
University of Arkansas

Fall, 2002. FLAN 3002 Life Science Terminology

Professor Daniel B. Levine

Review for Final Examination.

(December 17 Tuesday. 7:30- 9:30 AM.)


The final examination will draw from material given below.

Be able to define and divide any of the words given in student oral
since the midterm examination, as shown on the course web site:

(The words PULCHRITUDINOUS and NYSTAGMOGRAPH will be included.)


Write in Greek letters (upper or lower case). Be sure to use smooth and
rough breathings appropriately. You do not need to include accent marks.

skeleton ____________________

rheostosis ___________________

pneumonia ___________________

pericholecystitis ___________________

myringomycosis ___________________

hydroparasalpinx ___________________

heteradenoma ___________________

eosinopenia ___________________

bronchitis ___________________

anuresis ____________________


Identify the following as singular or plural:

viscus bursae fistula calculi corpora genus ovum calculus


What is a flexor? ______________________________________

What is the literal meaning of effusion? infusion? transfusion?

____________________ ________________ _____________


Divide and Define:

1. acropachy _________________________________

2. amyotrophy ___________________________________

3. angiemphraxis ___________________________

4. antefebrile ____________________________________

5. aphemia ____________________________________

6. binaural _________________________________________

7. cardiocentesis _____________________________

8. cardiotomy ______________________________

9. cholecystitis ______________________________

10. diaphragmatocele ____________________________

11. diarrhea _______________________________

12. encephalolith _________________________________

13. endomyocarditis ___________________

14. enteromycosis ______________________

15. facies labialis dentis _______________________

16. fibroplasia __________________________

17. galactocele ___________________________

18. hepatogenous ______________________________

19. incisor _______________________________

20. infracostal ___________________________

21. introflection ___________________________

22. lipolytic _________________________________

23. macromastia ___________________________

24. nephroncus ___________________________

25. nephrosclerosis ______________________________

26. othemorrhea __________________________

27. panasthenia ______________________________

28. pediculosis capitis ________________________

29. perinephritis ____________________________

30. perispondylitis ____________________________

31. phobophobia ______________________________

32. polyphagia ________________________________

33. puruloid ____________________________________

34. pygalgia ______________________________

35. rachitome __________________________

36. salpingosalpingostomy _________________________

37. sanguinopoietic ____________________________

38. splenoptosis _______________________________

39. stasibasiphobia_____________________________

40. steatorrhea ___________________________


What is facies hepatica? ___________

What is febris flava? _____________

The motto of the United States of America is E PLURIBUS UNUM. What is
its literal meaning? ____________________________

What is the relationship between venotomy and phlebotomy? _______________________________________________

What is the relationship between myodynia and myalgia? _________________________________________________

What is the relationship between osteoblast and osteoclast?


What is the relationship between menarche and menopause?


What is the difference between myoma and myeloma?



Give a clear, concise definition of each of the following emphasized
words, and indicate whether each is a verb, noun, or adjective.

Bradycardia may be an innocuous constitutional trait running in
the family.

Bradycardia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?


The disturbance of calcium and phosphorus metabolism caused by vitamin
D deficiency causes beriberi in infants and children and osteomalacia
in adults.

osteomalacia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

In such varied and unique situations as a quarter-mile run, parturition,
an epileptic seizure, an episode of pain, or an emotional disturbance, a
transient leukocytosis of 20,000 to 30,000 cells per cubic millimeter
may be found. (normally, 1 cu. mm. of blood contains 5,000 to 10,000 leukocytes)

parturition: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

leukocytosis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

The earliest known diseases to which prehistoric man was exposed were
necrosis, exostoses, and other bony lesions, the arthritides,
including rheumatoid arthritis and spondylitis deformans, and diseases
of the teeth. (-itides is the plural form for words ending in -itis)

necrosis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

exostoses: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

arthritides: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

spondylitis __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?


Divide and Define:

encephalolith ______________________________________

endangiitis _________________________________________

antalgesic ________________________________________


The etiology of acrocyanosis is unknown, but a local sensitivity
of the arterioles to cold is thought to be the cause.

acrocyanosis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

arterioles: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?


Pain is the outstanding clinical feature of cholecystitis and
is usually present in the epigastrium.

cholecystitis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

epigastrium: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

In cases of erythremia, hyperemia is observed in all organs
and may account for the hepatomegaly.

erythremia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

hyperemia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

hepatomegaly: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

It has been estimated that 15 million people in the USA are afflicted
with cholelithiasis.

cholelithiasis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

It is obvious that in cases of pyonephrosis the danger of propagation
of microorganisms is involved.

pyonephrosis: _________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?


Researchers suggest that the Pill presents not just one more risk to
its users but is synergetic in its effect.

synergetic: __________________________________________ noun, adj,

For generalized hyperhidrosis, treatment of the underlying systemic
disease or psychotherapy is necessary.

hyperhidrosis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?


