
Reading Questions: Homer’s Odyssey

Students will hand in typed answers to four
questions for each assignment as described on the Class

(N. B. Line numbrs refer to the Greek text.)


ODYSSEY 1 (Due January 19)

1. On a map of Greece, find Ithaca, Pylos, and Sparta. Which direction
did Telemachus have to sail from Ithaca to Pylos to visit Nestor? What direction
did he have to travel in order to go from Pylos to Sparta to visit Menelaus?
Describe a likely sea route that Telemachus would have taken to get from
Ithaca to Pylos, mentioning what he would have passed on the way.

2. Describe a likely sea route that Odysseus would have taken to get
from Troy home to Ithaca, if he had been able to go directly home after
the war. Mention some places he would have passed on the way.

3. What themes do the first ten lines of the epic stress? What are the
most important words in the proem?

4. Why is Zeus upset with mortals? What example does he give?

5. What pun on Odysseus’ name does Athena make in her first speech to
Zeus (62)?

6. What reason does Athena give for Zeus NOT to be upset with Odysseus,
and how does Zeus agree with her?

7. What does Zeus say about Poseidon’s anger? How is this important for
the whole epic?

8. How does Athena arm herself for her trip to Ithaca, and how does she

9. In what guise does Athena approach Odysseus’ house? Why does she choose
this disguise?

10. Why was Telemachus indignant when he saw Athena standing on the threshold
of the outer porch? What does this tell us about his values? How might this
be important for the whole epic?

11. What is symbolic about where Telemachus places Pallas Athena’s spear?

12. “Mentes” tells Telemachus that he and Telemachus ‘have
ties of hospitality, just as our fathers did, from a long way back”
(187-188). What story does he tell Telemachus later about Odysseus and his
(Mentes’) father to prove this claim, and what does this reveal about the
character of Odysseus (252 ff)?

13. Why does Telemachus say that if Odysseus had died at Troy he would
have grieved less for him than he currently does? What does he think has
happened to his father? What might have led him to this belief?

14. What does Athena mean that Telemachus should build a ‘barrow’ (291),
and what do you think it will be in it? What is the literal meaning of the
English word “cenotaph”? What is its importance?

15. Why does Athena/Mentes remind Telemachus of Orestes?

16. Why does Telemachus offer a gift to Athena/Mentes? What does this
tell us about “Homeric Society”?

17. What was unusual about Athena’s departure from Telemachus, and what
effect on Telemachus did her departure have?

18. What song was Phemius singing that bothered Penelope so much? What
about the song vexed her so? What etymological connection might make Phemius’
name significant?

19. How does Telemachus respond to his mother’s tearful plea to change
the subject of the singer’s song? What does his response tell us about his
character, and about gender roles?

20. What had the suitors done specifically to make Telemachus call them
‘arrogant pigs’ (368)?

21. Eurycleia was a prized slave in Odysseus’ household (428ff). What
relationship did she have with Odysseus’ father Laertes? With Odysseus’
son Telemachus?


ODYSSEY 4 (Due January 22)


1. To which goddess is Helen compared when she arrives in the hall (121ff)?
Why do you think the poet makes this comparison?

2. What does Helen hold in her lap? Why does she have these? What does
this tell us about epic queens?

3. What leads to the recognition of Telemachus by Menelaus and Helen?
Who finally confirms Telemachus’ identity? How is the identification made?

4. How does Menelaus express his affection for Odysseus (168ff)?

5. Everybody cries when they remember Odysseus (183ff). What does Helen
do to help them get over this sorrow? What was the origin of this special
thing? What bit of ‘history’ does this reveal?

6. What is Helen’s attitude towards how she had caused the Trojan War?
(cite a line)?

7. What story does Helen tell that proves the cleverness (dolos)
of Odysseus? What was her role in the story? How does this story foreshadow
what Odysseus will do on Ithaca when he eventually arrives there?

8. What Trojan Horse story does Menelaus tell that proves the excellence
of Odysseus? What is Helen’s role in that myth? How does the story reveal
characters? How might it be (mis)interpreted?

