curriculum vitae
University Professor, Classical Studies
Fulbright College, University of Arkansas
[photo by Ben Sandmel, Metairie, LA c. 1995]
Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
425 Kimpel Hall, Fayetteville AR 72701, USA
Telephone Office (479) 575-2951
FAX (479) 575-6795 e-mail:
[Page updated: 27 December 2024]
In the USA:
1975 University of Minnesota. B. A. in Greek and Latin.
(Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa.)
1980 University of Cincinnati. Ph. D. in Classics.
Dissertation: “ΓΕΛΩΙ ΕΚΘΑΝΟΝ: Laughter and the Demise of the Suitors in the Odyssey” Bernard Fenik, Director.
In Greece:
1974 American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Summer Session Member.
1978-79 American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
(Seymour Fellow, Regular Member)
In the USA:
2016- University Professor of Classical Studies. University of Arkansas.
1998-2016: Professor of Classical Studies. University of Arkansas.
1984-98 Associate Professor, Classical Studies. University of Arkansas.
1980-84 Assistant Professor, Classical Studies. University of Arkansas.
In Greece:
2022 Director of Summer Seminar: American School of Classical Studies at Athens: “Thanatopsis: Greek Funerary Customs Through the Ages.”
2018 Director of Summer Session: American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
2006 Director of Summer Session I: American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
1995 Director of Summer Session II: American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
1990 Director of Summer Study in Greece: Vergilian Society.
1987 Director of Summer Session II: American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
I. Articles/Chapters Published: Daniel B. Levine
2024 “The Summer Sessions” chapter in book: 54 Souidias: A History of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. editors: Jenifer Neils, Eric W. Driscoll. Publisher: American School of Classical Studies, Princeton, New Jersey. [pp.170-185]
2024 “I Hope College Has Changed Your Life” Fulbright Review — Official Blog of the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences (University of Arkansas). April 29, 2024.
2022 “Omnia Vincit Amor / ΕΡΩΣ ΠΑΝΔΑΜΑΤΩΡ: I’m in Love with a Third-Declension Noun.” Blog Piece in SENTENTIAE ANTIQUAE. December 14, 2022.
2022 “History’s Lessons: Ancient Invasions Warning to Putin?” Opinion Essay in Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. March 24, 2022.
2022 “Philokleon Goes Viral: Re-Reading Aristophanes’ Wasps Through a COVID-19 Lens.” Athenaeum Review 7 (Summer 2022) pp 28-38.
2019 (solicited article) “A Few Memories of Nikos Stavroulakis” Jottings (The Newsletter of Etz Hayyim Synagogue: Chania, Crete) 25 (2019) 23-24.
2016 Book Chapter: “Disgust and Delight: The Polysemous Exclamation αἰβοῖ in Attic Comedy” Chapter 3 in The Ancient Emotion of Disgust (Donald Lateiner, Dimos Spatharas, editors). Oxford University Press, pp. 87-102 (“Emotions of the Past” series).
2015 Article: “Acts, Metaphors and Powers of Feet in Aeschylus’s Oresteia” TAPA (Transactions of the American Philological Association) 145 (2015) 253-280.
2015 Book Chapter: “Hephaestus’ Winged Shoes and the Birth of Athena” in Kinesis: Essays for Donald Lateiner on the Ancient Depiction of Gesture, Motion, and Emotion. University of Michigan Press. Editors: Christina A. Clark, Edith Foster, Judith P. Hallett, pp. 262-280.
2010 Article: “Josef Kavalier’s Odyssey: Homeric Echoes in Michael Chabon’s The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay” International Journal of the Classical Tradition 17.4 (December 2010) pp. 526-555.
2005 Book Chapter: “EPATON BAMA: (‘Her Lovely Footstep’): The Erotics of Feet in Ancient Greece” Chapter 3 in Body Language in the Greek and Roman Worlds (Classical Press of Wales) ed. Douglas L. Cairns, 55-72.
2003 Article: “Sophocles’ Philoctetes and Odyssey 9: Odysseus vs. the Cave Man.” Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity 12 (2003) 3-26.
2002 Article: “Poetic Justice: Homer’s Death in the Ancient Biographical Tradition.” Classical Journal 98.2 (2002/03) 141-160.
2001 Reprinted article “Hubris in Josephus’ Jewish Antiquities 1-4″ in Greek Literature, ed. Gregory Nagy, in vol. 8 Greek Literature in the Roman Period and in Late Antiquity (Routledge, 2001) 225-261.
