Atomic Coherence
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) and Its Related Effects (updated March 10, 2008)
Highlights of some significant EIT-related experimental papers:
First experimental demonstration of co-existing four-wave mixing and six-wave mixing processes enhanced by atomic coherence in multi-level atomic systems—-
- “Temporal and Spatial Interference between Four-wave Mixing and Six-wave Mixing Channels”, Y. Zhang, U. Khadka, B. Anderson, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett. , 102, 013601 (2009).
- “Spatial Interference between Generated Four-wave Mixing and Six-wave Mixing Signals”, B. Anderson, Y. Zhang, U. Khadka, and Min Xiao, Optics Letters , 33, 2029 (2008).
- “Efficient Energy Transfer between Four-wave-Mixing and Six-wave-Mixing Processes via Atomic Coherence”, Y. Zhang, B. Anderson, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 77, Rapid Communications, , 061801 (R) (2008).
- “Opening Four-wave Mixing and Six-wave Mising Channels via Dual Electromagnetically Induced TRansparency Windows”, Y.P. Zhang, A.W. Brown, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 123603 (2007).
- “Observation of Interference between Four-Wave Mixing and Six-Wave Mixing”, Y. Zhang, A.W. Brown, and Min Xiao, Opt. Lett., 32, 1120 (2007).
Transmission spectra with three-level EIT atoms inside an optical ring cavity, cavity linewidth narrowing and broadening due to modified linear and nonlinear dispersions—
- “Evidence of Lasing without Inversion in a Hot rubidium Vapor under Electromagnetically-induced-transparency Conditions”, H. Wu, Min Xiao and J. Gea-Banacloche, Phys. Rev. A, , 78, Rapid Communications, 041802 (R) 023828 (2008).
- “Transmission Spectrum of Doppler-broadened, Two-level Atoms in a Cavity in the Strong Coupling Regime”, J. Gea-Banacloche, H. Wu, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A, , 78, 023828 (2008).
- “Observation of Intracavity Electromagnetically-induced Transparency and Polariton Resonances in a Doppler-broadened Medium”, H. Wu, J. Gea-Banacloche and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett., , 100, 173602, 2008.
- “White-light Cavity with Competing Linear and Nonlinear Dispersions”, H. Wu and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A, 77 Rapid Communications , 031801 (R) (2008).
- “Cavity Linewidth Narrowing and Broadening due to Competing Linear and Nonlinear Dispersions”, H. Wu and Min Xiao, Optics Letters, 32, 3122 (2007).
- “Cavity-Linewidth Narrowing via Electromagnetically Induced Transparency,” H. Wang, D.J. Goorskey, W.H. Burkett, and Min Xiao, Optics Letters, 25, 1732 (2000).
Demonstration of chaos and period-doubling to chaos, and stochastic resonance in three-level atomic bistability near EIT resonance—-
- “Chaos in an Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Medium inside an Optical Cavity”, W. Yang, A. Joshi, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 093902 (2005)
- “Stochastic Resonance in Atomic Optical Bistability”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 74, 013817 (2006).
Demonstrated controllable optical bistability and multistability in a three-level bistability system—-
- “Optical Multistability in Three-Level Atoms inside an Optical Ring Cavity”, Amitabh Joshi and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 143904 (2003).
- “Controlling Optical Bistability in a Three-Level Atomic System,” Amitabh Joshi, Andy Brown, H. Wang, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 67, Rapid Communications, 041801 (R) (2003).
- “Hysteresis Loop with Controllable Shape and Direction in an Optical Ring Cavity”, A. Joshi, W. Yang, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 70 Rapid Communications, , 041802(R) (2004).
Demonstrated all-optical switching with enhanced Kerr nonlinearity in EIT medium—
- “Controlling Cavity Field with Enhanced Kerr Nonlinearity in Three-Level Atoms,” H. Wang, D. Goorskey, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 65 Rapid Communications, 051802 (R) (2002).
