Optional Extra Credit Opportunity: CLST 1003, Spring 2015. D. B. Levine
Students who choose this option may replace a zero or low participation or daily SLO grade with this assignment.
1. Read Plutarch’s “Life of Pericles.” You might find it in the library, or on line here:
2. Summarize the “Life” and include at least one paragraph of your thoughtful reactions to any part of it.
3. In your sumamry, please make brief reference to Pericles’ education, his relationship with Pheidias, his building program at Athens and his citizenship law. Mention one anecdote that shows his character. Explain who Aspasia was. Finally, explain how Plutarch sums up Pericles’ virtues at the end of the essay.
4. In your summary, be sure to include at least one short quotation from somewhere in the first 20 chapters, and at least one short quotation from somewhere in chapters 21-39. When referring to the text, be sure to include the chapter numbers, especially when quoting.
Maximum Length: three double-space typed pages (12 point type).
Note: There are two characters named Thucydides in Plutarch’s “Life of Pericles.” Do not confuse them. One Thucydides is Pericles’ early political rival; the other is the historian of the Peloponnesian War.
Due: Hand in a hard copy before 3:00 pm on Tuesday, May 5, 2015. If you do not give it in to Dr. Levine in person, you may leave the paper in his mailbox in Kimpel Hall 425, in the World Languages Department office.
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