The ethics summit emphasized race and gender in the media while discussing the Sept. 26 political debate, political reporting tips, and journalism in politics. The panel of contributors to the discussion included Calvin White, Lisa Corgen, and Jesse J. Holland.

The first thing mentioned about the political debate was Donald Trump questioning President Obama’s birthplace. While most presidential candidates are subject to this question, it was noted by the panel that the subject is usually dropped after elections occur. However, President Obama’s birth certificate was produced after Donald Trump insisted on disqualifying the credentials of our president. The panel suggested that he reason why this subject is still discussed and reported on might be because of the media’s placement on the issue. A member of the panel highlighted Donald Trump’s control of the media. It was noted by the panel that in the past, candidates would have to go through the media if they wanted the public to know about them. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were able to override this step due to the exposure they already had.

Additionally, the panel encouraged aspiring journalist to adhere to their professional obligation of fact checking. The panel envision that 2016 Presidential Election will be reported on for years to come and the best way to provide historical context on this event is through long form stories. Therefore, click bait and headline stories should be avoided by professional journalists.

Finally, the panel discussed the changes that have occurred in journalism. Instantaneous coverage was stated by the panel to be the first shift of journalism. With the popularity of 24-hour news and social media, Holland said it was important to fact check and prepare a story before an event occurred. Holland said that “the worst decision (was) a rushed decision” and encouraged reporters to research the context of a story before writing about it. Holland shared with the audience that the wizard of the Ku Klux Klan he interviewed for a story commented on the accuracy of Holland’s story.