First direct measurement of enhanced Kerr nonlinear index of refraction in EIT medium—
- “Enhanced Kerr Nonlinearity via Atomic Coherence in a Three-Level Atomic System”, H. Wang, D. Goorskey and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 073601 (2001).
Early experimental demonstrations of enhanced FWM with EIT—-
- “Nondegenerate Four-Wave Mixing in a Double-lambda System under the Influence of Coherent Population Trapping”, B. Lu, W. H. Burkett, and Min Xiao, Opt. Lett. 23, 804 (1998).
- “Enhancement of Non-Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Rubidium Atoms”, Y. Li and Min Xiao, Optics Letters. 21, 1064 (1996).
First demonstrated EIT in lambda-type three-level atomic system with two-photon Doppler-free configuration with cw diode lasers—-
- “Measurement of Dispersive Properties of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Rubidium Atoms”, Min Xiao, Y. Li, S. Jin, and J. Gea-Banacloche, Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 666 (1995).
First direst measurement of enhanced dispersion in EIT media and inferred slowing down group velocity—-
- “Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Three-Level Lambda-type System in Rubidium Atoms,” Y. Li and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 51 Rapid Communications, R2703 (1995).
Experimental demonstration and theoretical calculations of EIT in three-level ladder-type system with cw diode lasers in two-photon Doppler-free configurations—–
- “Electromagnetically-Induced Transparency in Ladder-Type, Inhomogeneously-Broadened Media: Theory and Experiment”, J. Gea-Banacloche, Y. Li, S. Jin, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 51, 576 (1995).
Following are EIT-related papers listed in several categories.
(A) Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of EIT Media:
Linear absorption and dispersion, as well as Kerr nonlinearity, of three-level atomic systems can be significantly modified due to light-induced atomic coherence. We have shown that one can effectively control the linear absorption and dispersion, and enhance Kerr nonlinearity in various three-level atomic systems in vapor cell via two-photon Doppler-free configurations. By placing such EIT atoms inside an optical ring cavity, the cavity transmission spectra can be greatly modified, either narrowed or broadened, depending on the total dispersion of the intracavity EIT medium. Such EIT atomic systems can be used as ideal optical media with many unique linear and nonlinear optical properties.
- “Evidence of Lasing without Inversion in a Hot rubidium Vapor under Electromagnetically-induced-transparency Conditions”, H. Wu, Min Xiao and J. Gea-Banacloche, Phys. Rev. A, , 78, Rapid Communications, 041802 (R) 023828 (2008).
- “Transmission Spectrum of Doppler-broadened, Two-level Atoms in a Cavity in the Strong Coupling Regime”, J. Gea-Banacloche, H. Wu, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A, , 78, 023828 (2008).
- “Observation of Intracavity Electromagnetically-induced Transparency and Polariton Resonances in a Doppler-broadened Medium”, H. Wu, J. Gea-Banacloche and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett., , 100, 173602, 2008.
- “White-light Cavity with Competing Linear and Nonlinear Dispersions”, H. Wu and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A, 77 Rapid Communications , 031801 (R) (2008).
- “Interacting Dark States with Enhanced Nonlinearity in an Ideal Four-level Tripot Atomic System”, Y. Han, J. Xiao, Y. Liu, C. Zhang, H. Wang, Min Xiao, and K. C. Peng, Phys. Rev. A, 77, 023824 (2008).
- “Cavity Linewidth Narrowing and Broadening due to Competing Linear and Nonlinear Dispersions”, H. Wu and Min Xiao, Optics Letters, 32, 3122 (2007).
- “Dependence of Enhanced Kerr-Nonlinearity on Coupling-Power in a Three-Level Atomic System”, H. Wang, D. Goorskey, and Min Xiao, Opt. Lett., 27, 258 (2002).
