Group Members
Group Leader
Dr. Min Xiao
–>Vitae (PDF)
Research Associate
Ph.D. Students
Jingliang Feng
M.S. Students
Undergraduate Students
Contact Information
Mailing address:
Department of Physics, PHYS 226
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone numbers and locations:
Professor Min Xiao: PHYS 204: 479-575-6568
Laboratories: PHYS 111: 479-575-6402
PHYS 113 and PHYS 123: 479-575-4066
PHYS 201: 479-575-7978 (office room)
Main Physics Office: PHYS 226: 479-575-2506 (fax: 479-575-4580)
Professor Min Xiao: