Completed Projects

Genetic Analysis of Male Fertility in the Chicken

We used a variety of techniques to examine testis developmental gene regulation as well as mapping genetic defects in testicular development in the chicken. Along with David Froman (Oregon State University) we mapped QTLs on chromosome Z affecting sperm mobility in the chicken. 

This project has been supported by National Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2003-35203-13380 from the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, and Industry grants.

Sohita Ojha

Sohita Ojha (PhD candidate) is culturing Primordial Germ Cells from the low mobility line into recipient embryos to determine the phenotype of the donor sperm.

Visit her webpages.

Nhung Nguyen

Nhung Nguyen (MS 2015) cultured Primordial Germ Cells and used RNAseq to examine differences in male and female PGC transcriptomes.

Sharath Munnaluri

Sharath Munnaluri (MS 2012) genotyped for six chromosomal regions associated with reduced sperm mobility.

Spencer Lunbeck

Spencer Lunbeck (BS Honors 2011) identified SNPs in a channel protein associated with sperm mobility phenotype.

Candidate gene analysis of QTLs in the chicken

We have investigated whether either estrogen receptor (alpha or beta) is a QTL affecting egg production in breeding lines for broiler breeders. We developed linked microsatellites to characterize the populational diversity in several breeding lines (manuscript in preparation). Subsequently we have analyzed the QTL affect of other genes of the major hormone-receptor families.

Shawn Bailes

Shawn Bailes (MS 2006) examined ERalpha genotype in a large population of hens.

Brenda Flack

Brenda Flack (PhD 2010) analyzed candidate genes in 4 breeder lines for affect on egg production.

Katrina Collins

Katrina Collins (Cum Laude 2004, MS 2005) developed a new marker for ERbeta and examined ERalpha and ERBeta genotypes in several breeding lines.

Carrie Hyde

Carrie Hyde (BS, Honors 2009) examined several genes for QTL affect on egg production.

Genetic Analysis of Development in the Testis and Reproductive Tract

We have discovered over 300 novel spliced transcripts detected in ESTs from reproductive tract in the chicken. These novel transcripts have not been described in other organisms and may be new genes or important regulatory transcripts. We characterized a number of these ESTs through full length sequencing, genomic architecture, and developmental expression.

This project has been terminated for lack of funding.

Sharath Munnaluri

Sharath Munnaluri (MS 2012) sequenced a panel of novel cDNAs from the chicken reproductive tract for gene discovery, and assignment to tissue and developmental stage.

Courtney Lang

Courtney Lang (BS Honors 2009) analyzed a set of four ncRNA cDNAs for gene architecture and tissue distribution of these novel transcripts in the reproductive tract.

Gale Raymond

Gale Raymond (Cum Laude, BS 2008) analyzed four ncRNA cDNAs for gene architecture and tissue distribution of these novel spliced transcripts in the reproductive tract.

Demarquis Loyd

Demarquis Loyd (BS Honors2007) analyzed a set of 15 cDNAs for gene architecture and tissue distribution of these novel spliced transcripts in the reproductive tract.

Stephanie Roberts

Stephanie Roberts (BS 2006) analyzed novel ESTs from the reproductive tract.

Phillip Cleves

Phillip Cleves (Summa Cum Laude, BS 2008) generated defective retroviral constructs to express reporter genes to construct transgenic chickens and analyzed gene expression for novel ncRNAs using qRT-PCR.

Investigation of evolution, taxonomy, and gene regulation in unicellular eukaryotes

We focused on structure and regulation of the gene for ribosomal protein S14. Molecular analyses in mammals and arthropods suggest this essential gene’s regulatory and structural components have diverged substantially while the protein encoded has been highly conserved. We used recombinant DNA approaches to characterize this gene from disparate yeast, fungi and protists to further evaluate evolution of this gene as a taxonomic marker. Parallel studies of transcription factors which regulate the S14 gene examined this vital process for possible development of new anti-mycotics.

Shannon Nicks

Shannon Nicks (BS Honors 2007) analyzed rpS14 and rpS17 gene structure in single celled eukaryotes.

Maria Hester

Maria Hester (BS Honors 2009) added more rpS17 genes, and analyzed rpL8, TPI, and eF2B for intron position.

Genetics of Sperm Degeneration in the chicken

We analyzed inheritance of the sperm degeneration phenotype in chickens. Our intention was to map the gene since SDD was thought to be a single gene, autosomal trait. Subsequently we demonstrated that the trait is actually multigenic involving at least two chromosomal regions.

This project has been terminated.

Jeremy Devers

Jeremy Devers developed new markers for fine mapping SDD.

Jessica Farrell

Jessica Farrell (Cum Laude, BS 2007) analyzed caspase activity in SDD sperm.

Molecular genetic analysis of populations of species at risk

With Dr. Steve Beaupré we used microsatellite loci to estimate population diversity and gene flow in populations of Crotalus horridus (Timber Rattlesnakes) in the Southeastern United States.

With Dr. Kim Smith and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission we have used microsatellite loci to estimate population diversity and gene flow in fragmented populations of Black Bears in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana. This project has been terminated.

Both of these projects impact conservation plans for wildlife management.

Amy Brown and Laura Thorne

Amy Brown (right, Magna Cum Laude 2002) and Laura Thorne (Magna Cum Laude 2003, not pictured) developed microsatellites for genetic analysis of Timber Rattlesnakes. Candace Smith used these microsatellites to analyze Timber Rattlesnakes from Arkansas and elsewhere.

Ildiko Csiki

Ildiko Csiki (Magna Cum Laude, 1999) loading a gel to analyze bear microsatellites. Ildi went on to the PhD/MD program at Vanderbilt.