- “Enhanced Kerr Nonlinearity via Atomic Coherence in a Three-Level Atomic System”, H. Wang, D. Goorskey, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 073601 (2001).
- “Cavity-Linewidth Narrowing via Electromagnetically Induced Transparency”, H. Wang, D.J. Goorskey, W.H. Burkett, and Min Xiao, Opt. Lett., 25, 1732 (2000).
- “Frequency Matching Effect in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency”, B. Lu, W.H. Burkett, and Min Xiao, Optics Communications, 141, 269 (1997).
- “Electromagnetically Induced Transparency with Variable Coupling-Laser Linewidth”, B. Lu, W.H. Burkett, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 56, 976 (1997).
- “Transient Properties of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Three-Level Atoms”, Y. Li and Min Xiao, Optics Letters, 20, 1489 (1995).
- “Observation of Quantum Interference between Dressed States in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency”, Y. Li and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 51, 4959 (1995).
- “Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Three-Level Lambda-Type System in Rubidium Atoms”, Y. Li and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A , 51, (Rapid Communications ), R2703 (1995).
- “Observation of Electromagnetically Induced Change of Absorption in Multi-level Rubidium Atoms”, Y. Li, S. Jin, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A , 51, (Rapid Communications ), R1754 (1995).
- “Measurement of Dispersive Properties of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Rubidium Atoms”, Min Xiao, Y. Li, S. Jin, and J. Gea-Banacloche, Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 666 (1995).
- “Electromagnetically-Induced Transparency in Ladder-Type, Inhomogeneously-Broadened Media: Theory and Experiment”, J. Gea-Banacloche, Y. Li, S. Jin, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 51, 576 (1995).
(B) Enhanced FWM and SWM Processes with Atomic Coherence (EIT):
Typically higher-order nonlinear optical processes are much weaker than the lower-order ones (by several orders of magnitude), so when lower-order nonlinear optical processes exist, one normally can ignore the higher-order processes. However, we have shown that by manipulating the atomic coherence between different atomic energy levels with additional laser light beams, high-order nonlinear indices (such as Chi_(5)) can be greatly enhanced, and even be made to be in the same order as the lower-order nonlinear optical processes (related to Chi_(3)). We have demonstrated co-existing and intermixing of four-wave mixing and six-wave mixing processes in the same multi-level atomic system, and observed interference between these different order nonlinear optical processes. Different systems and configurations for such enhanced higher-order nonlinear optical processes were studied, which can have applications in all-optical communications and quantum information processing.
- “Interplay Among Multi-dressed Four-wave Mixing Processes”, H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z. Nie, C. Li, H. Chang, J. Song, and Min Xiao, Appl. Phys.Lett. , 93, 241101 (2008).
- “Spatial Interference between Generated Four-wave Mixing and Six-wave Mixing Signals”, B. Anderson, Y. Zhang, U. Khadka, and Min Xiao, Optics Letters , 33, 2029 (2008).
- “Interacting Multi-wave Mixing in a Five-level Atomic System”, Z. Nie, H. Zheng, P. Li, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A , 77, 063829 (2008).
- “Efficient Energy Transfer between Four-wave-Mixing and Six-wave-Mixing Processes via Atomic Coherence”, Y. Zhang, B. Anderson, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 77, Rapid Communications, , 061801 (R) (2008).
- “Opening Four-wave Mixing and Six-wave Mixing Channels via Dual Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Windows”, Y.P. Zhang, A.W. Brown, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 123603 (2007).
- “Controlling Four-wave and Six-wave Mixing Processes in Multi-level Atomic Systems”, Y. Zhang, U. Khadka, B. Anderson, and Min Xiao, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 221108 (2007).
- “Competition between Two Four-wave Mixing Channels via Atomic Coherence”, Y.P Zhang, B. Anderson, A.W. Brown, and Min Xiao, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 061113 (2007).
- “Enhancement of Six-Wave Mixing by Atomic Coherence in a Four-Level Inverted-Y System”, Y. Zhang and Min Xiao, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 111104 (2007).
