Biers Classical part 1

  1. What kind of stone was used for the Zeus Temple at Olympia, and how was it ‘dressed up’? What was the subject of its metopes?
  2. Why was the Erechtheion‘s plan so complex?
  3. Why did Sparta oppose the Athenian Empire?
  4. What was (Who were) “The Thirty”, and what did they do?
  5. What was the Propylaia used for?
  6. What kinds of columns did the Erechtheion contain?, and where were they located?
  7. What “hampered” the architects who were planning post-Persian monuments on the Athenian acropolis?
  8. Why was the south room of the Propylaia truncated?
  9. How does Greek art change in the last quarter of the 5th century?
  10. Name two of the “refinements” which the Parthenon contains.