
Here you will find study questions on the text of Sarah Ruden’s Petronius
Satyricon, and the Ten Commentaries therein.


Latin 2003:  Petronius English Study Guide 7. 108.125-127.
173-190. Quiz on 13 November, 2006.

 1.  What is Encolpius worrying about happening on page 108?

 2.  What type of men does Chrysis’ mistress prefer? 
How about Chrysis herself?

 3.  Why does Circe get mad at Encolpius?  111-112

 4.  What suggestions to cure Encolpius does Circe give in
her message?  113

 5.  What does Chrysis suggest?  What does Enclopius do? 
For what favor does he beg?

 6.  What magic charms does the old woman employ to help cure
Encolpius?  114

 7.  How does the second attempt go? 

 8.  To whom does Encolpius make a speech on page 116? 
How does he treat this “individual”?

 9.  What does the priestess do to Encolpius on page 118?

 10.  How does Oenothea prepare the magic ritual that will
cure Encolpius?  119

 11.  What do the sacred geese do to Encolpius?  What
does he do to them?  120

 12.  To whom were the geese sacred?  What is the reaction
of the two old women?

 13.  How do the old women “torture” Encolpius on
page 123?  How does he react?

 14.  How does the matron Philomela try to get people’s inheretance? 

 15.  How does Corax assist Eumolpus in his endeavors? 
What directions does Eumolpus issue?

 16.  When Encolpius approaches the brother, how is he foiled
in his “endeavors”?

 17.  How, and to whom, does Encolpius finally show that he
is cured?  126

 18.  What does Eumolpus require of the beneficiaries of his
will?  How does he argue that this is commonplace?  With somewhat
disturbing image does the book end?


19.  Describe several of the bawdy rituals in ancient Greco-Roman
times:  173-4

 20.  How was a triumphant Roman general treated during the

 21.  Who invented Satire?  What did Roman satire include? 

 22.  To what other literary genre does Ruden compare the Satyricon
What usually happens in works from this genre?  176

 23.  What were the main rival Philosophies in Petronius’ time? 
Briefly describe each.  185 ff.

 24.  Which philosophies do our heroes seem to follow? 
How is Petronius “playfully participating in a general smear…” 



Study Guide for 6th English Quiz …. OCTOBER

p. 94-108.124, and 163-172

 1.  What is Eumolpus doing when Encolpius and Giton
try to drag him off the ship during the shipwreck?  94

 2.  Who do they find dead, washed up in the waves?  What
do they do with him?

 3.  What are the two chief occupations the people of Croton? 

 4.  What plan does Eumolpus come up with to make money and
get food in Croton?  96-7

 5.  What does their hired porter keep complaining about? 
How does he pass the time along the road?  What does Giton do in response?

 6.  Why, according to Eumolpus’ poem, did Rome conquer the
world?  99

 7.  What two monsters “swallowed the common people down”?

 8.  Why, according to Father Dis, do the caves under mountains
groan?  101

 9.  List some of the feats Caesar claims to have done on page
103 and 104:  Why does he say he can’t be beaten?

 10.  What is Pompey called (his nickname) on page 106? 
What are his deeds?  What finally happens to him?

 11.  What does Encolpius think of this poem?


12.  What alternative to dining at home might a lower class Roman
have?  How about an upper class Roman?  163

 13. According to Ruden, what types of food might a Roman enjoy
in the earlier, Republican period? 164

 14.  What similar incident to the acrobat falling on Trimalchio
happened to Nero?  165

 15.  Describe the Roman seating arrangements at a typical
dinner party:  166

 16.  Why is “superstition” an unfair characterization
of Roman religion?  169

 17.  What, according to Ruden, are some of the differences
between Roman religion and Christianity? 

169 ff.

