Aristophanes PEACE
Dionysia, 421 BCE (second prize).
Translation by Jeffrey Henderson (Loeb Classical
(Due: Wednesday, 28 November, 2007)
Illustration: Skyphos (black-figure) from Kabeiroi sanctuary
near Thebes. 6th century BCE. Thebes Museum. Scenes are often comic. This
flute player is going to get a surprise.
1 Why is this play called PEACE?
2 What is significant about the name of the hero of this
play? What does his name mean, and how does the play emphasize this
meaning? (see p. 420, note to line 62, and lines 190, 577, 912, 1340).
3 Why do the slaves of Trygaeus complain about their work? (1-49)
4 What is the subject of conversation of the two slaves in the
Prologue (1-49)? How does this theme fit in with the outlook of Athenian
Old Comedy?
5 To whom do the slaves speak at lines 9, 13, and 20? What
does this say about the ‘dramatic illusion’ of this play?
6 What is the substance of the slaves’ conversation in lines
43-61? What does this tell us about the composition of the audience
of this play?
7 What is the slaves’ notion of their master’s mental state?
Cite a passage to support your statement (64-113).
8 What is the point of presenting Trygaeus’ daughters in the
beginning of the play? (114-148) What kind of relationship do
they have with their father? Cite a passage.
9 In his speech on his way to heaven, Trygaeus addresses five
different interlocutors, none of whom answer right away. Who are the
ones he addresses? (149-179)
10 What are two scatological references in Trygaeus’ speech on
the way to heaven (149-179)? Why are they appropriate to the situation
in which he finds himself?
11 What does fear have to do with defecation in this play?
(176, 1176)
12 How does Hermes welcome Trygaeus to Zeus’ door? (180 ff.)
Cite a passage.
13 What two jokes about Trygaeus’ appear in the text when
Trygaeus meets Hermes? (180-191)
14 In what way does Trygaeus tell Hermes that he is not
a typical Athenian (191)?
15 How does Trygaeus win a real welcome from Hermes? (192) What
does this say about the nature of the god Hermes? How is this nature reinforced
at lines 385-425?
16 What is the meaning of the reference to “Pylos”
in line 219? How is this reinforced at 665?
17 What puns on food and cities does the play make as War
plans to use the mortar? (236-259?
18 How does the play compare two Greek generals to two
pestles? (259-288)
19 What craft/trade does the play associate with Cleon?
Cite examples. (270, 648, 669)
20 What does Trygaeus tell the Chorus to stop doing that they
cannot stop? Why is this ironic in light of the etymology of the word
“chorus”? (318-360)
21 How do the Chorus and Trygaeus convince Hermes to help them
rescue Peace? (364-438)
22 During the prayer, what curses does Trygaeus invoke upon those
who prefer war to peace? (433-460)
23 In what way does this play consider the Farmers to be the
real heroes? (508-516)
24 How is wine associated with Peace? (520-21, and elsewhere….
lots of places!)
25 What are the smells of war and of peace? (525-532)
26 What are the anticipated reactions of businessmen to the return
of Peace? (545-555) How does this compare to the scene later in the play,
with the Arms Dealer, Helmet Maker, and Spear Maker (1210-1269)
27 What picture of the farmers’ life does the play give?
28 What are the joys of country life that the Chorus praises,
to be had when Peace returns? (583-600)
29 In the comic account of the beginning of the Peloponnesian
War, how are the sculptor Phidias and Pericles involved? (603-616)
And how does the poet pay a compliment to the excellence of Phidias’ sculpture,
in the midst of blaming him for the war?
30 What kind of anti-Spartan sentiment does Hermes express?
31 What responsibility do the orators (this means politicians)
have for the misery of the Athenians during the war, according to Hermes?
32 How does Peace express a longing for the ‘good old days’?
What was better about the past than the present state of affairs?
33 The “Parabasis” begins at 729. What is a
Parabasis, and what is the main theme of this one?
34 How does the play associate the gods with pimps? (842-854)
What crude sexual joke on the bride does the slave make?
35 How will the old Trygaeus become young again? (856-867)
36 What is the real reason that the men of Athens are so interested
in getting Holiday back in the peace deal? (871-908) What kinds of jokes
are made about her as she is turned over to the Council?
37 What are the basic parts of the sacrificial ritual
that will welcome Peace back? 923-1022)
38 What does the oracle-monger Hierocles want from Trygaeus?
(1045-1124) What kind of language do they use in their conversation?
What are ‘vatic hexameters’? Why is this funny?
39 How are the joys of peace equated with food, wine and
sex in the Chorus 1127-1171?
40 How do war implements get modified for peaceful purposes (‘turning
swords into plowshares,’ as it were)? (1224-1264)
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