
Essay Topics and Essay Guidelines

Students will choose topic
by January 26. Essays due February 26.


1. Direct Speech in De Bello Gallico (not as many as you might


2. References to Gods and Religion in De Bello Gallico (not as
many as you might think). Teryl H.


3. References to earlier Roman History in De Bello Gallico (what
kinds of information does Caesar give, and why?) D. Musimus


4. The importance of Technology in De Bello Gallico (How does
being Tech Savvy make a difference? How does Technology function in Gaul?)


5. Attitudes Towards Barbarians in De Bello Gallico (“The
Other” and “Us”) Jeannie W.


6. Strategy and Tacticsin De Bello Gallico (How does Caesar present
these? What kinds of things work, and why?)


7. Communications in De Bello Gallico (How do soldiers, generals,
rebels, and others get the messages to and fro?)


8. Food in De Bello Gallico (What kind? Importance?)


9. Justification for “Atrocities” Committed by Romans in De
Bello Gallico
(How does Caesar justify his actions and those of his
men?) Alex S.


10. Winter in De Bello Gallico(What happens in this season usually?
What are the exceptions? What are its characteristics in De Bello Gallico?)
Ben W.


11. Information and Intelligence Gathering in De Bello Gallico (How
do people find out what they need to know? Brent H.


12. Geography in De Bello Gallico (How does Caesar present it?
What is important about it?)


Essay Guidelines:


For general classical studies paper tips and expectations, see Dr. Levine’s

I expect that this assignment will be based mostly on the text of the
De Bello Gallico.

1. Introduction (1-2 pages). Briefly state what your topic is, what its
significance is, and how it can contribute to our understanding of the work
as a whole and/or Roman history/culture. Summarize your findings.

2. Summary of your findings (2-3 pages), with appropriate examples, paraphrases,
and quotations. If there are important Latin words that relate to your topic,
include them and their definitions.

3. Discussion of your findings (2-3 pages), with your own analysis and
observations of the meaning/significance/importance of the topic. What can
we learn from Caesarss use of this theme? What are its implications? How
might we analyze the subject? What do modern scholars have to say about
it? Feel free to make comparisons to modern phenomena, theories, history,
and other parallels. If you want to consult secondary sources (books, journal
articles), this is where to include them.

4. Conclusion (1-2 pages). Re-state what you have found, with ideas for
further research based on what you have learned, and some questions that
your research has inspired.

5. Bibliography, and any Appendices or other ancillary material that
you deem important (list of passages, statistics, footnotes, important terms,

Contact the Didaskalos with questions:




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