UPDATE: The Fayetteville Roots Festival is this weekend and the Library is full. Instead we will meet in the Science and Engineering building on the U of A campus. We will be in room 322.

Here is a map:


Parking is free in the Harmon Parking Garage on Duncan and in the lot in front of the Nanotech building on Dickson. (Areas HAPG and 71 on the U of A parking map http://parking.uark.edu/parkmap.pdf )

You should be able to enter from Dickson street on either the west or east side of the building. You can also try to enter from the main campus level on the 4th floor through either Bell or Ferritor.


Welcome back, everyone! I hope you had a terrific summer. Since our usual time would fall on Labor day weeked, our inaugural September meeting will be held during the last weekend of August. We hope to see you on Saturday, August 29th at 2pm at the Fayetteville Public Library University of Arkansas.


This month, we’ll play around with polygons! We’ll look at triangles, area and angle, at how we can apply these to irregular polygons, and at some clever algorithms for computing area.