1994 Article: “Classica Americana Troglodytica: V. T. Hamlin’s Alley Oop April 1939-February 1940; The Epics Meet the Comics” Classical and Modern Literature: A Quarterly 14.4 (1994) 365-386.
1994 Encyclopedia Entry: “John Clinton Futrall” in Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists. Ward S. Briggs, Jr., ed. “Prepared under the auspices of the American Philological Association.” Westport CT and London: Greenwood Press.
1994 Article: “Hubris in Josephus’ Jewish Antiquities 1-4″ Hebrew Union College Annual 64 (1993) 51-87.
1991 Article: “Lucian, True History 2. 26 Reconsidered: Lust and Punishment” Helios 18.1 (1991) 31-33.
1991 Article: “John Clinton Futrall”; “Henry Harrison Strauss” biographical essays in Some Illustrious Educators of Old Main , Univ. of Arkansas.
1989 Article: “Acorns and Primitive Life in Greek and Latin Literature” Classical and Modern Literature 9 (1989) 87-95.
1989 Article: “Uses of Classical Mythology in Rita Mae Brown’s Southern Discomfort” Classical & Modern Literature 10 (1989) 63-70.
1988 Encyclopedia Entry: “Eupalinus of Megara” in Great Lives from History: Ancient and Medieval Series ed. F. N. Magill (Salem Press Pasadena, 1988) 704-708.
1988 Encyclopedia Entry: “Phidias” in Great Lives from History: Ancient and Medieval Series ed. F. M. Magill (Salem Press: Pasadena, 1988) 592-1597.
1988 Encyclopedia Entry: “Pittacus of Mytilene” in Great Lives from History: Ancient and Medieval Series ed. F. N. Magill (Salem Press: Pasadena, 1988) 1644-1649.
1988 Encyclopedia Entry: “Strabo” in Great Lives from History: Ancient and Medieval Series ed. F. N. Magill (Salem Press: Pasadena, 1988) 2007-2013.
1987 Article: “Flens Matrona et Meretrices Gaudentes: Penelope and her Maids” Classical World 81 (1987) 23-27.
1987 Article: “Lysistrata and Bacchae: Structure, Genre, and ‘Women on Top”‘ Helios 14 (1987) 29-38.
1985 Book Chapter: “Symposium and Polis” in Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis, T. J. Figueira and G. Nagy, eds. (Johns Hopkins: Baltimore, 1985) 176-196.
1984 Article: “Odysseus’ Smiles: Odyssey 20. 301, 22. 371, 23. 111″ Transactions of the American Philological Association 114 (1984) 1-9.
1984 Book Chapter: “Counterfeit Man” (in Greek & Hebrew Literature) in Classical Texts and their Traditions: Studies in Honor of C. R. Trahman (Scholars Press: Chico, CA, 1984) 125-137.
1983 Article: “Theoklymenos and the Apocalypse” Classical Journal 79 (1983) 1-7.
1983 Article: “Penelope’s Laugh: Odyssey 18. 158-168″ American Journal of Philology 104 (1983) 172-178.
1983 Article: “Classics in Arkansas: An Educational Tradition” Arkansas Alumnus (June, 1983 ) 14-17.
1982 Article: “Homeric Laughter and the Unsmiling Suitors” Classical Journal 78 (1982/83) 97-104.
1982 Article: “Odyssey 18: Iros as Paradigm for the Suitors” Classical Journal 77 (1982) 200-204.
II. Book Reviews Published: Daniel B. Levine
2019 Book Review: Shoes, Slippers, and Sandals: Feet and Footwear in Classical Antiquity, edited by Sadie Pickup and Sally Waite (Routledge 2018) 338p. in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.05.46.
2011 Review Article: “Heirs of Homer: A Recent Study of Odysseus’ Recurring Returns” [Edith Hall, The Return of Ulysses: A Cultural History of Homer’s Odyssey (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001), VII + 296 pp.] International Journal of the Classical Tradition 18.2 (2011) 270-280.
2011 Book Review: New Heroes in Antiquity: From Achilles to Antinoos, by Christopher P. Jones (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts and London. 2010) Pp. 123. The Historian 73.3 (2011) 621-623.
2008 Review Article: After Antiquity: Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor, by Margaret Alexiou (Cornell University Press: Ithaca and London 2002.) Pp. xvii + 567. Electronic Antiquity XI.2 (2008) 23-30.
2008 Book Review: Free Speech and Democracy in Ancient Athens, by Arlene W. Saxonhouse (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) Pp. x + 235. Classical Bulletin 84.1 (2008) 122-123.
