
Study Questions: Thucydides,
book 1.

Due October 29.

[NOTE: If you are pressed for time, you may skip reading
sections 24-65.]

Illustration: Positioning the acroteria on the Parthenon,
c. 438 BCE.

The ancient quarries and the Ssory of a half-worked column capital of the
first marble Parthenon

Athens, 1995

0. Lattimore’s introduction speaks of the perception of a ‘postmodernist’
Thucydides. How does he explain what that means? (Introduction, xiii)

1. What biases does Thucydides show in regard to Spartans and Athenians,
according to Lattimore’s introduction? (Introduction, xiii-xiv)

2. What autobiographical details does Thucydides give in his work? (Introduction,

3. What does Lattimore say about the influence of Homer on Thucydides’
writing? (Introduction, vii)

4. What does Lattimore say about Thucydides’ writing style? (Introduction,

5. How does the introductory paragraph of Thucydides’ work compare and
contrast with the introductory paragraph of Herodotus?

6. Why did Thucydides begin writing about the Peloponnesian-Athenian
war at its outset? (1.1)

7. What does Thucydides say causes “factional strife,” and
why was Attica (Athens) “without faction” in early times? What
is the Greek word he uses for “factional strife” and “faction”?

8. Why does Thucydides show the “weakness” of early Greek societies?

9. According to Thucydides, who first established a navy, and what did
he do with it? 1.4. How does this match with what we read in Biers, chapter

10. What does Thucydides say about the early practice of piracy? 1.4-5

11. Why does Thucydides speak of the carrying of arms by early Greeks?

12. What early customs differentiated the Athenians and the Spartans?

13. How were the Spartans fashion trend-setters? How were they trend-setters
in athletic attire? 1.6

14. How does Thucydides use ‘archaeology’ to prove that most of the Greek
islands had been colonized by Carians and Phoenicians? 1.7

15. Why does Thucydides say that Agamemnon was named head of the Trojan
War expedition, and what other reason does he dispute? 1.9

16. How did the Peloponnesus get its name? What does the second part
of the name mean? 1.9

17. What examples does Thucydides use in cautioning about the use of
archaeological information without other sources? 1.10

18. What strategy does Thucydides say the Greeks should have used to
take Troy without a lengthy siege? 1.11

19. When Thucydides says the Greeks after the Trojan War came back to
“widespread faction” in their cities, what Greek word does he
use for this phenomenon? 1.12

20. What geographical feature has something to do with the wealth and
sea-going nature of the Corinthians? What did the Corinthians have to do
with sea warfare? 1.13

21. Before Sparta got its good laws, Thucydides says it was troubled
by “the longest known period of faction after its conquest by the Dorians.”
What is the Greek word for “faction” here? 1.18

22. How did the Spartans and Athenians differ in their policy towards
their allies after the Persian Wars? 1.19

23. In what ways does Thucydides say that his History will be more accurate
than previous accounts? 1.20-22

24. What criticism does Thucydides offer about the credulity of the Greeks?

25. What does Thucydides say about the accuracy of the speeches which
he records in his History? 1.22

26. What tests does Thucydides apply to information, and why is it so
difficult for him to write what actually happened? 1.22

27. Why does Thucydides say that his History may be “less enjoyable
for listening?” How does he justify his presentation? 1.22

28. What does Thucydides consider to be the true cause of the war between
the Peloponnesians and Athenians?1.23

29. According to Thucydides, how does the Persian War compare to the
Peloponnesian War? 1.23


NOTE: If you are pressed for time, you may skip reading
sections 24-65.


30. The Corinthians urge the Spartans to declare war on Athens, and point
out the contrasting characters of the Athenians and Lacedaemonians. What
are the main differences they see between the two sides? 1.68-71

31. When they are defending themselves against the charges of the Corinthians
in the Assembly of the Spartans, what do the Athenians say about the Persian
War? 1. 73-78

32. When they are defending themselves against the charges of the Corinthians
in the Assembly of the Spartans, what main points do the Athenians make
in their defense? 1. 73-78

33. When they are defending themselves against the charges of the Corinthians
in the Assembly of the Spartans, how do the Athenians defend themselves
against the charge that they “are addicted to the courtrooms”?

34. The Spartan King Archidamus urges caution before a declaration of
war. What is Thucydides’ opinion of Archidamus? 1.79

35. What advantages does Archidamus see that the Athenians have over
his own people? 1.80-85

36. What accusation against the Spartans does Archidamus acknowledge
in his speech? How does he take this perceived ‘fault’ and make it into
a virtue? 1.80-85

37. Why might we call the speech of the Spartan ephor Sthenelaïdas
“laconic”? What is his point, and what does he say to support
it? 1.86

38. When the Spartans finally vote for war, what does Thucydides see
as the main motivating factor for them to do so? 1.88

39. What is the PENTAKONTAETIA? 1.89 (and note)

40. What trick did Themistocles urge the Athenians to play on the Lacedaemonians,
and how was there still evidence of it in Thucydides’ time? 1. 90-93

41. What kinds of problems did the Spartan king Pausanias have after
the battle of Plataea, where he was the victorious general? 1. 95

42. How does Thucydides justify his digression on Greek affairs between
the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars? 1.97

43. How does Thucydides say that the Athenians’ allies were partially
responsible for their domination by the Athenians? 1. 99

44. What insult did the Lacedaemonians offer the Athenians who came to
help them against the “men in Ithome,” and why did they act thus?

45. What answer did the Spartans get from the Delphic Oracle when they
consulted it about going to war with the Athenians? 1. 118

46. What was the “curse of the Bronze House?” 1. 128-134

47. What is the story of Themistocles’ medism? 1.135-138

48. What is Thucydides’ opinion of Pericles? 1.139

49. What are Pericles’ arguments in favor of going to war with the Peloponnesians
and their allies? 1. 140-144

50. What does Pericles consider to be the main weaknesses of the Peloponnesians
and their allies? 1.140-144

51. What does Pericles consider to be the main strengths of the Athenians
and their allies? 1.140-144


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