
GREEK 1013. Elementary Classical Greek II

Daniel B. Levine

Illustration: Athenian Acropolis from Philopappos

Photo by J. Matthew Harrington.


Welcome back to Greek! This semester we will continue
reading the story of Dikaiopolis and his family in fifth-century Athens
as we add to our treasure of Greek grammar and vocabulary. We will do a
lot of reading aloud, a lot of exercises, fun etymologies, and much translating.
We learn by doing! We shall finish ATHENAZE Book I (chapters 14-16), and
our goal is to complete Lesson 28 in Book II.


Textbook Requirements:


1. Balme/Lawall Athenaze: An Introduction To Ancient Greek Book
I, Second Edition

2. Balme/Lawall Athenaze: An Introduction To Ancient Greek Book II,
Second Edition

3. Liddell/Scott Greek-English Lexicon (Abridged).

Classroom procedure will stress student reading and comprehension.
We shall learn from ‘secret words,’
go over homework exercises, take short quizzes on grammar and vocabulary,
and read the text and study its grammar. It is essential that most students
spend at least two hours per class doing homework.


This semester we might not be able to read all of the text of each chapter
in class. We hope to build on the solid base established in the fall. Work
hard; manage your time well. You can do it!


Grades are based on completion of homework assignments
(30%), class preparation (30%), secret word presentations (10%), and examinations

Bad Weather Policy.

Your instructor will be here when the University
is open. If a student is prevented by weather from reaching class, the absence
will be excused, and the work will be made up without penalty.

Daniel B. Levine, Professor, Classical

Office: Kimpel Hall 502, Office Hours:
MWF 10:30-11:20, and by appointment.

Office Phone: 575-5937; Home Phone: 521-3294

FAX: 575-6795, EMAIL:

Assignment Schedule (tentative).




Week 1

Wednesday, January 18 Welcome and Review. New Testament Greek. p. 203,
and p. 231.

Friday, January 20. Read 14a, pages 232-241. Complete Exercises 14a,
14 b.


Week 2

Monday, January 23 Read pages 242-249, complete Exercises 14d, 14 e.

Wednesday, January 25 Read pp. 250–254. Complete Ex. 15abg (only
odd #s in 15g

Friday, January 27 Read pp. 258-265. Complete Word Building (p. 261),
and Ex. 15d and zeta.



Week 3

Monday, January 30 Read pp. 266-271. Complete Exercise 16 beta and gamma.

Wednesday, February 01 Read pages 274-281. Hand in Exercise 16 epsilon.

Friday, February 03 Review and Reading from Lessons 14, 15 and 16.


Week 4

Monday, February 06 Quiz: Lessons 14, 15 and 16.

Wednesday, February 08. Read in Book II Introduction, pages vii-xvii.
Look carefully at the charts and make some observations to share in class.

Friday, February 10 Read pages 2-9, complete Exercises 17a (1), and 17b
(odds) 17g (all), 17d (odds).


Week 5

Monday, February13 Read pages 10-17. Complete exercise 17z, and write
an English translation of the “Miracle Cures” on pages 16-17.

Wednesday, February 15 Review Lesson 17. Possible Quiz.

Friday, February 17 Read pages 18-25. Complete exercises 18 beta, gamma,
and delta (all), and Exercise 18 e (odds).


Week 6

Monday, February 20 Read pages 26-32, and Complete exercises 18eta (odds)
theta (odds) and iota (all).

Wednesday, February 22 Review Lesson 18. Write a translation of “Miracle
Cures”, pages 34-35.

Friday, February24 Read pages 36-45. Complete Exercises 19abg.


Week 7

Monday, February 27 Read pages 46-52. Hand in Word Building (p. 48),
and Exercises 19epsilon and zeta (all), and eta (odds).

Wednesday, March 01 Read 56-61. Hand in 20b, 20g.

Friday, March 03 Read 62-68, Hand in Word Building (p. 64), and Ex. 20
epsilon, zeta, and eta.


Week 8

Monday, March 06 Read 72-81. Hand in Ex. 21b (odds), g (all).

Wednesday, March 08 Read 82-89. Hand in Word Building, p. 84, and Ex.
21 zeta, eta.

Friday, March 10 Read 90-99. Hand in Ex. 22a (all), 22b (odds), 22g (odds).


Week 9

Monday, March 13 Read 100-105. Hand in Word Building (p. 102), and Ex.

Wednesday, March 15 Review. Practice Reading/Translating, Chapters 21-22

Friday, March 17 Review. Quiz.





Week 10

Monday, March 27 Review.

Wednesday, March 29 Read pp. 106-113. Complete Exercises 23ab.

Friday, March 31. Read 114-123. Exercises 23 gamma, delta, epsilon.


Week 11

Monday, April 03 Read 124-131. Hand in 24ab.

Wednesday, April 05. Read pp. 132-139. Hand in Word Building (p. 134)
and Ex. 24d

Friday, April 087 Read 140-149. Hand in 25ab (all), d (odds) and epsilon


Week 12

Monday,. April 10 Read 150-159. Exercises 25 theta, iota.

Wednesday, April 12 Exercise. 26a (all) and beta (odds).

Friday, April 14 Read 160-167. Review the Optative and Subjunctive. Possible


Week 13

Monday, April 17 Read 168-178. Hand in Word Building (p. 171) and Exercise
26 gamma.

Wednesday, April 19 Read 179-193. Hand in Exercises 27 beta, gamma, delta.

Friday, April 21 Read 194-203. Hand in 27 zeta, theta (odds), iota (odds)
27 kappa (all).


Week 14


Monday, April 24. Read 204-215. Hand in 28 gamma (all), delta (all),
epsilon (all), and zeta (odds).

Wednesday, April 26. Read 216-221. Hand in Word Building (p. 218), and
Ex. 28 eta (all) theta (all), and iota (odds).

Friday, April 28 Review and Reading.


Week 15

Monday, May 01 Review and Reading.

Wednesday, May 03. Review and Reading.

Friday, May 06 Dead Day


Exam Week:





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