- “Observation of Interference between Four-Wave Mixing and Six-Wave Mixing”, Y. Zhang, A.W. Brown, and Min Xiao, Optics Letters, 32, 1120 (2007).
- “Nondegenerate Four-Wave Mixing in a Double-Lambda System under the Influence of Coherent Population Trapping”, B. Lu, W.H. Burkett, and Min Xiao, Opt. Lett., 23, 804 (1998).
- “Enhancement of Non-Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Rubidium Atoms”, Y. Li and Min Xiao, Optics Letters, 21, 1064 (1996).
- “Electromagnetically Induced Grating: Homogeneously Broadened Medium”, H.Y. Ling, Y. Li, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 57, 1338 (1998).
(C) Optical Bistability and Multistability in Three-level Atomic Systems—Steady States and Dynamics:
When a nonlinear optical medium is placed inside an optical cavity, interesting steady-state behaviors, such as optical bistability and multi-stability, can be observed, i.e. more than one cavity output states can exist for a given cavity input intensity. With three-level EIT atoms as an intracavity medium, we can better manipulate the linear and nonlinear optical properties of the intracavity medium, and therefore better control the steady-state behaviors of this composite atom-cavity system. We have shown interesting bsitable and multistable hysterasis curves with controllable shape and rotating direction, which are quite different from the normal optical bistability in two-level atomic systems. Some of the observed phenomena (such as multi-stability and backward hysterasis loops) are still not well explained with simple theoretical calculations.
Many interesting dynamic behaviors, such as dynamic instability, dynamic hysterasis, from period-doubling to chaos, and stochastic resonance, have been experimentally observed in such double-well system. Other interesting effects including noise-induced transition, tunneling, and quantum statistical properties of the system are currently underway.
Due to the use of atomic vapor cell instead of cold atoms and atomic beam via the two-photon Doppler-free configurations (which we have proposed and demonstrated in three-level lambda- and ladder-type atomic systems, PRA 51, 576 (2005); PRA 51, R2703 (1995)) in our experimental setup, the experimental system is much simpler and easy to operate, and can achieve much higher atomic density, which is essential in observing some of the reported effects.
- “Noise-induced Switching via Fluctuating Atomic Coherence in an Optical Three-level Bistable System”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, J. of Opt. Soc. Am B A, , accepted, (2008).
- “Stochastic Resonance with Multiplicative Noise in a Three-Level Atomic Bistable System”, H. Wu, A. Joshi, and Min Xiao, J. of Modern Optics, 54, 2441 (2007).
- “Stochastic Resonance in Atomic Optical Bistability”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 74, 013817 (2006).
- “Chaos in an Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Medium inside an Optical Cavity”, W. Yang, A. Joshi, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 093902 (2005)
- “Dynamical Hysteresis in a Three-Level Atomic System”, A. Joshi, W. Yang, and Min Xiao, Opt. Lett., 30, 905 (2005).
- “Hysteresis Loop with Controllable Shape and Direction in an Optical Ring Cavity”, A. Joshi, W. Yang, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 70, Rapid Communication, 041802(R) (2004).
- “Controlling Dynamic Instability of Three-Level Atoms inside an Optical Ring Cavity”, W. Yang, A. Joshi, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 70, 033807 (2004).
- “Optical Multistability in Three-Level Atoms inside an Optical Ring Cavity”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett., 91, 143904 (2003).
- “Controlled Optical Bistability in a Three-Level Atomic System”, A. Joshi, A. Brown, H. Wang, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 67, Rapid Communication, 041801(R) (2003).
- “Bistability and Instability of Three-Level Atoms inside an Optical Cavity”, H. Wang, D.J. Goorskey, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 65, Rapid Communication, 011801(R) (2002).