9. Who was Eidothea, and who was her father? How did she help Menelaus
to get home? What does her name mean, and how might that be significant
for her role in the epic?

10. What myth about Thetis and Peleus is recalled by lines 440-452? (You
will want to look in a mythology source book, or see information about Thetis
at the Perseus web site, especially this passage, and note 5:


11. What use did Eidothea make of ambrosia to help Menelaus? Why did
she do this? What is the meaning and etymology of ‘ambrosia’?

12. What mistake did Menelaus make on his departure, according to Proteus,
and how can Menelaus rectify it? What modern equivalents of this action
might we cite?

13. Why did Poseidon kill Oilean Ajax (This is the Locrian, ‘lesser Ajax,’
not the Ajax of the great shield who killed himself over not getting Achilles’
armor)? What does this tell us about the relation between mortals and gods?

14. How does Proteus’ describe the death of Agamemnon? What adjective
does Homer use to describe Aigisthos in line 525? How might this adjective
also apply to Odysseus?

15. What does Proteus say is Menelaus’ after-death destiny? How does
Proteus describe this place, and why is this to be Menelaus’ lot? How much
does he deserve it?

16. What act of piety does Menelaus perform before he leaves Egypt for
home? Why does he do so?


ODYSSEY 5 and 6 (Due January 24)

1. Why was Dawn reluctant to leave Tithonus (line 1)? What was their
relationship? Why is the image of a reluctant Dawn appropriate to the theme
of book 5? [Here is another proof Stanley Lombardo’s translation genius.]

2. What was Calypso doing when Hermes found her, and what does that tell
us about the pastimes of nymphs? How did Calypso recognize Hermes? How was
Hermes dressed?

3. How does Calypso offer hospitality to Hermes? How is it appropriate?

4. What remark does Hermes make that reminds us that he is a greedy god?
How does this realte to the presentation of his character in the Homeric
Hymn to Hermes

Text: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0138:hymn=4:line=1

5. What is Calypso’s attitude towards the other gods — when she hears
why Hermes has come? What mythological exempla does she cite? How are these

6. Why does Odysseus elicit an oath from Calypso? What does this tell
us about Odysseus’ outlook on life?

7. How does Odysseus’ meal (sitting in the chair where Hermes had sat)
compare with that of Hermes, and why?

8. What does Odysseus tell Calypso immediately before they go to bed
and make love? Why does he tell her this? Is there a problem in either of
their minds with the fact that Odysseus has a wife?

9. When Poseidon’s storm is overwhelming Odysseus, he wishes he had died
in Troy. Why does he express that thought? What does this tell us about
Homeric values?

10. How did the White Goddess Ino help Odysseus? What pun does she make
on Odysseus’ name (5.340)? Who had made this same pun in book 1 (62)? Who
makes the same pun at 5.423? Why do you think the author makes this repeated

11. What is Odysseus’ reaction to Ino’s gift of the veil? What does this
tell us about Odysseus’ outlook on life?

ODYSSEY 6 (Due January 24)

12. Into what does Athena metamorphose herself, and why?

13. How does Homer describe Mt. Olympus? How does this compare to the
description of the Elysian fields in Book 4 (561ff)?

14. To which goddess does Homer compare Nausicaa as she plays with her
girlfriends? Why is this appropriate?

15. To which goddess does the naked Odysseus compare Nausicaa? To what
non-human thing does he compare her (149ff)? How are these two related?
Why does Odysseus compare her to both a goddess and something else?

16. What wish does Odysseus make for Nausicaa? How can this be seen as
a wish for himself? (180 ff)

17. How does Athena help Odysseus “dress for success,” and
how successful is she? How does this contrast with the way he was dressed
when he first encountered Nausicaa?

18. What does Nausicaa tell Odysseus that he must do in order to win
his way back to his homeland? What does this tell us about gender roles
in the palace of Scheria?

