Pre-Dental Students

University of Arkansas

Dr. Rose’s Handout     Dental Club     Useful Websites

It is important that you keep your advisor informed of any changes in address, email address and telephone number. It is frequently necessary to contact predental students on short notice. All announcements, scheduled events, and deadlines are now distributed by email so it is imperative that we have your UARK email address.

I have sign-up sheets for appointments to see me for predental advising always posted on the bulletin board next to the entrance to the Anthropology Department Office at Old Main 330 when I am here and school is in session. Come by and sign up for a time slot and that is your appointment. I will be waiting for you in my office at Old Main 348. This is your time to discuss your questions and concerns.

There is a student Dental Society on campus and you are encouraged to join and participate. This is an entirely student-run club for all people interested in teeth and dentistry. The officers send out notices of their meetings by email. It is important to get your address to them. Keep in mind that all dental school applications ask if you have belonged to a predental club while in college. I will also send the announcement of meetings to everyone on my list as well.

For further information regarding dental school requirements, clinical experience, and the Dental Admission Test, please see the link above “Dr. Rose’s Handout”.

Although many students major in Chemistry or Biology, a predental student may major in any subject such as Anthropology, French, Mathematics, Sociology, etc. In fact, Dental Schools encourage a broad education and majoring in Zoology or Chemistry will not provide an admission advantage. You should choose the major that you want or are interested in. You should choose the major that you want and are interested in and then you will earn better grades in your major and the required pre-dental sciences.  However, Texas A&M College of Dentistry (Dallas, Texas) favors biology majors who have had many of the same courses that the first year dental students take, and they say that being a non-science major is an extreme disadvantage for admissions and for survival in the first year curriculum.

*Again, sign-up sheets for appointments for pre-dental advising are posted next to the door of the Anthropology office, Old Main 330. Come by and sign up for a time with Dr. Rose.


Dr. Jerome C. Rose

University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, Arkansas