2006 Book Review: Exile, Ostracism, and Democracy: The Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece, by Sara Forsdyke (Princeton, 2005, pp. 344) Classical Outlook 83.4 (2006) 151-152.
2005 Book Review: Ancient Greek Religion, by Jon D. Mikalson (Blackwell, 2005, pp. 225). New England Classical Journal 32.2 (2005) 155-157.
2004 Book Review: Greek Gods, Human Lives: What We Can Learn From Myths. Mary Lefkowitz (Yale University Press, 2003, pp. 288) The Historian 66 (2005).
2003 Book Review. Inventing Homer: The Early Reception of Epic, by Barbara Graziosi (Cambridge, 2002, pp. 285) Religious Studies Review 29.3 (2003) 294.
2002 Book Review. Perseus 2.0: Platform-Independent Version Interactive Sources and Studies on Ancient Greece. Gregory Crane, ed. 2000. The Historian 64.3-4 (2002) 810-811.
2001 Book Review. Jews in a Graeco-Roman World, edited by Martin Goodman (Oxford, 1999, pp. 293) The Historian 63.2 (2001) 449-450
1999 Book Review. The Madness of Epic: Reading Insanity from Homer to Statius, by Debra Hershkowitz (Oxford, 1998, pp. 346) Religious Studies Review 25.4 (1999) 411.
1999 Book Review. Pilgrims and Pilgrimage in Ancient Greece, by Matthew P. J. Dillon (Routledge, 1997, pp. 308). Classical Outlook 77 (1999) 37.
1999 Book Review. Prayer in Greek Religion, by Simon Pulleyn (Oxford, 1997, pp. 245) Classical Outlook 76 (1999) 120.
1998 Book Review: Temples, Religion and Politics in the Roman Republic, by Eric M. Orlin. (Mnemosyne Supplement 164. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1997. Pp. 227). in Religious Studies Review 24.3 (1998) 297.
1998 Book Review: Worshipping Athena: Panathenaia and Parthenon, ed. J. Neils (Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin, 1996, 225 pp.) Classical Outlook 75.4 (1998) 149.
1998 Book Review: Sinai and Olympus: A Comparative Study, by J. P. Schultz & Lois Spatz (University Press of America, 790 pp.) Religious Studies Review 24 (1998) 67.
1989 Book Review: The Rise of the Greeks by M. Grant. Classical Outlook 66 (1989) 135.
PAPERS READ. Daniel B. Levine
2024 “If the Shoe Fits, Wear it: Re-Configuring Eros in 4th Century Magna Graecia” Celtic Conference in Classics. Cardiff, Wales UK. July 11.
2024 Remarks by Daniel B. Levine on the occasion of receiving the Aristeia Award. ASCSA Alumni/ae Association Meeting January 20.
2024 “On the Occasion of Receiving the Aristeia Award for Distinguished Alumni/ae” American School of Classical Studies at Athens. June 11.
2022 “Director’s Address to Thanatopsis Seminar Members.” American School of Classical Studies at Athens.June 23.
2022 “Philokleon Goes Viral: Re-Reading Aristophanes’ Wasps Through a COVID-19 Lens.” Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Winston-Salem, NC. March 23-26.
2021 “Learning From Our Students” Wally Cordes Chair presentation for the University of Arkansas Teaching Academy. March 30.
2020 “Black Prometheus Bound.” Pre-Modern Seminar. University of Arkansas. With Michael Riha, co-PI. February 19, 2020.
2019 “Jews and Greeks in Ancient Egypt: Translating the Bible for the Library at Alexandria” Public Lecture. University of Arkansas. October 14, 2019.
2018 “The Ideal Summer Session Member” American School of Classical Studies at Athens. July 17.
2015 “When Did Greek Dancers Wear Shoes?” Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Boulder, Colorado. March 26-28.
2015 “The Alexandrian Library as ‘Temple Repository’: The Letter of Aristeas and Near Eastern Text Deposits. In Memoriam Getzel M. Cohen” (by invitation). University of Cincinnati. February 26.
2014 “Disgust and Delight: The Polysemous Exclamation αἰβοῖ in Attic Comedy.” Celtic Classics Conference. University of Edinburgh. June 24-28.
2014 “The Letter of Aristeas, the Alexandrian Library and Near Eastern Suzerainty Treaties” American Philological Association. Chicago.
2013 “(Bare) Feet and Power in Aeschylus’ Oresteia” Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Iowa City, IA. April, 2013.