19. Why does Athena hear, but not appear face-to-face to Odysseus when
he prays to her in her sacred grove (323ff)?


ODYSSEY 8 (Due January 26)

1. What do you think Nausicaa’s emotions are when she bids Odysseus farewell?
How does Odysseus respond to her words? How do they feel about each other?
Can we call this ‘love’? Why or why not?

2. How is the scene where Demodocus’ song makes Odysseus cry (486–586)
similar to or different from the scene in book 1, which shows Penelope’s
reaction to Phemius’ song (1.328ff)? What does this tell us about song?

3. How do Odysseus’ tears lead to his recognition?

4. What prediction had Nausithous made about the negative consequences
of the Phaeacians’ generosity to strangers (600 ff)?


ODYSSEY 9 and 10 (Due January 29)

1. How does Odysseus introduce his name to the Phaeacians? What does
he stress about himself, and why?

2. What foolish thing did Odysseus’ men do when they visited the Cicones
(9.39ff)? How did these “fools” turn about and become wise in
the Cyclops scene (at 9.216ff)?

3. How did Odysseus rescue his men from the land of the Lotus Eaters?
Why was this necessary? What does it tell the poem’s audience about the
hero and his relationship with his men?

4. What kind of social life do the Cyclopes have? What does this tell
us about how they interact with outsiders?

5. What do the Cyclopes NOT have? What is the significance of all these

6. What prompts Odysseus to explore Polyphemus’ cave (173, 227)? What
does this tell us about his character? His leadership?

7. How are the customs of xenia (hospitality) parodied in the
Cyclops scene?

8. Who is to blame for the death of Odysseus’ men at the hands of the
Cyclops? Why?

9. How did a pun save Odysseus and his men from the other Cyclopes?

10. What mistake does Odysseus make at the end of book 9 that costs his
men their lives? Why does he make this mistake?


ODYSSEY 10 (Due January 29)

11. What kind of place is the island of Aeolia?

12. Why does Aeolus not grant Odysseus and his men hospitality upon their
second arrival at the floating island? How does he justify the denial of
this ‘basic human right’?

13. What kind of xenia (hospitality) do Odysseus’ men encounter
among the Laestrygonians? How does it compare to their meeting with Polyphemus?

14. What kind of xenia (hospitality) does Circe offer to Odysseus’ men?

15. How does Hermes help Odysseus? What does he look like?

16. What is Odysseus’ response to Circe’s invitation to make love? What
does this say about the power of an oath?

17. Why does Odysseus briefly consider killing his own friend and kinsman
Eurylochus? What does this tell us about Odysseus’ character?

18. How is the decision for Odysseus to leave Circe’s island different
from his departure from Calypso’s island in book 5?

19. Why must Odysseus seek the ghost of Theban Tiresias? What does this
tell us about the Dead?

20. What caused Elpenor’s death? Does the story have a ‘moral’ that the
poet stresses?


ODYSSEY 11 and 12 (Due January 31)

1. What kind of sacrifice does Odysseus offer to the dead?

2. Why do you think that Elpenor is the first shade (psyche) which
Odysseus encounters?

3. What does Teiresias tell Odysseus he must do to rid himself of the
anger of Poseidon? Why do you think this has to do with honoring the god?

4. How is Odysseus’ reaction to his mother’s shade similar to Achilles’
reaction to Patroclus’ shade in Iliad 23? What does his mother tell
him about the nature of the dead?

5. What is the point of the scene when the shades of women appear to
Odysseus? Why do you suppose that Odysseus tells his hosts that he must
stop his story at this point? (330) Why does he agree to continue his story
(378ff)? What theme is being stressed here?

6. How does the shade of Agamemnon reinforce information in books 1 (1.35ff)
and 4 (519ff) when the shade tells Odysseus of his homecoming (11.397ff)?

7. What advice does Agamemnon’s shade offer to Odysseus? How does he
compare and contrast Clytemnestra and Penelope?

8. What is Achilles’ shade most concerned about, and how does Odysseus
make him happy? How does this ‘fit in’ with general themes in the Odyssey?

9. Why did Telemonian Ajax’ shade refuse to speak to Odysseus? What does
this tell us about the original audience of this poem?

