Excel Bootcamp

Review four corners:
1. Make a copy
2. Freeze Panes
3. Four corners test
4. Check the math
Excel and the Black cross copy function
5. Sorting
6. Percentage Change:
(New Number-Old Number)/Old Number *100
NICAR coursepack

How to Filter in Excel

Basics and Sorting in Excel

Excel formulas

Practice Rates and Ratios  using this test data: Transit

Basic Data Types: Importing Data into Excel

NICAR Coursepack: Basics and Sorting in Excel 
 Open sample dataset: citybudget.xls
 1. Make a copy
 2. Four corners test
 3. Check the math
 4. Sorting
 5. Percentage Change
 Formula: (New number-Old Number)/Old Number * 100 and use % symbol
 Background and Help:
 Tutorial Video
 Lynda.com tutorial videos on Excel.
 More on Lynda.com  

Excel: NICAR pack—Cohen reading: Think in ratios – construct a ratio on the student loan beat. Memorize common numbers on the beat———

More Basic Excel Tricks

How to freeze panes in Excel


Basic introduction to pivot tables

Calculations and Pivot Tables


COUNTIF Function for Tabulating Text

FBI Exercise #2

Gather the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting, Data For All Arkansas Cities, All Crimes
Fill in the gaps of the population data using the 2014 Census Figures from this table:
Question #1: Using the four corners test, describe
—The number of cities
—How is the crime rate organized?
Question #2: Sorting.
Fayetteville is ranked what statewide for total property crime because of which type of crime?
Question #3: Calculations
Calculate a violent crime rate per 1,000 people and a property crime rate per 1,000 for all Arkansas places
Answer these questions
–The place with the highest violent crime rate in Arkansas in 2014 is xxx with a violent crime rate of xxx per 1,000
–The place with the highest property crime ratein Arkansas in 2014 is xxx with a property crime rate of xxx per 1,000
–Fayetteville’s property crime rate  is XXX per 1,000, PLACING It #  statewide.
–Fayetteville’s violent crime rate is xxx per 1,000, PLACING It #  statewide