2013 “Assimilation in Alexandria: Why Jews Made the First Greek Bible” Public Lecture. Fayetteville AR. April 11, 2013. [“Beyond the Holocaust” Series: J. Hoyer, Organizer.]
2012 “Combat Veterans’ Experiences in Ancient Greek Literature” Public Lecture: Fayetteville (Arkansas) Public Library. Ancient Greeks/Modern Lives Program.
2012 “Tuna in Ancient Greece and Modern Tuna Population Decline” Bernice L. Fox Classics Lecture: Monmouth College. Monmouth, Illinois. March 5.
2012 “What I Thought I Would Do and What I Actually Do.” Rotary Club of Fayetteville, Arkansas. March 1.
2011 “Tuna in Ancient Greece and Modern Tuna Population Decline” John Brown University. Siloam Springs, Arkansas. October 25.
2011 “Ancient Mediterranean Environmental Degradation and Management: Tuna and Aquaculture” in panel “Fish Ecology in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Modern World: Past, Present and Future Sustainability” University of Arkansas Fulbright Colloquium/Conference “Integral Approaches to Knowledge” March 4.
2010 “Tuna in Ancient Greece and Modern Tuna Population Decline.” University of Arkansas. November.
2010 “Tuna in Ancient Greece and Modern Tuna Population Decline.” Truman State University. Kirksville, Missouri. October. (Invited Lecture).
2010 “Tuna in Ancient Greece and Modern Tuna Population Decline.” Temple University. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania September. (Invited Lecture).
2010 “Shaky Hands, Misty Eyes, and Weary Limbs: Greek Poetry of Retirement” Gustavus Adolphus College: St. Peter, Minnesota (May 8).
2009 “Hephaistos’ Winged Shoes and the Birth of Athena” Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Minneapolis, Minnesota (April 3).
2008 “Take Off Your Shoes and Pray a While: Greek Religious Attitudes Towards Bare-footedness” Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Southern Section: Ashville, North Carolina. (November 13).
2008 “The Shod and the Unshod in Ancient Greek Literature and Life” Hendrix College: Conway, Arkansas (October 28).
2008 “The Shod and the Unshod in Ancient Greece” American School of Classical Studies in Athens (May 06).
2007 “Tuna in Ancient Greece”. Public Lecture, University of Arkansas (13 February).
2006 “Tuna in the Ancient World: Ode to Tuna” New York Chapter of the American Institute of Wine and Food (French Culinary Institute, New York City). March 21.
2005 “The Pleasures of the Symposium”. Final Keynote Address: Annual Conference: Arkansas Recreation and Parks Association. Fayetteville, Arkansas: March 4.
2003 “Erotic Footprints on Two Rupestral Inscriptions: Attica and Thera” American Philological Association. New Orleans, Louisiana.
2002 “The Philosophical Pleiad and College Teachers” University of Arkansas Teaching Academy Annual Banquet. Fayetteville, Arkansas.
2002 “The Bare Feet Speak: Nonverbal Messages of Barefootedness” Joint Panel: American Philological Association/Archaeological Institute of America. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2002 “Greek Astronomy, Greek Mythology and the Constellations” Planetarium Presentation: Arkansas Conference on Teaching; Little Rock, AR.
2001 “Early Greek Art and Literature.” Invited lecture at Gustavus Adolphus College. St. Peter MN.
2001 “Excellence in the Teaching of the Classics” Plenary Session Award Presentation, American Philological Association. San Diego, CA.
1998 “Arcadian Fishermen: A Post-Homeric Joke” American Philological Association. Washington DC.
1998 “The Death of Homer: Poetic Justice” Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Charlottesville, VA.
1996 “Caves in Pausanias” Southern Historical Association. Little Rock, AR.
1996 “From Myth to Art: The Earliest Greek Myths on Vases” invited lecture: Louisiana State University. Baton Rouge LA
1996 “A Response to New Directions in Homeric Interpretation” invited lecture: Baylor University. (Analysis of six Conference Papers) Waco, TX
1996 “Buildings, Bodies, Books.” Commencement Address, College of Architecture. University of Arkansas. Fayetteville AR
1995 “Control of Discourse in Sallust’s Bellum Iugurthinum”. Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Omaha NE.
1995 “Caves in Ancient Greece” Eta Sigma Phi National Convention. Fayetteville AR
1994 “Classica Americana Troglodytica: Alley Oop Meets Odysseus” Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Atlanta GA
1993 “Hubris in Josephus’ Jewish Antiquities 1-4″ Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Iowa City IA.
