Basic Immunology
How the course will be run
Academic Honesty Please sign [either e-signature or hard copy is fine!]
Senior writing requirement — Directions
- Papers: a link to PubMed where you can research any topic and to Google Scholar
- Some specific topics with reviews and papers
Movies by Parham chapter
Text: Immune System, 4th Edition, by Peter Parham
Learning Objectives by Chapter
Chapter 1: Elements of the Immune System and their Roles in Defense- The Immune Response
Chapter 2: Innate Immunity: The Immediate Response to Infection- Complement System
Chapter 3: Innate Immunity: The Induced Response to Infection-
- Innate Recognition of Pathogens,
- Chemokine Signaling,
- Pathogen Recognition Receptors,
- The Inflammasome,
- Chemotaxis,
- Lymphocyte Homing,
- Leukocyte Rolling,
- Rolling Adhesion,
- Extravasation,
- Immunological Synapse
Chapter 4: Antibody Structure and the Generation of B-Cell Diversity- Isotype Switching
Chapter 5: Antigen Recognition by T Lymphocytes-
Chapter 6: The Development of B Lymphocytes-
Elisa at the HHMI site
Chapter 7: The Development of T Lymphocytes- T Cell Development
Chapter 8: T Cell-Mediated Immunity-
- TCR Signaling,
- CD28 and Costimulation,
- Cytokine Signaling,
- Induction of Apoptosis,
- Apoptosis,
- Lymphocyte Trafficking,
- Dendritic Cell Migration,
- T Cell Activation,
- T cell and APC interactions,
- T Cell Killing,
- T Cell Granule Release
Chapter 9: Immunity Mediated by B Cells and Antibodies- Phagocytosis
Chapter 10: Preventing Infection at Mucosal Surfaces- Crohn’s Disease
Chapter 11: Immunological Memory and Vaccination- No videos
Chapter 12: Coevolution of Innate and Adaptive Immunity- No videos
Chapter 13: Failures of the Body’s Defenses-
Chapter 14: IgE-Mediated Immunity and Allergy- D-TH Response
Chapter 15: Transplantation of Tissues and Organs- NFAT Activation and Cyclosporin
Chapter 16: Disruption of Healthy Tissue by the Immune Response- No videos
Chapter 17: Cancer and Its Interactions with the Immune System- History of Immunotherapy,
From the recent scientific news.
Getting past the immune system
Natural Killer Cells May Help Women Avoid Deadly Risk of Childbirth