(D) Controlled All-Optical Switching with Enhanced Nonlinearity in EIT Media:
With controllable linear and nonlinear optical properties of the EIT media, we have designed and demonstrated several schemes of achieving all-optical switching with EIT atoms in and out of optical cavity. Such all-optical switching schemes can be used for all-optical communications and quantum information processing.
- “All-Optical Switching and Routing Based on an Electromagnetically Induced Absorption Grating”, A. Brown and Min Xiao, Opt. Lett., 30, 699 (2005).
- “Frequency Detuning and Power Dependence of Reflection from an Electromagnetically Induced Absorption Grating”, A. Brown and Min Xiao, J. of Modern Optics, 52, 2365 (2005).
- “Modulation Transfer in an Electromagnetically Induced Transparency System”, Andy W. Brown and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 70, 053830 (2004).
- “Controlling Steady-State Switching in Optical Bistability”, A. Brown, A. Joshi, and Min Xiao, Appl. Phys. Lett., 83,1301 (2003).
- “Controlling Light by Light with Three-Level Atoms inside an Optical Cavity”, H. Wang, D. Goorskey, and Min Xiao, Opt. Lett., 27, 1354, (2002).
- “Controlling Cavity Field with Enhanced Kerr Nonlinearity in Three-Level Atoms”, H. Wang, D. Goorskey, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 65, Rapid Communication, 051802 (R) (2002).
(E) EIT-Related Effects with Multi-Zeeman Sub-Levels or Hyperfine Energy Levels:
Although three-level or four-level atomic systems have been used as models to study atomic coherence and related effects, the real atoms have many complications including multi-Zeeman sub-levels for each energy level considered for the three- or four-level systems. To understand the effects of the multi-Zeeman sub-levels, we have studied how these Zeeman sub-levels affect the ground-state populations and atomic coherence between different energy levels. We also designed and implemented schemes(in collaboration with Prof. H. Wang’s group at Shanxi University, China) to achieve real four-level atomic systems by selecting appropriate polarizations of various laser beams. We even made use of the multi-Zeeman sub-levels to achieve optically induced and controlled polarization rotation in the atomic systems.
- “Interacting Dark States with Enhanced Nonlinearity in an Ideal Four-level Tripot Atomic System”, Y. Han, J. Xiao, Y. Liu, C. Zhang, H. Wang, Min Xiao, and K. C. Peng, Phys. Rev. A, 77, 023824 (2008).
- “Preparation and Determination of Spin-Polarized States in Multi-Zeeman-Sublevel Atoms”, B. Wang, Y. Han, J. Xiao, X. Yang, H. Wang, Min Xiao, and C. Xie, Phys. Rev. A 75, Rapid Communication, 051801(R) (2007).
- “Multi-Dark-State Resonance in Cold Multi-Zeeman-Sublevel Atoms”, B. Wang, Y. Han, J. Xiao, X. Yang, C. Xie, H. Wang, and Min Xiao, Optics Letters, 31, 3647 (2006).
- “Controlled Polarization Rotation of an Optical Field in Multi-Zeeman-Sublevel Atoms”, S. Li, B. Wang, X. Yang, Y. Han, H. Wang, Min Xiao, and K.C. Peng, Phys. Rev. A 74, 033821 (2006).
- “Controlling the Polarization Rotation of an Optical Field via Asymmetry in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency”, B. Wang, S. Li, J. Ma, H. Wang, K.C. Peng, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 73, Rapid Communication, 051801(R) (2006).
- “Coherent Population Trapping and Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Multi-Zeeman-Sublevel Atoms”, H.Y. Ling, Y. Li, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 53, 1014 (1996).
- “Hyperfine Spectroscopy of Highly-Excited Atomic States Based on Atomic Coherence”, S. Jin, Y. Li, and Min Xiao, Optics Communications, 119, 90 (1995).