1992 “The Myth of the Cave Man: Polyphemos and Philoctetes” University of Cincinnati (by invitation). Cincinnati OH
1992 “Sophocles’ Philoctetes and Odyssey 9″ Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Austin TX.
1989 “The Pillars of Herakles: Hierophany, Sacred Space, and ‘The Center of the World”‘ American Philological Association. Boston, MA
1989 “The Pillars of Herakles” The American School of Tangier, Morocco.
1988 “Strabo’s Description of the Pillars of Herakles: The Sources” Classical Association of the Middle West and South Southern Section, Gainesville, FL.
1988 “Uses of Mythology in Rita Mae Brown’s Southern Discomfort” Classical Association of the Middle West and South, New Orleans LA
1987 ” DBL: The 1987 AMSCHOOL Birthday Speech.” American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
1986 “Acorns, Primitive Man, and ‘The Saddest Words in Latin Literature”‘ Classical Association of the Middle West and South Southern Section, Greenville SC.
1985 “Acculturation in Herodotus and the Deuteronomic Historian” Classical Association of the Middle West and South: Minneapolis MN
1985 “Ancient Greece and the Roots of Western Civilization” Public Lecture: Center for Continuing Education: Fayetteville AR
1984 “Penelope and her Maids: Flens Matrona et Meretrices Gaudentes” Classical Association of the Middle West and South: Williamsburg VA.
1984 “Lysistrata and Bacchae” University of Florida Drama Conference. Gainesville FL
1984 “A Classical Perspective on the Humanities” Ben D. Kimpel Lecture Series. Fayetteville AR
1983 “Mimesis and Truth in History: A Response” at NEH conference on Truth in the Ancient World: Brown University: Providence, RI.
1983 “Odyssey 20. 345ff. and Theoklymenos’ Role in the Epic” Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Columbus, OH.
1983 “Preview of the Apocalypse: Odyssey 20 as Climax” Southwest Classical Symposium (by invitation), University of Texas, Austin TX.
1983 “Sexual Politics, Lysistrata, and Old Comedy” Public Lecture, Fayetteville AR
1982 “Penelope’s Laugh: Odyssey 18.158-168″ American Philological Association, Philadelphia PA.
1982 “Classics in Razorback Country: Greek and Latin in Arkansas” Classical Association of the Middle West and South Southern Section, Charlottesville, VA.
1981 “Symposium as Paradigm for Polis in Theognis” American Philological Association, San Francisco.
1981 “Counterfeit Man in Archaic Greek Poetry” Arkansas Philological Association, Magnolia, AR..
1981 “Laughter in the Odyssey” Classical Association of the Middle West and South, St. Louis MO.
1980 “Humor in Homer” Arkansas Philological Association, Little Rock AR.
2024 “Outstanding Mentor 2024” Enrollment Services, Office of Nationally Competitive Awards, University of Arkansas. Presented at State & National Awards Reception: April 18, 2024.
2024 “Outstanding Service Learning Award” for “Outstanding Service Learning Class” Strategic Philanthropy (co -taught with Dr. Rogelio Garcia Contreras). March 11. University of Arkansas Strategic Learning Initiative (Dr. Lisa Bowers, Director)
2024 “Aristeia Award for Distinguished Alumni/ae” American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
2023 “University of Arkansas Disability Recognition Award” to recognize the efforts of campus community members whose efforts help to create an “ADA Friendly” campus and a sense of belonging for all individuals with disabilities.
2022 Recognized as one of the University of Arkansas Honors College “Professors Who Made a Difference.” November 11.
2019 “Chancellor’s Grant for Humanities and Performing Arts” University of Arkansas. Co-Principal Investigator for project “Black Prometheus Bound in the 21st Century”: $61,450 [COVID prevented use of grant.]
2019 “Outstanding Mentor” University of Arkansas Office of Nationally Competitive Awards.
2018 “Honors College Distinguished Faculty Award” University of Arkansas.
2014 “Faculty of the Year Honoree” University of Arkansas Residents’ Interhall Congress and Associated Student Government. Presented at the 15th Annual Faculty Appreciation Banquet.
2011-2012 “Certificate of Appreciation” University of Arkansas Teaching Academy. University of Arkansas Faculty Mentor Program.
2006 “Certificate of Faculty Appreciation” Student Alumni Board/Associated Student Government, University of Arkansas, “In recognition of your dedication to the University of Arkansas and its students.”
