Welcome to Mechanisms of Pathogenesis!
BIOL 4703 and 5703
General Course Information
BIOL 4703 Exams will be detailed and comprehensive. They will be a combination of multiple choice, draw a picture, write an essay, fill in the blanks. My best advice is to know the material cold. Ask yourself questions about what organisms can be compared as well.
BIOL 5703 Papers will be due on September 26th and November 2nd and the 5th of December. All 3 papers together should total 15-20 pages of text/prose not including figures and references which are also required. I suggest two short papers and a longer one. Tell me your total page number with each submission. Please submit as a .docx so I can add comments in the margin and please put your surname in the title of the document. If I were submitting that would be “DurdikMechPath1.docx.” Questions?
Contact Information
Jeannine Durdik
email: jdurdik@uark.edu
office: MAIN528c
Phone: (479) 530-3071
Note I am NOT available after 9pm or before 8 am.
Academic Honesty Statement Due by August 29 link to Academic Integrity Policy
Student Profile Due by August 29
Academic and health support
Academic support:
– Center for Learning and Student Success: http://class.uark.edu/
Phone number: (479)-575-2885
-Student Support Services: http://sss.uark.edu/
Phone number: (479)-575-3546
-Center for Educational Access: http://cea.uark.edu/
Phone number: (479) 575-3104
Health support:
– The Pat Walker Health Center: http://health.uark.edu/
Phone number: (479)-575-4451
-Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) http://health.uark.edu/departments/counseling-psychological-services.php
Phone number: (479)-575-5276
The Big Six
Respiratory System
- RMSF cells infected in tick, mechanism of entry, tricks
Blood and Lymphatics
- Advanced Organizer
- Outline of Blood and Lymphatics Lectures
- PDF outline
- .docx
- PDF HIV notes
- HIV page
- heart physiology
Gastrointestinal Tract
Advanced Organizer
- Outline of GI Tract Lectures
- PDF outline
- .docx outline
- Shellfish
Nervous System
GenitoUrinary Tract
- PDF Outline of GenitoUrinary Tract Lectures
- .docx Outline of GenitoUrinary Tract Lectures
- Infections of the GenitoUrinary Tract
Useful Links