In heavy blood stream invasions there may be a true pyemia with
multiple abscesses throughout the body, the osteomyelitis belong
only a part of the general infection.

pyemia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

osteomyelitis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?


Early thiamin deficiency produces neurasthenia with fatigability,
irritability, poor memory, sleep disturbances, precordial pain, anorexia,
abdominal discomfort, and constipation.

neurasthenia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

anorexia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?


Arthrosis of the knee joint may in rare instances be simulated
by osteoma or osteochondroma of the joint.

arthrosis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

osteoma: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

osteochondroma:___________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Leuconychia is often present in cases of cirrhosis of the liver
and in myelomatosis.

leuconychia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Congenital amyotonia is a hereditary disease of infancy.

amyotonia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

A common complaint in acute gastritis is pyrosis along
the course of the esophagus.

gastritis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

pyrosis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Myelopathic anemias constitute a heterogenous group of conditions
of diverse cause and uncertain pathogenesis.

myelopathic: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

pathogenesis: __________________________________________
noun, adj, verb?

Hyperkinesis is a common feature in minimal brain dysfunction.

hyperkinesis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

In patients with hereditary familial telangiectasia involving
the nasal mucosa, it may be necessary to remove the involved mucous membrane
and replace it with a skin graft. Sub-mucosal injection of a mild sclerosing
agent just beneath the telangiectasis is often of value and is the treatment
of choice.

telangiectasia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

sclerosing: __________________________________________
noun, adj, verb?

Effects depend on the type and degree of hypoxia, the rapidity
of its development, its duration, and the relative physiological competency
of the involved cells at the onset.

hypoxia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Angioedema can be due to drug allergy, insect stings or bites,
desensitization injections, or ingestion of certain foods (particularly
eggs, shellfish, nuts, and fruits).

angioedema: __________________________________________
noun, adj, verb?

Since exploratory laparotomy is of value in determining the cause
of illness in some instances, it is important to consider when such a procedure
is indicated.

laparotomy: __________________________________________ noun, adj, verb?

In cases of cirrhosis, if the major complications of hematemesis,
hepatic coma, ascites, and jaundice have appeared, prognosis
is poor, with one-year survival rates of only 30 percent.

hematemesis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

ascites: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

prognosis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

In schizophrenia, thinking or the organization of communications
is disturbed, resulting in profound alterations of the individual’s self-experience
and perception of the world. During the prodromal phase, the patient
frequently experiences brief episodes when he feels that he has marked insight
into the meaning of life, or brief periods of perceptual hyperclarity, in
which colors and objects become vivid.

schizophrenia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

prodromal: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

When measles is at its height, the temperature may be over 104 degrees
Fahrenheit, with swelling of the face, conjunctivitis, photophobia,
a hacking cough, extensive rash, and mild itching.

photophobia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Rachitic tetany is caused by hypocalcemia and may accompany
either infantile or adult vitamin D deficiency.

rachitic: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

hypocalcemia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?


Epistaxis is a common emergency that usually results from a local
disturbance, but may be associated with a serious systemic disorder.

epistaxis: _________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Adenocarcinoma of the prostate accounts for the greatest number
of malignancies in men over 65.

adenocarcinoma: _____________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Genitourinary neoplasms constitute a major segment of malignant
disease in children, adults, and the elderly.

neoplasms: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Cheilosis may result from vitamin B6 deficiency.

cheilosis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

A significant proportion of patients who suffer a brain infarct have
a history of previous brief episodes, ‘little strokes,’ of transient cerebral

ischemia: _________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

The term idiopathic epilepsy indicates that study of the patient
has failed to disclose any etiology.

idiopathic: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

There is an acute conjunctivitis, known as inclusion blennorrhea
in the newborn, and swimming pool conjunctivitis in the adult.

blennorrhea: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Extreme aerophagia may produce abdominal distention, a sensation
of smothering, palpitation, dyspnea, cardiac pain, and even
fear of impending death.

aerophagia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

dyspnea: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

cardiac: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Ataxis is usually tested by observing the patient’s gait, especially
if he is asked to walk along a straight line, by ordering the patient to
place his hell on the opposite knee, by asking him to touch the tip of his
nose with his finger or to pick up a needle or another small object. Static
becomes evident by swaying in standing upright due to uncoordinated
tonus of synergistic and antagonistic muscle groups.

ataxis: _________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

static ataxia: ________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Patients with prolonged hyperthermia are a common occurrence in
medical practice. Search for possible infectious origin may fail to discover
infected tonsils, teeth, or sinuses, endocarditis, mild chronic cholecystitis,
regional ileitis, pyelitis, prostatitis, phlebitis and the like.

hyperthermia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

If your doctor prescribes an adipogenous medication, you will
expect that it will help your body to _________________________ (verb) more
____________________ (noun).

If you suffer from visceroptosis, one of your _______________
(noun) has _________________________ .

Doctors describe a muscle as bicipital when it has ________ (number)
____________ (noun).

What is myatonia congenita?

What is fungal septicemia?