2005 “Certificate of Faculty Appreciation” Student Alumni Board/Associated Student Government, University of Arkansas, “In recognition of your dedication to the University of Arkansas and its students.”
2003 “Outstanding Undergraduate Mentor” Fulbright College, University of Arkansas.
2002 “Outstanding Undergraduate Mentor” Fulbright College, University of Arkansas.
2002 “Honorary Lifetime Membership” Golden Key International Honour Society; University of Arkansas Chapter.
1997 “SILO Advisory Council Undergraduate Research Fellowship” for honors thesis work of Jeff Conway.
1997 “Charles and Nadine Baum Teaching Grant” Co-proposer of funded grant for data base for Greek and Latin Literature for University of Arkansas faculty and student use.
1996 ‘OVATIO’ Classical Association of the Middle West and South; Nashville, TN.
1995 “Outstanding Advisor Award” “For outstanding service and contributions to student life at the University of Arkansas.” Univ. of Arkansas Campus Activities Office. Eta Sigma Phi, National Classics Honorary Society.
1995 “Master Teacher Award” Fulbright College, University of Arkansas.
1993-94 “Chancellor’s Teaching Mentor” grant to write teaching portfolio, serve as mentor to junior faculty member, and develop teaching improvement project. University of Arkansas.
1992 “APA Excellence in the Teaching of the Classics” Award. The American Philological Association; Presented in New Orleans, LA
1992 “Summer Seminar for College Teachers”, National Endowment for the Humanities grant. “The Greek Encounter with Judaism in the Hellenistic Period.” Yeshiva University, New York. Louis Feldman, director.
1992 “Best State Classical Newsletter of 1991-92”. Award for Arkansas Classical Newsletter. Committee for the Promotion of Latin: Classical Association of the Middle West and South.
1991 “Outstanding Teaching Award.” Mortar Board Senior Honor Society, Octagon Chapter, University of Arkansas.
1986 Burlington Northern Found. Award for Teaching Excellence.” Highest teaching award for which university of Arkansas faculty are eligible.
1984 “Outstanding Performance by an Actor” University Theatre Award of Excellence, University of Arkansas Drama Department: ‘Matt’ in Lanford Wilson’s Talley’s Folly.
1984 “Summer Seminar for College Teachers, National Endowment for the Humanities grant. Univ.of North Carolina: “Greek and Israelite Historiography” John Van Seters, director.
1983 “Outstanding State Vice President for 1982-1983.” Classical Assoc. of the Middle West & South, Comm. for Promotion of Latin.
1983 NEH grant for conference on “Truth in the Ancient World.” Brown University: Providence, Rhode Island.
1982 NEH grant for “Conference for Teaching the Ancient World.”Memphis, Tennessee.
1981 NEH Summer Seminar for College Teachers grant. Harvard Univ., “Theognis of Megara” Gregory Nagy, director.
1978-79 Thomas Day Seymour Fellowship. American School of Classical Studies: Athens, Greece.
1974 Phi Beta Kappa. In junior year: University of Minnesota.
2021 Book Proposal Reviewer. Bloomsbury Publishing, London.
2021 Manuscript Referee: Ancient Near East Studies.
2021 Outside Promotion Reviewer: Illinois State University.
2020 PhD Dissertation Referee: University of Haifa.
2020- Member, Committee on Libraries and Archives. American School of Classical Studies at Athens (elected by Managing Committee).
2016 Manuscript Referee: Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
2016 Book Manuscript Reviewer: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
2016 Manuscript Reviewer: The Classical World.
2014 Book Proposal Reviewer: Wiley Blackwell, Social Sciences and Humanities.
2014 Book Manuscript Reviewer: Oxford University Press USA.
2013-2016 President: American School of Classical Studies at Athens Alumni/ae Association.
2013 External Program Reviewer: Classics Program. Santa Clara University, California.
2013 Session Presider: Euripides papers. Classical Association of the Middle West and South annual meeting, April 20, 2013.
2011- 2012 Program Scholar: “Ancient Greeks, Modern Lives” Aquila Theatre Company. Fayetteville Public Library
2011 Manuscript Referee: International Journal of the Classical Tradition.
2010 External Program Reviewer: Classics Program. Truman State University. Kirksville, Missouri.
2009 Session Presider: Iliad papers. Classical Association of the Middle West and South annual meeting, April 3. Minneapolis, MN.
2008 Session Presider: Papers on Reading, Writing, and Rhetoric. Southern Section, Classical Association of the Middle West and South. November 13. Asheville, NC.
2008-09 Book Proposal Reviewer. Oxford University Press USA.