10. What do Tityos, Tantalus, and Sisyphus have in common? What is the
point of having them appear in this scene?

11. How does Heracles differ from the other shades in this book? What
did he look like? Does his appearance have any relevance to Odysseus’ own
story? How so? How not?

12. What causes Odysseus’ interview with the dead to end so abruptly?
What other myth does this image conjure up? Is it relevant to the story
at all? What does Stanford’s commentary say about the monster of 11.634?


ODYSSEY 12 (Due January 31)

13 . Circe warns Odysseus about the Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis, and
tells him how best to survive hem. How does he follow her advice?

14. What is the Sirens’ song? What about the song do you think is so
appealing to Odysseus –judging from what you know about him already in
this epic?

15. Why does Odysseus not mention to his men Circe’s warning about Scylla?
(12.222 ff) Was this a wise decision on his part? Why or why not?

16. What was the most pitiable thing that Odysseus had ever seen (12.257
ff)? What does this reveal about Odysseus and his relationship with his

17. Why do Odysseus and his men put in at Helios’ island, when Circe
and Teiresias both had told Odysseus to avoid Thrinacia? Why does Odysseus
not stop his men from killing Helios’ cattle? What does this say about Odysseus’
relationship with his men?

18. What do Odysseus’ men do in an attempt to lessen the sin which they
commit against the sun god’s cattle? What does this say about the efficacy
of prayer?

19. How did Odysseus know that Lampetie had tattled on his men to Helios,
and that Helios had gone to Zeus to get revenge (12.374 ff)?

20. How does Odysseus escape from Charybdis for a second time? What image
of him do we get as a result?



ODYSSEY 13-14 (Due February 02)


1. What is the importance of wine after Odysseus’ “farewell dinner”
on Scheria– for religion, human social interaction, and for sustenance?

2. What happens when Poseidon (the Earthshaker) sees how the Phaeacians
have helped Odysseus?

3. Why is Odysseus confused when he wakes up on Ithaca?

4. What is the first thing that Odysseus does when he first wakes up
on Ithaca? What do his first speech and his first actions there tell us
about his character?

5. Important things happen in the Odyssey when Odysseus is asleep. What
happens in this book? What happened in book 12? Why do you think the poet
uses this technique? (Later, look at Penelope’s sleep in book 18.)

6. How does Odysseus’ speech to a disguised Athena show his character?
How does Athena react to his lies?

7. How do Odysseus and Athena compliment each other? How do they criticize
each other? How would you characterize the tone of their conversation?

8. In what three ways does Athena help Odysseus before he goes to Eumaeus’

ODYSSEY 15-16 (Due February 05)


1. How do dogs help Odysseus recognize his son?

2. Why is the simile beginning at line 19 (Lombardo) an appropriate one
for this context?

3. What dilemma does the disguised Odysseus represent to Telemachus at
first (74 Lombardo)?

4. Where do you think that the Greek word “hubris” occurs in
Telemachus’ speech to Eumaeus (75-98, Lombardo)? To whom is it applied?

5. How does Telemachus show respect for his father even before he knows
his identity?

6. What role does Athena play in the recognition of Odysseus by Telemachus?
How do the dogs react to her? Why do they react thus?

7. In the anagnorisis (recognition) central to this book, how
does Odysseus prove that he is Telemachus’ father? Why does Telemachus not
believe him at first? Why does he finally believe him? What does this say
about Telemachus’ character?

8. What non-verbal signal does Athena give to Odysseus to let him know
that she wants him to come out of Eumaeus’ hut (174 Lombardo)? What non-verbal
signal will Odysseus give to Telemachus to signal that he should hide the
weapons (297 Lombardo)? What do these non-verbal communications tell us?

ODYSSEY 17-18 (Due February 07)


1. How does the goatherd Melanthius greet Odysseus and Eumaeus? What
does he have in common with the suitors? How do Odysseus and Eumaeus react
to his abuse?

