Current Research

Click here to view Dr. Rose’s Curriculum Vitae.

Dr. Rose works in collaboration with the Amarna Project (supported by the Amarna Trust) including Prof. Barry Kemp, Dr. Anna Stevens, and Dr. Gretchen Dabbs to investigate the health and life history of the people of the Ancient Egyptian capitol city of Akhetaten. He has worked in Egypt since 1990 and at Amarna since 2005, first on the South Tombs Cemetery Project and recently the on-going North Tombs Cemetery Project.

Furthermore, Dr. Rose is currently working to evaluate the relationship of skeletal measurements of the facial and airway complexes and malocclusion in the dental arcade in relation to sleep apnea in modern patients here in Arkansas. This research will then be utilized to examine changes to those complexes and in the dental arcade shape in bioarchaeological specimens, which will hopefully aid in the understanding of the development of sleep apnea in modern populations.