

CVEG 3133 – Soil Mechanics
Introduction to geotechnical engineering. Properties of soils related to foundations, retaining walls, earth structures, and highways. Co-requisite: CVEG 3131L (Soil Mechanics Laboratory). Pre- or Co-requisite:  CVEG 3213 (Hydraulics) and MATH 2584 (Differential Equations and Laplace Transform). Pre-requisite: (MEEG 3013 [Mechanics of Materials] or CVEG 2014 [Fundamentals of Mechanics for Civil Engineers]) and (GEOL 1113 [General Geology] or GEOL 3002 [Geology for Engineers]) with grades of C or better.

CVEG 3131-L – Soil Mechanics Laboratory
Index, strength, and consolidation properties of soils; test methods and specifications for soil sampling and testing. Co-requisite: CVEG 3133.

CVEG 5100 – Graduate Seminar for Civil Engineering
A weekly seminar devoted to civil engineering research topics. Appropriate grade to be “S”.

CVEG 5123 – Measurement of Soil Properties
Consideration of basic principles involved in measuring properties of soils. Detailed analysis of standard and specialized soil testing procedures and equipment. Co-requisite: Lab component. Pre-requisite:  CVEG 4143 (Foundation Engineering) with a grade of C or better.

CVEG 5163 – Seepage and Consolidation
Investigation of the flow of water through soils and the time rate of compression of soils. Characterization of the hydraulic conductivity of soils in the field, seepage through earth dams, excavation cut-off walls, and other seepage control systems. Analytical and experimental investigations of soil volume change under hydraulic and mechanical loading. Design of earth and rock dams, well pumping, and vertical and radial consolidation in embankments. Pre-requisite: CVEG 4143 (Foundation Engineering) with a grade of C or better.

CVEG 5183 – Geoenvironmental 
Study of the geotechnical aspects of waste containment systems and contaminant remediation applications. Analysis and measurement of flow of water and contaminants through saturated and unsaturated soils, clay mineralogy and soil-chemical compatibility, and mechanical and hydraulic behavior of geomembranes, geotextiles, and geosynthetic clay liners. Design and construction aspects of compacted clay and composite landfill liners, drainage systems, and landfill covers. Prerequisite:  CVEG 4143 (Soil Mechanics) with a grade of C or better.