(F) Photon Storage with EIT Media:
- “Controlled Release of Stored Optical Pulses in an Atomic Ensemble”, Bo Wang, S. Li, H. Wu, H. Chang, H. Wang, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 72, 043801 (2005).
- “Generalized Dark-State Polaritons for Photon Memory in Multi-Level Atomic Media”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A ,71 Rapid Communications, 041801(R) (2005).
(G) Some EIT-Related Theoretical Works:
- “Nonclassical Light Generation via a Four-level Inverted-Y System”, J. Wen, S. Du, Y. Zhang, Min Xiao, M.H. Rubin, Phys. Rev. A 77, 033816 (2008).
- “Coexistence of Four-wave, Six-wave, and Eight-wave Mixing Processes in Multi-dressed Atomic Systems”, Y. Zhang, B. Anderson, and Min Xiao, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 045502 (2008).
- “Generation of a Two-Mode Generalized Coherent State in a Cavity QED System”, A. Joshi, S.S. Hassan, and Min Xiao, Physics Letter A 367, 415 (2007).
- “Cavity-QED-Based Unconventional Geometric Phase Gates with Bichromatic Field Modes”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Phys. Lett. A 359, 390 (2006).
- “Matched Ultraslow Propagation of Highly Efficient Four-Wave Mixing in a Closely cycled Double-Ladder System”, Y. Zhang, A.W. Brown, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 74, 053813 (2006).
- “Three Qubit Quantum-Gate Operation in a Cavity QED System”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 74, 052318 (2006).
- “Modified Two-Photon Absorption and Dispersion of Ultrafast Third-Order Polarization Beats via Twin Noisy Driving Fields”, Y. Zhang, C. Gan, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 73, 053801 (2006).
- “Phase Gate with a Four-Level Inverted-Y System”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 72, 062319 (2005).
- “Controlling Subluminal to Superluminal Behavior of Group Velocity with Squeezed Reservoir”, A. Joshi, S.S. Hassan, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A 72, 055803 (2005).
- “Dark-State Polaritons Using Spontaneously Generated Coherence”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Euro. Phys. J. D 35, 547 (2005).
- “Effect of Spontaneously Generated Coherence on the Dynamics of Multilevel Atomic System”, A. Joshi, W. Yang, and Min Xiao, Phys. Lett. A 325, 30 (2004).
- “Enhancement of Cavity Ringdown Effect Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency”, W. Yang, A. Joshi, and Min Xiao, Opt. Lett., 29, 2133 (2004).
- “Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Its Dispersion Properties in a Four-Level Inverted-Y Atomic System”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Phys. Lett., A 317, 370 (2003).
- “Effect of Spontaneously Generated Coherence on Optical Bistability in a Three-Level Lambda-Type Atomic System”, A. Joshi, W. Yang, and Min Xiao, Phys. Lett., A 315, 203 (2003).
- “Effects of Quantum Interference on Optical Bistability in Three-Level V-Type Atomic System”, A. Joshi, W. Yang, and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. A, 68, 015806 (2003).
(H) Review Articles for Own Works Related to EIT Effects:
- “Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Systems as ideal Coherent Nonlinear Media”, Min Xiao, and H. Wang, Physics (in Chinese) invited review, 36, issue 9, P. 667 (August, 2007).
- “Control of Nonlinear Optical Processes in Multi-Level Atomic Systems”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Progress in Optics, Ed. E. Wolf, 49, 97–175 (2006).
- “Controlled Dynamic Instability and Route to Chaos with Three-level Atoms inside an optical cavity”, W. Yang, A. Joshi, H. Wang, and Min Xiao, Physics (in Chinese), invited review, 35, P. 202 (2006).
- “Novel Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Systems”, Min Xiao, Special Issue on Nontraditional Forms of Light, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 9, 86 (2003).
- “Light Controlling Light with Enhanced Kerr Nonlinearity”, Min Xiao, H. Wang, and D. Goorskey, Optics and Photonics News, feature article, 13, p.44, September, 2002.