

Thucydides Peloponnesian
Book 2 (Lattimore translation) Study Questions

Due: October 31.

[NOTE: If you are pressed for time, you may skip reading
sections 79-103]

Illustration: Clay Vase
in the Shape of a Kneeling boy. Found in the Agora at Athens. Attic: 540-530
BCE. Height. 25.5 cm.

Agora Museum, Athens.

This is a perfume container, probably a ‘dedication of a
contest victor. perhaps he is binding a fillet around his head, making him
an archaic ‘diadoumenos’. Traces of glaze indicate that his hair and mouth
were originally colored red.

Construction: The body and head were cast in a mold; arms
and lower legs modeled separately. The mouth of the vase was thrown on a
wheel. Perhaps the work of an Ionian artist, because of the characteristic
round face with large eyes and full cheeks.

[The Human Figure in Early Greek Art. Greek
Ministry of Culture, 1987, fig. 48]



The Opening Battles of he Peloponnesian War


1. What did the Thebans do to the Plataians? Why did they
do it? What was the reaction of the Plataians? What was the reaction of
the Athenians? 2.1-6

2. What does Thucydides say about the earthquake on Delos,
and how does this match what Herodotus had said about a similar event? Thucydides
2.8 (and Lattimore’s note); Herodotus 6.98

3. What is the essence of Archidamos’ speech to the Spartans
and their allies before they invade Attica? 2.11

4. How did Pericles tell the Athenians to prepare for the
war? How did the Athenians react? 2.13-14

5. What did Theseus do that established the foundations
for the Athenian state? What is the “Synoikia”? 2.15

6. How did the Athenians deal with the problems of living
space during the war? 2.17

7. How did Pericles react when the Athenians felt rage
against him? Why were the people angry? 2.21-22


Pericles’ Funeral Oration


8. What were the circumstances of Pericles’ delivery of
this speech? 2.34

9. What does Pericles say that present-day Athenians owe
to their ancestors? their fathers? 2.35-36

10. What does Pericles say is unique about the Athenian
constitution? 2.36-37

11. What kind of attitude does Pericles say that the Athenians
have about people who do their own thing? Why do you think that he considers
this to be a strength of Athens? 2.37

12. What does Pericles say that the Athenians fear? Why
is this a good fear? 2.37

13. How does Pericles say that the Athenians get ‘respites
from labor’? 2.38

14. How does Pericles say that the Athenians differ from
the Spartans in preparing for war? What can you think of as advantages of
an open society and a relaxed way of life? 2.39

15. What does Pericles say that the Athenian attitude is
towards wealth, poverty, and discussion of public affairs? 2.40

16. What benefit does Pericles say that the Athenians get
from their generosity? 2.40

17. What about Athens makes it an ‘education for Hellas’?
2. 41

18. Why does Pericles mention Homer in his eulogy? What
does he imply about poets and poetry? 2.41

19. Why is Thucydides use of “lovers” considered
a “startling choice of words?”( note to 2.43)

20. After Pericles tells his fellow citizens to become
“lovers” of Athens, what else does he encourage them all to do?

21. What does Pericles say about the virtue of women? 2.45

22. What does Pericles say about the love of honor? 2.44

23. According to Pericles’ speech, how will the Athenian
state treat the children of those who died in the war? 2.46


The Plague


24. What does Lattimore say is ‘extraordinarily dramatic’
about the placement of 2.47-54? (see note to 2.47)

25. What kinds of normally useful things (name three) were
found to be ineffective against the plague? 2.47

26. What did the Athenians see as the origin of the plague?

27. Why does Thucydides say that he chooses to describe
the plague in such detail? Why should we take his account as accurate? 2.48

28. What were the two ‘most terrible’ miseries of the plague?

29. What does Thucydides say was an aggravation of the
existing calamity? (i.e. What made it worse than it might otherwise have
been?) 2.52

30. How did the plague affect burial rites at Athens? 2.52

31. According to Thucydides, how did the plague affect
Athenians’ attitude towards morals and worshipping the gods? 2.53

32. What is Thucydides’ observation about Athenian interpretation
of oracles? 2.54

33. What was the Spartan reaction to the plague in Athens?
How useful was this reaction? 2.57

34. Summarize two of Pericles’ arguments meant to dissuade
the dejected Athenians from coming to terms with the Spartans during the
plague. 2.59-64


The Plague’s Aftermath


35. What characteristic of Athenian democracy does Thucydides
comment on in a derogatory way when he discusses the actions of the people
towards Pericles? 2.65

36. How did the Athenians — according to Thucydides –
bring harm to their state after the death of Pericles? 2.65

37. How does Thucydides say that Pericles contrasted with
succeeding Athenian leaders? 2.65

38. How does Thucydides explain Pericles’ success as leader
of Athens? 2.65

39. Briefly describe the tactics of Peloponnesian siege
of Plataia. What did each side have in its favor? 2.75-78


[NOTE: If you are pressed for time, you may skip reading sections


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