Lesson 3:

Concepts conveyed | Materials | Procedure | Benefits | Resource
Concepts conveyed:
The purpose of this demonstration is to illustrate the differences in densities of similar-looking items.
(for one group of students)
- 1 large plastic bucket (about 1 1/2 feet deep and 12 inches in diameter)
- 1, 12 oz can of diet soft drink
- 1, 12 oz. Can of same type of soft drink, but not diet
Ask students to bring a twelve ounce can of their favorite soft drink to the scheduled class period. When they get to class, tell them to form groups of two to six and give each group a large plastic bucket and one can each of unopened diet coke and coke (or similar products). First, discuss with the students any noticeable differences in the drinks. Next, instruct one member of each group to fill the plastic bucket with water (at least one foot deep). Then, tell the students to place the two cans of soft drink into the bucket and observe what happens. Following the activity, allow the students to test their own cans of soft drinks to try to further explain what has taken place. Finally, have the students discuss within their groups the results of the activity and their potential explanations for what occurred. Ask the students to return to their seats for a class discussion and a lecture on density as defined in chemistry.
- The professor can use the activity as a means to check attendance (the students can hand in a piece of paper with their signature and favorite soft drink).
- This exercise encourages students to develop observational skills and to create hypotheses to explain scientific phenomena.
- Everett, W.R., The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, personal communication, 1996