Nano #: 213-A
Speciality: Computational condensed matter physics
Phone: (479) 575-6425
Office: Physics 219
Our goal is significantly enhance the current understanding of many different kinds of materials, (e.g., ferroelectronics, multiferroics, solid solutions, nanostructures, etc..), by discovering new phenomena and identifying their microscopic origins. These insights can have great impacts in designing novel and improved technologies for, e.g., actuators, sensors, sonar-listening devices, ultrasound, communication devices, and energy storage. Such devices are important to national defense, health, energy efficiency, transportation technology and to the so-called “critical materials” program (which will make the U.S. technology much less dependent on exports).
Our academic research in the field of computational condensed matter physics. Our current interests mainly lie in developing and/or using direct first-principles methods, first-principles-based techniques and semiempirical approaches to calculate properties of ferroelectrics, magnetic compounds, multiferroics, semiconductors, nanostructures and graphene.