Final SLO

CLST 1003/1003H Final SLO.


To be written on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra on May 5, 2021, 3:00-5:00pm.

 Part I. CLASSICS IN OUR WORLD WORDS:  To include words presented in class since last SLO [30 points]. Students will choose three from a list, as in previous examinations.

Part II. THE ATHENIAN ACTOR. [70 points]

Imagine that you are an Athenian citizen who has just performed as a member of the chorus of Clouds in Aristophanes’ THE CLOUDS.

Write a letter to your friend in Sparta, telling about your experience. You will need to explain to your friend the story, what your costume looked like, a description of the theater of Dionysos, your favorite part of your performance, and what you think about the ending of the play.

Include the following six parts (at least one paragraph for each part):

  1. A brief greeting to your friend, inquiring about the family, and recalling a recent event you shared, either in Sparta or Athens, or elsewhere. Use your imagination, but be sure to include a real historical detail and/or a reference to an artifact that would be relevant to the late fifth century BCE – check Biers and Thucydides’ History. Remember, this comedy was produced during the Peloponnesian War. [5 points]
  2. A brief description of the Theater of Dionysos, with some terminology for its parts. Describe Theatron, Parodos, and Orchestra. [5 points]
  3.  A brief description of your costume. Tell your friend about the costume that you wore during the performance (including your mask). Try to find hints of this in the text when the Clouds first enter (Parodos) Also, check the power points slides for the April 21 class, which are on the page with the study questions. [5 points]
  4. A brief summary of the Clouds, including the following, showing that you understand their role in the plot. Please underline these words in your letter. [20 points]





Socrates’ Students



Superior Argument

Inferior Argument


  1. Your favorite part of the play – as an actor. That is, describe your favorite lines, and in what narrative context you sang them.  What made you like this part? If you want to write about a part of the play that does not contain the Chorus’ words, you may do so. [20 points]
  2. Your opinion of the play’s final resolution, with details. Why do you think Aristophanes chose this ending? Do you think that this was a good way for him to end the story? Why or why not? Can you think of any other way that he could have concluded the play? Do you think that the Athenian audience liked this ending? What did the audience do that showed how they felt? Use your imagination, but also be reasonable. [15 points]

This is to be written without any notes or other material. Do not copy any pre-written work.