 18.  How does the Roman conception of the gods determine Encolpius’
behavior?  170

 19.  How would Romans have viewed the modern world’s individual
and inward spiritual growth?



Latin 2003:  Petronius

Study Guide for English Quiz 4

English:  39.55-68.87 and 144-149

I might ask questions very much or exactly like these:


1.  Who fell on top of Trimalchio?  What was Trimalchio’s reaction? 
What did he do the person in question?

2.  What is the hardest profession according to Trimalchio. 
What is second hardest?  (p. 40)

3.  What does Ascyltos do that angers some guests?  What does
the guest do?

4.  How does Giton react?  How does the guest react to Giton? 
What kinds of things does this guest say to our heroes?  Who finally
halts the quarrel?

5.  Briefly describe Trimalchio’s version of the Trojan war: 
(44)  How does a slave then enact his version of events?  (45)

6.  What trick is played on the guests with the pastry Priapus?

7.  Briefly describe Niceros’ story:  46-47

8.  What did the witches do to little boys body in Trimalchio’s

9.  Describe Trimalchio’s pet boy and his puppy:  What does
the boy keep doing to the puppy?  48  How does Trimalchio play
with his pet boy?  49

10.  Who does the Praetor (who comes in late and drunk) ask to sit
on the couches?  50

11.  How does the Praetor’s wife react to the entrance of this person? 
How do these ladies occupy their time?  51

12.  According to Habinnas the Praetor, what are some of the good
qualities of his singing slave?  What are the bad?  How does Habinna’s
wife Scintilla like the slave?  52

13.  What is so horrific about the dessert brought in after the
singer is done?

14.  Describe some of the things Trimalchio wants carved on his
tomb:  55

15.  What kind of drunken games do the guests play at the baths?

16.  What bad omen happens when Trimalchio says they should drink
till dawn?  What does he do in response?  57

17.  What causes a disruption to the festivities when the new slaves
all come in?  What does Fortunata do?  How does Trimalchio respond? 
57 ff.

18.  How do our heroes finally escape Trimalchio’s dinner party? 

19.  When they get back to their lodgings, how does Ascyltos betray
Encolpius?  How does Ascyltos propose to solve their quarrel? 
Who finally calms them both?  62

20.  Where does Encolpius meet Eumolpus?  What is Eumolpus’

21.  In his story, how does Eumolpus trick the boy into sleeping
with him?  How are Eumolpus’ words finally used against him? 

 Commentary Questions:

22.  Why, as Ruden argues, should we not call Roman men bisexual? 

 23.  What two sexual prohibitions were important to the Roman
male?  145-7

 24.  How, according to Ruden, does Encolpius’ questionable
sexuality according to Roman standards affect his credibility? 147

 25.  According to Greek and Roman society, what kind of sexual
urges were women supposed to have?  How does Quartilla and the “very
attractive little girl” that Eumolpus sleeps with reflect this view? 


Latin 2003:  Petronius

Study Guide for English Quiz 5

p.68.88-p.93,  p. 150-162

1.  What does Eumolpus claim is the cause of society’s downfall? 

2.  How does Eumolpus try to illuminate the Fall of Troy for Encolpius? 
What is the reaction of passers-by?  How does Encolpuis himself react?

 3.  When Encolpius finds Giton, what is Giton doing? 
What excuse does Giton give for choosing Ascytos?  72

 4.  What is Eumolpus’ reaction upon seeing Giton? 

 5.  What does Eumolpus say happened to Ascyltos?  How
does Encolpius take the news?  73

 6.  How does Encolpius react when Eumolpus hits upon Giton? 
After Giton leaves the room, what does Eumolpus do to Encolpius?  74

