
Purchasing Forms

Travel Forms

Forms to be completed PRIOR to travel:

Forms to be completed upon RETURN from travel:

  • Travel Claim Worksheet – to be completed and turned into your department rep, or you can file your own travel claim by following the directions below.
  • Mileage Log – to be completed if claiming mileage reimbursement.
  • Affidavit of Lost Receipts – must be completed for any lost receipts.

How to process YOUR OWN travel claim using webBasis.

Once you return from your trip you have the ability of creating your own Travel Claim via webBASIS.  The steps below outline the process:

  1. You will log in to webBASIS ( either from the Employee/Affiliate access or from the Administrator access depending on whether or not you have an ‘electronic’ desk in BASIS.  Regardless of the method you use to log in, you will have the ‘My Travel’ link available for selection.
  2. Once you select the ‘My Travel’ link you will have the following screen available:
  3. You are now looking the 3 options available.  The Travel Authorizations link allows you to view Travel Authorizations that have been created for you, along with then ‘adding’ a Travel Claim to the Travel Authorization(TA).  The Travel Claims link allows you to view and update Travel Claims that have been created.  The Traveler TCard Statement link is for you to view TCard charges you have incurred while using your TCard, if you have a Traveler TCard.
  4. Since you are creating a Travel Claim, you will start by selecting the Travel Authorizations link.
  5. Please return all receipts along with your signed travel claim to your department rep to be forwarded to the Travel office so payment can be issued.