic to Map
f) drag Positive to the pane – you now have a map of positive rates by county.
Video below with all of these steps:

Dual MappingBubble Maps


Using countyonlytoday.csv

New sheet, begin map: Drag counties to map
Fix the missing counties: Map | Edit Locations | Fixed | Arkansas
Marks Card | Map
Drag Deaths map

Here’s where it is tricky:

Click on Longitude pill in Columns. Press Command key. Drag to Right. Release mouse
–Creates two Longitude pills and two maps
–Marks Card Now Has Controls for Two Maps

Marks Card Has Two Maps. 
Lower Map, Drag off color pill. Marks Card, switch to Circle.
Drag Deaths to Size. Enlarge the Circles
Drag Deaths to Labels.

In Columns, Select Down Arrow on Longitude | Dual Axis
–Maps are combined 

Drag County to Marks Card | Tooltip

Edit Tooltips so data displays properly

Module #9: Datawrapper

Datawrapper is one of the best tools if you have no experience. It's easy to learn but can produce attractive charts. It offers a free plan, but you have to pay for more customized charts.

First Datawrapper Chart

Get inspired: DataWrapper chart gallery
School of Data: DataWrapper tutorial
Adam Marton Datawrapper Training

Automatic chart updates: How to publish charts with external data sources

Datawrapper has good instructions on how to upload your own map here:

The general process, or at least the workflow I use, is:

1. Compress your shapefile into a zip archive.
2. Go to and import your zip archive.
3. Your map needs to use the WGS-84 projection or Datawrapper won't accept it. To put the map in that projection, hit the spacebar in mapshaper to enter the console, and enter proj wgs84
4. If you want to use labels for your map's polygons, you'll need to set interior points. In the console, enter    each "cx=$.innerX, cy=$.innerY"
5. You can also simplify the precision of the polygons on your map (hello, Chesapeake Bay) to drive down the file size of the map you're about to export. Hit the simplify button at the upper right, check the box for prevent shape removal, hit apply, and drag the slider to the right. I usually simplify down to around 50% and the map looks pretty unaffected. Your results may vary.
6. Hit the export button and choose TopoJSON as the file format.
7. Back in Datawrapper, start a new map project, click the or Upload Map button, and upload your TopoJSON file. 

From here, the process to finish your map is identical to creating any other Datawrapper map.

To go even further with a custom map, you can upload a TopoJSON that has a polygon layer for places like precincts and municipalities, and an outer boundary line layer for things like county or state boundaries. For instance, this election map has 240 municipalities in the much-discussed Philadelphia suburbs, as well as 60-plus wards for the city of Philadelphia. It also needed to have thicker lines to show county boundaries as a reference point for readers, or else all the polygons would be one large blob. Here's an example using another election map:

You start by uploading a multi-layer TopoJSON. To do that, import a polygon shapefile and a line shapefile into Make sure you apply the correct projection and set the interior points for both layers. After you export as a TopoJSON and bring it into Datawrapper, hit the toggle switch for Additional options (advanced). "Regions" are your polygons and choose "Outer borders" to set the thick boundary lines.

Anyway, that's a new Datawrapper trick that I just picked up for our election maps.


Module #7: WordPress

Using WordPress
--Author powers 
--To access back end of datareporting:
Login with UARK credentials.
Quick tips on Gutenberg editor

Custom HTML

Embed Flourish in WordPress
Under Published in Flourish, find embed code.
Create a post. 
Create a block - custom html.
Paste code there. Save and update
Looks like this:
Embed Tableau in WordPress

Using Tableau Public to Host Graphics
--Create Tableau Public account if you haven't already
--Load your student loan graphic to Tableau Public.

–Post on WordPress.
Create a new post
Use Divi Builder, the Purple box above the formatting bar
Insert columns, pick a full row
Insert module, pick </> Code
Paste your Tableau Public embed code in the Content box
Scroll down, change the Admin Label to My Mind-Blowing Tableau Graphic (or something more humble). Save and Exit
Change Page Layout (upper right corner) to Fullwidth. Publish
Revel in your nerd powers

Building the Web Page
Gutenberg has blocks to display text, graphics, video etc.
Everyone has to build their own page in DataReporting site of WordPress.
Create a Post.
Upload your graphic from Assignment #1 and your story.
Format so it doesn’t look ugly
Click “Student Work” for category.