SLO Biers Classical part 1

10. What kind of stone was used for the Zeus Temple at Olympia, and how was it ‘dressed up’?
11. Why was the Temple of Hephaistos at Athens so well preserved?

22. In the Bronze Age, what stood in the vicinity of the Erechtheion?

3. What was (Who were) “The Thirty”, and what did they do?

24. What was the Propylaia used for?
5. What characterizes the ‘Severe Style’?
16. What “hampered” the architects who were planning post-Persian monuments on the Athenian acropolis?
7. Who was Phidias? What did he do?
18. What was the statue of Athena Parthenos made of?
9. What does Biers mean by the “canonical number of columns” when referring to the temple of Zeus at Olympia?