Greenlee Research Group
Current Group Members
Our team drives our research. The most important part of our research is our team. Meet the current members of our group.
Lauren F. Greenlee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ralph E. Martin Leadership Chair in Chemical Engineering
Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arkansas
CV for Dr. Greenlee.
Postdoctoral Researchers
László Kekédy-Nagy
2017-2018, Postdoctoral Fellow, Aarhus University, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO)
Ph.D., 2017 Nanoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark
M.S., 2011 Biomedical Engineering, University of Memphis / University of Tennessee
M.S., 2007 Modern Methods of Env. Quality Control and Assessment, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania
B.S., 2006 Chemistry, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania
Geletu Qing
2017-2019, Camille and Henry Dreyfus Environmental Chemistry Fellow, Michigan State University
Ph.D., 2015 University of Tokyo, Japan, Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship
M.S., 2012 Tsinghua University, China
B.S., 2009, Tsinghua University, China
Graduate Students
Zahra Anari
Membrane processes and nutrient recovery
Amir Akbari
Electrochemical nutrient management and water recovery from agricultural wastewaters
Ruhi Sultana
Electrochemical struvite recovery and magnesium electrode corrosion studies
Lars Berent Ostervold
Electrooxidation studies on biomass derivatives.
Raheleh Daneshpour
Investigation of antimicrobial properties of a cross-linked chitosan-graphene oxide composite.
Sergio Ivan Perez Bakovic
Investigation of FeNi electrocatalytic films and the role of alkali cations on HER/NRR.
Suzana Ivandic
Polymer-photocatalyst composites and oxidative degradation of cyanotoxins.
Prashant Acharya
Electrocatalysis and operando x-ray spectroscopy of FeNi nanoparticle catalysts.
Shelby Foster
Kinetics studies and characterization of metal oxide nanoparticle catalysts used for removal of organic water contaminants.
Arash Emdadi
Theoretical and experimental analysis of reverse electrodialysis feed streams.
Undergraduate Researchers
We have many undergraduate students work with us on research projects.
Visit our alumni page to see past group members and their research foci.