Opto-electronic Devices, Structures, and ApplicationsOther than the above mentioned basic research directions, we have also worked on many applied projects in the past years and will continue to do so in the future. Those projects include improvement few of frequency stabilization of semiconductor diode lasers, tunable bandwidth laser source, broadband electro-optical modulators, and optical tweezers. We will continue to identify and work on practical problems and projectsin the future leading to device applications in opto-electronics and other biomedical research.
“Bistability and Field-Induced Transparency in Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Phys. Rev. B 77, 024502 (2008).
“Measurement of Laser-induced Refractive Index Change of Inverted Ferroelectric Domain LiNbO3”, Y. Chen, S. Liu, D. Wang, T. Chen, and Min Xiao, Applied Optics, 46, 7693 (2007).
“Single-photon All-optical Switching Using Coupled Microring Resonators”, W. Yang, A. Joshi, and Min Xiao, Pramana–J. of Physics (Indian Academy of Sciences), 69, 219 (2007).
“Optimization of a Dual Pumped L-Band Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier by Genetic Algorithm”, C. Cheng and Min Xiao, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24, 3824 (2006).
“Electro-optic Switch in Ferroelectric Thin Films Mediated by Surface Plasmons”, S. Liu and Min Xiao, Applied Physics Letters, 88, 143512 (2006).
“Optimization of an Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier with Radial Effects”, C. Cheng and Min Xiao, Optics Communications, 254, 215 (2005).
“A Simple Method for Frequency Locking of the Extended Cavity Diode Laser”,W. Yang, A. Joshi, H. Wang, and Min Xiao, Applied Optics, 43, 5547 (2004).
“Optical Bistability in a Three-Level Semiconductor Quantum-Well System”, A. Joshi and Min Xiao, Applied Physics B 79, 65 (2004).
“Effects of Side-Coupling on the Phase Response of Cascaded Microring All-Pass Filters”, W. Yang, A. Joshi, and Min Xiao, Optics Communications, 232, 209 (2004).
“Coherent Microwave Generation in Nonlinear Photonic Crystal”, Y. Lu, Min Xiao, and G.J. Salamo, IEEE, J. of Quantum Electronics, 38, 481 (2002).
“Wide-Bandwidth High-Frequency Electro-Optic Modulator Based on Periodically Poled LiNbO3”, Y. Lu, Min Xiao, and G.J. Salamo, Appl. Phys. Lett., 78, 1035 (2001).
“Wavelength Locking of Multiple Diode Lasers by Multiplexed Gratings in a Photorefractive Crystal”, C. Yang and Min Xiao, Appl. Phys. Letts., 77, 2277 (2000).
“Transient Spectroscopy with a Current-Switched Semiconductor Diode Laser”, Y. Li and Min Xiao, J. Opt. B: Quantum & Semiclass. Opt., 1, 541 (1999).
“Influence of Injection-Current Noise on the Spectral Characteristics of Semiconductor Lasers”, W.H. Burkett, B. Lu, and Min Xiao, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 33, 2111 (1997).
“Coherent Transient Amplification in Inhomogenously-Broadened Rubidium Atoms by Diode Laser Frequency-Switching”, Y. Li, W.H. Burkett, and Min Xiao, Optics Letters, 21, 982 (1996).
“A Single Mode Diode Laser with Large Tunable Range Based on Lower Grating Feedback”, S. Jin, Y. Li, and Min Xiao, Applied Optics, 35, 1436 (1996).