
Illustration: Odysseus (wearing a himation)
in Achilles’ Tent, trying to convince Achilles (wrapped in a himation) to
return to the Achaean ranks and accept Agamemnon’s offer. Notice Odysseus’
hand gestures and his open mouth as he talks to Achilles. See Iliad
9. 229 ff (Lombardo translation).

Hung on wall is Achilles’ sword, and his shield wrapped
in its cover (sagma). The inscription reads ho pais kalos
(‘The boy is good looking;’ no relation to the picture.)

Red Figure Cup. British Museum (BM Cat.Vases E
56). Early 5th century BCE. from Vulci, Cucumella area C. Painter: Douris
(according to Beazley and Hartwig, but Guy has reattributed it to the Oedipus