2007 Professional Reviewer: Medical Terminology Textbook. Focus Publishing, Newburyport, MA.
2007-2011 Member, Committee on the Summer Session. American School of Classical Studies at Athens (elected from Managing Committee).
2007 Manuscript Referee: HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research
2006 Manuscript Referee: Classical Philology
2004 Session Presider: Homer and Apollonius papers. Southern Section, Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Winston-Salem, NC.
2004-present Trustee, Eta Sigma Phi (national classics honorary society)
2004-present Evaluator of Greek Examinations: Maureen Dallas Watkins Translation Competition (Eta Sigma Phi, national competition)
2003, 2012, 2015, 2016 Honors College Fellowship Selection Committee. University of Arkansas.
2002 Consultant: Book Proposal on Greek Mythology and Literature (Routledge/Taylor and Francis, UK).
2002 Consultant: Book Manuscript on Etymology (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, USA).
2002 Consultant: Book Proposal on Greek Mythology (Blackwell Publishers, UK).
2002- 2005 Co-Director: Teaching and Faculty Support Center. University of Arkansas.
2001- 2003Advisory Council: Alumni Association of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
1998-2001, 2014-2018 “Committee on Merit.” Classical Association of the Middle West and South.
1998-01 “Committee on Awards for Excellence in Teaching of the Classics.” American Philological Association. Chair: 2000-2001.
1995- Promotion and Tenure Committee, Dept. Foreign Languages (Chair, 1997-99)
1997-98 University of Arkansas Faculty Grievance Committee
1995-97 Chair: Summer Sessions Committee: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (ca. 80 Applications/year)
1996 “Achilles in Vietnam” Radio Book Review: Arkansas Public Radio”
1995 Convention Coordinator. Eta Sigma Phi Annual National Convention. April 7-9; Fayetteville, AR. Housing, Transportation, Food, Correspondence, Registration, Scheduling, Student Papers.
1994 Presenter: Art Libraries Society (Central Plains Chapter): “Introducing Perseus 1.0” Fayetteville.
1993-94 “Chancellor’s Teaching Mentor” Writing and Overseeing Teaching Portfolio creation.
1993- Committee on the Summer Sessions. American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
1993 Chair of Session on Horace. Classical Association of Middle West and South, Iowa City.
1992 Manuscript Referee: American Philological Association, APA Editorial Board for Monographs.
1992 Special Speaker. Mississippi Junior Classical League State Convention: Ave Amice, Latine Loquamur! (Oral Latin workshops).
1992 “Chancellor’s Lecturer”. Teacher of Freshman Scholars’ Seminar (to aid Freshman Retention).
1991-94 Member, Academic Standards Committee. Univ. of AR.
1991- Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Prizes and Awards. American Philological Association
1990- presentMember, Managing Committee: American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
1990 Session Chair on Greek Drama at CAMWS South. Section.
1990 Refereee/Panelist National Endowment for the Humanities Younger Scholars Grants.
1990 American Philological Association Campus Advisory Service: Campus Visit and Report.
1989-90 President, Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Chapter, University of Arkansas. (Member of Executive Committee, 1987-1993).
1988-89 Referee for Classical Outlook.
1988-89, 1991, 97 Referee for Cornell University Press.
1988- Charter Member, University of Arkansas Teaching Academy. (Secretary/Treasurer 1989-90).
1988 Co-Director and Instructor in three-week summer program “Do as the Romans Did: The Romans Brought to Life.” Funded by State of Arkansas Department of Education “AEGIS” grant.
1986-88 “Mentor” for NEH Latin Institute Program for training high school teachers.
1987-91 Member, Univ. of Arkansas Fringe Benefits Committee.
1987 Member of Arkansas State Approval Team, Arkansas Department of Education: Evaluation of Latin Education Program at Arkansas Tech University.
1986 Panelist: NEH applications in “Exemplary Projects in Undergraduate Education” Washington, DC.
1986-90 Regional Representative for the Committee for the Promotion of Latin, Classical Association of the Middle West and South: overseeing Latin promotional activities in Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
1986-88 Executive Committee: Southern Section of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South.
1984-88 Referee for Helios.
1984-88 Referee for Classical Journal.
1985-89 Advisory Committee of the School of Classical Studies of the American Academy at Rome.
1985 Consultant: Grant Reader and Commentator: NEH
1984 Consultant on Grant Proposal to NEH by Arkansas Endowment for the Humanities.
1980-86, ’91-93 Vice President for Arkansas: Committee for the Promotion of Latin, Classical Association of the Middle West and South.
