All students will enroll for two of the courses below, and will present
two site reports (one for each course). They will write two short papers
(one for each course), and submit a final examination. Each student will
write only one final examination, which will serve for both courses. Research
for the site reports will be completed before the trip begins, but the papers
and final examination are due at the end of summer session II (usually the
end of the first week in August). All students will write a TRAVEL JOURNAL
(click here for description). All students
will learn a modicum of
Modern Greek during
the Study Tour.


1. CLST 4003H. Honors Course: Greek Religion and Archaeology.

Students will visit and study sanctuaries sacred to several gods. They
will report on the religious activities and associated structures and artifacts,
describing important aspects of the cults, using both literary and archaeological
evidence. Students will write one analytical honors-level paper on the subject.
They will write a final examination on various genres of archaeological
remains. Honors students will submit part of their work to the professors
before the trip. They will keep a Travel Journal.

Calculation of Grades: Quality of Participation, including pre-trip meetings:
20%; Quality of Site Report: 20%; Quality of Paper: 20%; Quality of Final
Examination: 20%; Quality of Journal: 20%.


2. CLST 3993H. Honors Course: Ancient/Medieval Greek Art and Culture.

Students will visit and study sites and museums in Greece. They will
report on significant artistic, architectural, and archaeological material
describing and analyzing important aspects of the art and culture associated
with the material remains, using both literary and archaeological evidence
(with a handout). They will write a final examination on various genres
of archaeological remains. Students will write one analytical honors-level
paper on the subject. Honors students will submit part of their work to
the professors before the trip. They will keep a Travel

Calculation of Grades: Quality of Participation, including pre-trip meetings:
20%; Quality of Site Report: 20%; Quality of Paper: 20%; Quality of Final
Examination: 20%; Quality of Journal: 20%.


3. FLAN 4233: Culture and Civilization: Field Studies (Greece)

Students will visit and study sites and museums in Greece. They will
deliver one short report (with a handout) on significant artistic, architectural,
and archaeological material (to be researched before the trip), and write
one paper describing and analyzing important aspects of the art and culture
associated with the material remains, using both literary and archaeological
evidence. They will write a final examination on various genres of archaeological
remains. They will keep a Travel Journal.

Calculation of Grades: Quality of Participation, including pre-trip meetings:
20%; Quality of Site Report: 20%; Quality of Paper: 20%; Quality of Final
Examination: 20%, Quality of Journal: 20%.


4. EUST 4703: Special Topic: Modern Greece

Students will visit and study sites and museums in Greece and give a
report on a pertinent issue relating to Modern Greece which they will have
researched before the trip (with a handout). They will write one paper describing
and analyzing the issue they choose in consultation with the professors.
They will write a final examination on various genres of archaeological
remains. They will keep a Travel Journal.

Calculation of Grades: Quality of Participation, including pre-trip meetings:
20%; Quality of Site Report: 20%; Quality of Paper: 20%; Quality of Final
Examination: 20%, Quality of Journal: 20%.


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