 7.  How does Encolpius later revenge himself upon Eumolpus? 

 8.  How does Giton hide when Ascyltos comes looking for him? 
What gives him away?  77, 78

 9.  What is Encolpius’ reaction when he learns who owns the
ship upon which they are sailing?  80

 10.  What are some of the plans they concoct to escape? 
What do they finally decide to do?  80-82

 11.  What makes Lichas angry on page 83?  Although Eumolpus
tries to calm him, how does he punish our heroes?  83

 12.  Who finally recognizes Giton?  What is her reaction?

 13.  Who recognizes Encolpius?  How does he make sure
it’s him?  84

 14.  Who eventually stops the ensuing fight on the ship? 
How?  86

 15.  How are our heroes made beautiful again by the maids?


16.  Describe the Roman patron-client relationship:  What were
the duties of each to the other?  151

 17.  Why was the situation of a non-slave laborer truly pathetic? 

 18.  What was one of the greatest privilege for skilled urban
slaves?  Why was this somewhat uncommon?  154-5

 19.  What were Roman attitudes toward male children? 
Towards female children?  What could happen to unwanted children?

 20.  How much power did women have in ancient Rome? 
How much power did Roman Law give women if they were widowed?  160-161



Latin 2003: Petronius

Study Guide for SECOND English Quiz:
Ruden, p. 18–39 and 139–143



1. Where do our heroes first meet Trimalchio? What is he doing? 18, 19

2. What happens when Trimalchio (“T”) snaps his fingers? 19

3. When they are enteing T’s house, what nearly causes Encolpius to break
his legs?

4. Describe T when he is first brought in. 22-3

5. What does T order to be done when a slave boy drops a dish? 23

6. Breifly describe novel dish that was brought in at the bottom of page

7. What is the name of T’s slave that cuts up the meat? 25

8. How does everyone react to T’s long speech about astrology? What do
you think of it? 27-8

9. What gives the diners the freedom to talk amongst themselves? 29

10. Why does Phileros get angry about Seleucus’s talk? What/who does
Phileros then talk about himself? 30

11. How does Ganymedes describe ole Safinius? 31

12. What has T been taking for his upset stomach? What does he suggest
his guests do so they don’t have the same problems? 34

13. What will be the main course for the evening? How are the guests
given a choice of the three? 34

14. When T describes visiting the Sibyl, the little immortal woman who
lives in a bottle, what does he say she wanted? 35

15. What did the cook forget to do to the huge roast pig? What does T
do to him? How does the pig joke finally end? 36

16. Why does T get mad when the list of his estates is been read out?



17. What can Roman parents and teachers at least agree on, if nothing
else? 139

18. What are the two types of Roman oratory? Briefly describe each: 139-142

19. Which one does Encolpius say has taken over completely? 140





Latin 2003: Petronius

Study Guide for FIRST English Quiz on Petronius (Ruden),p. 1-17, 129-139

1. At the beginning of the book, what is the subject of conversation
between Encolpius and Agamemnon? 1-2

2. What does Ascyltos do while Encolpius is busy listening to Agamemnon?
How does Encolpius react? 5

3. Where does the old woman lead Encolpius? (It’s the same place Asclytos
is led by the old man). 5

4. How do you know when you are in a Roman “House of Ill Repute?”

5. Why is Giton upset? What did Ascytos do to him? How does Ascyltos
react to being accused? 6-7

6. What do they decide to do as a result of this quarrel?

7. What does Encolpius demand of Giton once they return to their room?
What does Ascyltos do when finds them? 7-8

8. Why do Ascyltos and Encolpius decide to BUY their ragged tunic back
rather than sue for it? 9

9. How do they finally get it back?

10. How do our Heroes react to Quartilla when she first enters their
room? 11

11. What crime did our heroes commit, according to Quartilla? What does
Encolpius promise, so as to stop her weeping? 12

12. How does Quartilla prepare for the orgy? What is Encolpius’ reaction?

13. How are our heroes “tortured” on page 16?

14. To whom is Giton finally married? How old is she? What does Encolpius
do during the ceremony? 17



15. What was Petronius’ nickname? What does it mean? How did it apply
in Nero’s court? 129

16. Why might Nero have really enjoyed the Satyricon? 130-1

17. For what two reasons is it lucky that we have any of the Satyricon
left at all? 135-6

18. Why do modern-day scholars find the Satyricon particularly interesting
and helpful? (Give several reasons). 136-7



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