1984- present Faculty Advisor, Eta Sigma Phi, Beta Pi Chapter, U of AR.
1984- present, Member, American Classical League.
1980-present, Member, Classical Assoc. of the Middle West and South
1980- present, Member, American Philological Association/Society for Classical Studies.
1981 Attended Third International Symposium on the Odyssey: Ithaca, Greece (by invitation).
In Translation
Freshman Honors Humanities I: Honors Humanities Project
Greek Civilization and Culture
Greek Religion
Health, Science and Medical Terminology
Greek and Roman Mythology
Greek Comedy
Ancient Drama
Ancient Epic
Greek Archaeology
Elementary Latin I
Elementary Latin II
Honors Beginning Latin
Intensive Beginning Latin
Latin: grade sch. (summer)
Latin: junior high (summer)
Latin: high school (summer)
Cicero Orations
Vergil Aeneid
Petronius Satyricon
Introduction to Latin Prose
Latin Prose Composition
Medieval Latin
Ovid Metamorphoses
Caesar Bellum Gallicum
Xenophon Anabasis
Elementary Classical Greek I
Elementary Classical Greek II
Ancient Greek Prose Composition
Beginning Modern Greek
New Testament Greek
Homer Iliad
Homer Odyssey
Homeric Hymns
Greek Lyric Poetry
Greek Elegy
Aeschylus Prometheus Bound
Sophocles Oedipus
Sophocles Philoctetes
Euripides Bacchae
Euripides Iphigeneia at Aulis
Euripides Cyclops
Euripides Medea
Aristophanes Lysistrata
Aristophanes Clouds
Aristophanes Thesmophoriazousai
Herodotus Histories
Thucydides History
Andocides De Mysteriis
Greek Oratory: Lysias, Andocides
Plato Apology
Lucian Vera Historia
Clement of Alexandria: Paidagogos
Gregory of Nyssa: De Vita Moysis
Biblical and Patristic Greek.
“Longus” Daphnis and Chloe
Plutarch Moralia (Advice to Bride and Groom, On Superstition, Virtue & Vice)
2025 (projected) Greece (Co-Director: University of Arkansas Classics in Greece)
2024 Greece, Switzerland, Wales
2022 Switzerland, Greece (Director Summer Seminar. American School of Classical Studies at Athens.)
2021 Greece, Switzerland.
2019 Greece. Director: 4-week Study Tour. University of Arkansas. Switzerland.
2019 Sicily .January Intersession Study Tour Co-Director:.University of Arkansas Honors College
2018 Greece. Senior Associate Member: American School of Classical Studies at Athens (January-May).
2018. Greece. Director, Summer Session: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (June-July)
2018 Sicily (March).
2017 Greece, Switzerland. Director, Summer Program, University of Arkansas.
2015 Greece, Albania, Switzerland. Director, Summer Program. University of Arkansas.
2014 Scotland.
2013 Greece, Turkey, Switzerland. Director, Summer Program. University of Arkansas
2011 Greece, Turkey. Director, Summer Course. University of Arkansas.
2009 Greece. Director, Summer Course. University of Arkansas.
2008 Greece. Senior Associate Member: American School of Classical Studies at Athens (January-June).
2007 Greece. Director, Summer Course. University of Arkansas, France.
2006 Greece. Director, Summer Session I: American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Gertrude Smith Professor.)
2005 Greece. Director, Summer Course. University of Arkansas, France. Japan.
2003 Greece. Director, Summer Course. University of Arkansas, France
2002 France, Switzerland.
2001 Greece. Director, Summer Course. University of Arkansas
2000 Greece. Co-Director (with Donald Lateiner), Summer Course. University of Arkansas
1998 France, Switzerland.
1995 Greece, France, Switzerland. Director, Summer Session: American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
1992 France.
1990 Greece. Co-director (with Ken Kitchell) Vergilian Society Summer Program.
1989 Morocco, Gibraltar, Spain, France (sabbatical leave).
1988 France.
1987 Greece, Morocco, France. Director, Summer Session: American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
1986 France.
1985 Greece, Egypt, Israel, Turkey. Director of Study Tour.
1984 France.
1982 Greece, Hungary.
1981 Greece.
1978-79 Greece, Turkey (American School of Classical Studies).
1974 Greece (American School of Classical Studies).
1973 Greece.
1972 Spain.
1970 England, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey, Israel.
Photo By David B. Levine. Interlaken, Switzerland: c. 1995.
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