University of Arkansas. Spring,
2002. CLST 4003 H. Colloquium: Ancient Greek Religion.

Professor D. B. Levine

Illustration: Red-Figure vase. Possibly Europa
on the Bull (Zeus). 5th century BCE. Goulandris Museum, Athens. Photo by
J. Matthew Harrington.


Written Assignment #2: Religion in Hesiodic Verse



Tuesday 29 January:

Read Hesiod’s Works and Days and make notes on the questions for
class discussion. Ask questions.


Thursday, 31 January:

Continue discussion of Works and Days. Note the passages most
relevant to religious practice. Ask questions.


Tuesday, 5 February:

Read Hesiod’s Theogony and make notes on the questions for class
discussion. Ask questions.


Thursday, 7 February:

Continue discussion of Theogony. Locate the passages most relevant
to religious practice. Ask questions.


Tuesday, 12 February:

Hand in essay on varieties of religious expression in Hesiod. This essay
must not exceed five pages in length, and will be a summary of what you
have learned about religion in the texts, with relevant citations. It will
be double-spaced, in 12-point type, and cover whatever aspects of religion
you find of most interest in what you read. You should show that you have
carefully read and thought about the religious aspects of Hesiodic epic.
Make some comparisons between religious notions in Hesiod and religious
ideas in Homeric poetry.


The professor will not accept late essays.


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