NOTE: I created my graphic under the impression that the SHEP scores are reflective of the percentage of veterans who reported they were “always or usually able to get an appointment when needed for Primary Care (Routine)” as reported on the “What Veterans Say About Access to Care” webpage. I am now concerned that interpretation is incorrect because the percentages reported on the webpage are different from what my data shows. However, I wonder if the data online has not been updated to reflect the 2017 data. Whatever the case, I don’t understand why the SHEP score is reported as a number less than one.

CAPTION: The Veterans Health Administration Survey of Healthcare Experiences of Patients (SHEP) results in a score that helps officials determine veterans’ level of satisfaction when it comes to quality of medical care. According to 2017 survey data, veterans have been more satisfied with care at the VA hospitals in Fayetteville, Little Rock and North Little Rock, Arkansas, than the hospitals in Shreveport, Louisiana, and Memphis, Tennessee.