

University of Arkansas. CLST 1003. Introduction to Classical Studies: Greece. Professor D. B. Levine

ARISTOPHANES’ BIRDS (Translated by Peter Meineck)

Due Wednesday April 28, 2021.

Newt Gingrich, Barak Obama and the Colbert Report on CloudCuckooLand. (Republican Primary, 2012)

Dr. Levine’s Thoughts on BIRDS and UTOPIA.

0. Why do MAKEMEDO (Peisthetaerus) and GOODHOPE (Euelpides) want to leave Athens? (lines 30-48) What do their names mean, and what are they called in this translation? (p. 263, note, p. 382)

1. What is the Servant’s (Secretary Bird’s) first reaction to the visitors, and how does this remind us of analogous scenes in CLOUDS (Student)? (p. 17, lines 130ff.)

2. What joke lies behind MAKEMEDO calling himself a ‘Yellow-streaked Dribbler’? (line 65) How is this remark similar to the joke at line 88?

3. How is Hoopoe costumed? (lines 93ff, and pp. 384-385)

4. What ‘species’ does GOODHOPE say still lives in the rural areas? What is his point? (lines 110 ff.; see note on page 385)

5. What is GOODHOPE’s attitude towards ‘aristocratic government’? (lines 125-f, and note on page 385)

6. What two examples do MAKEMEDO and GOODHOPE give of the kind of city they want to live in? (lines 127-142) What does this tell us about their idea of ‘the good life’?

7. What do humans think about ‘birdlike’ behavior, according to MAKEMEDO? How can the birds change that attitude? (lines 165 ff.)

8. Why are the Birds so hostile to MAKEMEDO and GOODHOPE, and how does Hoopoe get them to agree to listen to the men? (pp. 291-295)

9. How does MAKEMEDO use Aesop to win the Birds’ confidence? (lines 467ff.)

10. What joke does GOODHOPE make about Phoenicians and Egyptians? (line 505)

11. How does the plan to set up the city (lines 550 ff.) remind us of Genesis 11, the ‘Tower of Babel?’

12. Why does MAKEMEDO recommend ‘seizure of all offending members’? (560)

13. What does GOODHOPE think about Sparta? What brings up the subject in the first place? (810)

14. Why does GOODHOPE prefer the Cock instead of Athena as divine protector of the new city? (826)

15. To whom does the Priest pray in the dedication ceremony? Why are these prayers appropriate? What is MAKEMEDO’s reaction to these invocations? (859ff)

16. How is the POET portrayed? (lines 903 ff) What is Aristophanes parodying here? (see Note, p. 394)

17. How is the PROPHET portrayed? Why does MAKEMEDO chase him away? (lines 958 ff; Note, p. 395)

18. Who is Meton, and how does he want to help the new city? (lines 995 ff, and note, page 395-396)

19. Why does MAKEMEDO chase off Inspector and LAWYER? (lines 1022-1054)

20. Why might an Animal-Rights Activist approve of the Chorus Leader’s speech in the Second Parabasis, especially lines 1072-1087?

21. What are the ‘owls’ from Laurium,’ and why do the birds promise these to the people? (line 1107, and note on line 302)

22. How does MAKEMEDO treat the goddess Iris? Give an example  of his insults. What does this tell us about how Old Comedy treats the gods? (lines 1198 ff.)

23. In what ways does the Messenger who crowns MAKEMEDO say that people used to imitate the Spartans? What is their new craze?(1274ff.)

24. What advice does MAKEMEDO have for the rebellious Youth? (lines 1336-1371)

25. How does MAKEMEDO react to Informer’s request for wings? What is the Greek word for “INFORMER? (1410ff)

26. Why does Prometheus come to CLOUDCUCKOOLAND? Why is he so nervous? What advice does he give, and how does this match his mythological function? (1496 ff., and note on pages 398-399)

27. How does the god JERKOFFALOT show his barbarity? (lines 1565ff, 1614ff, 1627ff, 1677ff.) What is the significance of his name, and what is it in Greek? (see note on page 398)

28. Why does Heracles change so quickly from wanting to strangle MAKEMEDO to wanting to accept his terms? (lines 1575ff)

29. How does The Birds end? How does this ending compare or contrast with the endings of the other two comedies we just read: Clouds and Wasps?

What? Minecraft Cloud Cuckoo Land?