

Dr. Daniel B. Levine, “The Neophyte Rappin’

Composed and performed November 13, 2002


There is a change in the schedule of classes for FLAN 3002;
Fall, 2002. The Muses have visited Dr. Levine and brought a revelation.

On Monday, November
, we will go over Dunmore and Fleischer Lesson
9 and take the traditional quiz on that chapter.

On Wednesday, November
we will take a break in
the progress of our readings, and have a
Rap Session.

Assignment for Wednesday, November 20:

Students will compose a rap song or poem, type it, and be ready
to perform it in class.

Students may work in groups. Each rap or poem must contain
at least six scientific terms used in some meaningful way, to show
that you understand them. If you work in a group, you must indicate which
parts of the rap each student contributed.

Your poem may be light or frivolous. It is allowed to explore
the boundaries of good taste — as long as you do not hurt the feelings
of other students.

All students will hand in a typed hard copy of their
compositions, and we will project the words to the rap/poem during each

Students may dress up for their performances. You may perform
individually or as a group, and HIGHLIGHT the scientific terms in
your compositions.


This is Dr. Levine’s first rap:


I got a big pain in my backside,

My PYGALGIA really hurts;


And my PTYALORRHEA bugs me,

I keep drooling on my shirts.


Let my mucus keep on flowing,

me down,


And my jaw sticks out too much

I’m called PROGNATHOUS in the town.


I’m so messed up I fall down and have fits
for all to see;

My doc don’t know the reason — IDIOPATHIC


I got a CYSTOPEXY, ’cause my bladder
needed fixin’

Now it’s fixed to my abdomen; and my insides
are a mixin’.


a nose job;

DYSPEPSIA‘S indigestion

I hope you bring a poem in, at least that’s
my suggestion.


So come to class next Wednesday, and
bring yourself a rap,

And share it with the others, so they your
brain can tap.


*Rappin’ Bryce Hansen (Greek 1003 student) gave me the rhyme for this
verse. Thanks, Bryce!


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at the Rappin’ University of Arkansas