University of Arkansas. Fall, 2003. CLST 1003.
Introduction to Classical Studies, Greece. D. B. Levine


Optional Extra Credit Assignment


The University of Arkansas Museum will have an exhibit of Greek vases
on display until 31 October, 2003. Visiting hours are: M-F 9:00 AM – 12
noon ONLY.


Students who choose to complete this assignment will get an extra graded
participation grade.


1. Go to the University of Arkansas Museum and find the display entitled
“Hold It!” (on the north wall). Take your copy of GREEK ARCHAEOLOGY,
by William Biers.

2. Look at the whole exhibit, and read all the information contained
therein. You might want to bring a flashlight, as it’s rather dark in there.

3. Type an account of what you find, including:

a) A list of the names of at least five different types of vessels,
including their names correctly spelled, and their functions (what they
were used for).

b) A sketch of at least one of the vessels.

c) The places of origin of at least two of the vessels, with an explanation
of where exactly these are.

d) At least three parallels in Biers’ GREEK ARCHAEOLOGY to what you
see in the exhibit. Cite the figure numbers in Biers, and explain the similarities
and differences which you note between the items in the book and the items
in the display.

e) At least one question which your visit raises.


If you choose to complete this optional extra credit assignment, you
must turn it in by Monday, November 10, 20023. NO LATE PAPERS.

You may send preliminary drafts of your work to the instructor:

Have fun!

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