Misc Notes from Past Assignments

 Basic Mapping Build a chart with the Arkansas schools with the highest default rates –Longitude to Columns, Latitude to Rows. Don’t use Longitude (generated). Generates a blank Arkansas map –Instnm to Labels. Your map now has all colleges –CDR3 to Color. Green-Red Diverging, with Red as highest default –Filter by CDR3 for top 10 default rates in state Dual Axis Maps Tutorial https://onlinehelp.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/maps_dualaxis.html 
 FYI Only - We will deal with animation in Flourish. But in case you are interested....  Build Animated Student Loan Graphic - Make Screen Video - Add to Posts Look at the data structure: Tidy Data 1) Process Data (2008-2016) --R Demonstration using Student Loan Data Management 10-15-19.R --Examine Combined Data 2) Build Animated Student Loan Debt, 2008-16 3) Screen video 4) Embed in post, loop, autoplay Embedding Videos in Tableau https://kb.tableau.com/articles/howto/adding-embedded-videos-to-dashboards Add video to published Razorback Reporter stories https://razorbackreporter.uark.edu/student-loans-in-arkansas/   
Dual Mapping - Bubble Maps 


Using Student Loan Data: ARDebt9-17
New sheet, begin map: double click on ZIP
Marks Card | Map
Drag White students to Color box, Convert to Average.

Click on Longitude pill in Columns. Press Command. Drag to Right. Release mouse
–Creates two Longitude pills and two maps
–Marks Card Now Has Controls for Two Maps

Marks Card Has Two Maps. 
Lower Map, Drag UGDS Black to color. Marks Card, switch to Circle. Change Color to Orange.
Upper Map, Drag UGDS White to color, Change Color scheme to Green
In Columns, Select Down Arrow on Longitude | Dual Axis
--Maps are combined 

Drag City to Marks Card | Tooltip

Edit Tooltips so data displays properly
--Select Worksheet > Tooltip. Rename the items so they are in English!
--UGDS_BLACK = Black Enrollment.
--Format | Pane | Fields AVG(UGDS _ Black) | Default | Numbers | Percentage to one decimal