2. How does a dog almost create a premature anagnorisis?

3. Who is the only Suitor not to give food to the beggar Odysseus? What
does his name mean? Why is it appropriate? What does he do instead of give

4. How is Odysseus’ reaction to Antinous’ abuse similar to his reaction
to Melanthius earlier in the book? What is the reaction of the other Suitors
to Antinous’ action?


5. How is Irus like the Suitors?

6. How did Irus get his name?

7. How is Odysseus’ treatment of Irus a foreshadowing of future events?
Why are lines 107-108 (Lombardo) ironic?

ODYSSEY 19-20 (Due February 09)


1. How does Odysseus reveal his genius for clever plotting and guile
in book 19? Cite specifics.

2. How does Penelope reveal her own “metis” (“cunning

3. What does the maid Melantho have in common with the similarly-named
Melanthius (compare 19.73ff to 17.229ff Lombardo)?

4. Do you think that Penelope recognizes the beggar as her husband? Why
or why not? (Cite text for your reasons)

5. What details associate Odysseus with his maternal grandfather?

6. How does Eurycleia recognize Odysseus? What is Odysseus’ reaction?
How appropriate is his reaction?

7. What was Penelope’s dream? What is significant about the ‘gate of

ODYSSEY 21-22 (Due February 12)


1. In what way does the epic associate Odysseus’ bow with xenia?

2. Why did Eumaeus and the cowherd cry as they set out the bow and axes
before the Suitors?

3. What is “out of character” about Telemachus’ public reaction
to Penelope’s announcement of the Bow Competition? Why does he encourage
the Suitors to take part?

4. How does Odysseus reveal his identity to the cowherd and swineherd?
Why does he do so at the moment he does? What are his instructions to these
faithful servants?

5. What reason does the disguised Odysseus give for wanting to try to
string the bow? What is Antinous’ reaction? Why does Antinous tell the story
about the wine-crazed centaurs?

6. What is Eurymachus afraid of? How does Penelope put him in his place?

7. In book 21, Odysseus raises (133 Lombardo) and lowers (460 Lombardo)
his brows. What do these body movements mean in their contexts?



8. In what ways does this book recall the Iliad? Cite some specifics.

9. Why does Odysseus invoke Apollo (7 Lombardo)?

10. What three crimes of the Suitors does Odysseus mention when he begins
the slaughter (38-44, Lombardo)?

11. How did Athena help Odysseus and Telemachus in their battle against
the suitors?

12. Which suppliants does Odysseus spare in the battle in the hall, and
why? Which suppliants are not spared? Why do you think these are not spared?

13. Find two similes in book 22 and comment on their appropriateness.

14. What role does Eurycleia play in the bloody battle in the hall and
its aftermath?

ODYSSEY 23-24 (Due February 14)


1. What is Penelope’s first reaction to Eurycleia’s announcement that
Odysseus really was home (25ff Lombardo)?

2. What is Penelope’s second reaction to the notion that Odysseus has
come home and killed the suitors? (62ff Lombardo) What does this tell us
about her character?

3. What does Homer imply about Penelope’s true beliefs about the identity
of the man who killed the suitors (89ff Lombardo)?

4. Why do you think that Odysseus smiles when Penelope says “There
are secrets between us no one else knows” (115 Lombardo)?

5. How is music used to deceive in book 23?

6. Why is the simile at 240ff (Lombardo) so apt?

7. Why is the night so long in this book? What happens during this long


8. What kind of relationship do Agamemnon and Achilles have in Hades?
How does this compare or contrast with their relationship in the Iliad?
How do you account for any differences?

9. The ghost of the suitor Amphimedon seems to think that Odysseus and
Penelope plotted together to kill the suitors (126-192 Lombardo). What alternate
version of the story might this imply?

10. How does Odysseus identify himself to Laertes?

11. How does Odysseus treat his father in book 24? Why do you think that
Odysseus treats his own father thus?

12. What do we learn about the funeral and burial of Achilles in this

13. How does Athena play an important role in resolving the conflict
on Ithaca? How does this summarize her role in the epic?

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