The sudden onset of pain, numbness, weakness or paresthesias in the lower
extremities, accompanied by coldness, pallor, mottled cyanosis, and absent
pulsations in the same areas, is clinical evidence of an embolus
lodged at the aortic bifurcation.

embolus: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

aortic bifurcation: _________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

With the onset of ventricular failure, it is usual to find sinus
tachycardia, arrhythmias, evidences of mitral regurgitation,
or mural thrombi.

ventricular: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

tachycardia: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

arrhythmias: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

mitral regurgitation_______________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

thrombi: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Atrial septal defect occasionally is associated with rheumatic
mitral stenosis, this association being known as Lutembacher’s syndrome.
For obvious reasons the septal defect is, in a certain way, a favorable
complication of mitral stenosis because it relieves the pressure in the
left atrium, and hence in the pulmonary circulation.

atrial septal defect: _________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

stenosis: ________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

The pain in angina pectoris is described as a sensation of heaviness,
pressure or tightness behind the sternum, usually in its upper part, sometimes
in the precordial region or epigastrium.

angina pectoris: ______________________________ noun, adj,

Galactorrhea is seen more often now than formerly, probably because
of the wider use of tranquilizers and oral contraceptives.

Galactorrhea: ________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

The cause of endometrial carcinoma is unknown, but abnormal estrogen
balance has been linked with its development.

endometrial: _________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Hyperemesis gravidarum affects at least half of pregnant women
in the USA.

hyperemesis gravidarum: _________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Salpingitis may be acute or chronic and unilateral or bilateral.
It accounts for 15 to 20 percent of gynecologic admission to large hospitals.
It is more common in urban areas, especially where gonorrhea is prevalent,
obstetric care is poor, and tuberculosis is not well controlled.

Salpingitis: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

bilateral: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Bromidrosis is caused by decomposition of the sweat and cellular
debris by the action of bacteria and yeasts.

Bromidrosis: _______________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Hymenotomy and other plastic surgical procedures should be done
only when obvious gynatresia is present. (Grk tresis, perforation)

hymenotomy: ________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

gynatresia: ________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Dystocia may occur when the myometrial contractions are too weak
or too strong, too frequent or too infrequent, too brief or too prolonged,
or when they are irregular.

Dystocia: ________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

Primary or secondary amenorrhea may be caused by mechanical obstruction
of the hymen or in the vaginal or cervical canal which prevents drainage
of uterine secretions. Depending on the site and duration of obstruction,
hematocolpos, hematometra, and/or hematoperitoneum may develop.

hematocolpos: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?

hematometra: __________________________________________ noun,
adj, verb?


Determine the function of each of the following muscles:

musculus adductor pollicis _____________________________

musculus levator anguli oris ____________________________

musculus constrictor pharyngis superior __________________

musculus triceps surae _________________________________

musculus sphincter ani externus __________________________

musculus flexor digiti minimi brevis manus _________________


What is limb abduction? __________________________________

What is limb adduction? __________________________________

What is sinistrad? ___________________________________

What is dextrad? ___________________________________

What is ankylosis? ___________________________________

What is ankyloproctia? ___________________________________

What is ankylocolpos? ___________________________________

Who was Paris? ___________________________________ Why

was he also called Alexander? _____________________________

What is the origin and modern meaning of the word aphrodisiac?



In what part of the body did the ancients believe the seat of the emotions
reside? __________________________________


Why was Oedipus called by this name? ______________________


Give the word derived from Greek and/or Latin elements that means each
of the following.

Pregnancy in a fallopian tube _________________

Plastic surgery of the nipple __________________

Slow childbirth (use Greek forms) _____________

An agent that induces the secretion of milk (use the Latin form) ___

Suture of a lung _____________

Any disease of the pharynx ______________

Fissure of the uvula ________________

Paralysis (of the muscles of the walls) of the bronchial tubes ______

Resembling bacteria ____________

Deficiency of iron (in the body) ____________

Pain in the chest _______

An instrument to record the pulse _________

Producing a blood clot ________

Toward the right (side) _____

(The presence of) starch in the blood __________

The act of bending backward __________

A cutting around __________

(Passing from the) front to behind __________

(Abnormally) large size of the limbs __________

Umbilical hemorrhage __________

Pain in the jaw __________

Having many forms __________

Plastic surgery of the nose and (upper) lip __________

Inflammation of the spine __________

Pain in a vertebra __________

The study of hair __________

Pertaining to all the people __________

Inability to swallow __________

Fear of corpses __________

Fear of spiders __________

Abnormally excessive memory __________

Incision of the spleen through the abdominal wall __________

Arterial dilation __________

Rupture of a (blood) vessel __________

Discharge of pus (from) the ear ________

The study of ulcers __________

Hardening of the skin __________

Membrane around a cartilage __________

Preventing perspiration __________

Hernia of the bladder __________

Surgical opening of passage between stomach, intestine, and colon __________________

The membrane around the heart __________

(Abnormal) narrowing (of a passage) __________

The state of living together __________


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