Gamma Remote Sensing. Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer Vestion II

 Leica. Leica C-10 Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)

ASD, Inc. FieldSpec 4 Hi-Res Spectroradiometer

 Soil Moisture Equipment Corp. 15 Bar Ceramic Plate Extractor

Decagon. WP4C Water Potential Meter

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment. Pressure Panels (18 positions).

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment. Ten-kip Automated Load Frame and Two (quantity) 300-psi Automated Pumps.

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment. Five-kip Automated Load Frame and Two (Quantity) 300-psi Automated Pumps.

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment. Automated Direct Simple Shear Device.

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment. Automated Direct Shear Device.

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment. Two-kip Automated Load Frame (Two Quantity).
(Not shown: Two [quantity] 300-psi Automated Pumps Per Load Fame).

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment. Resonant Column Torsional Shear (RCTS) Device (Two Quantity).
(Not shown: One [quantity] 300-psi Automated Pumps Per RCTS Cell, Signal Control and Processing Unit).

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment.  Triaxial Cell (Four Quantity) with Feed-through Electronics.

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment. Nine-pin feed-through assembly.

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment. Permeability Cell (Three Quantity)

Trautwein Soil Testing Equipment. Constant-rate-of-strain Consolidation Cell (Two Quantity)

Acrylic Bender Element / Bender Disk Triaxial Compression and Extension Platens (Eight Quantity).

National Instruments. Signal Connector Block for Bender Elements and Bender Disks.

Data Physics. Quattro/Signal Ace Dynamic Signal Analyzer.

National Instruments.  CS-610 TDR Probe.

National Instruments. CS-229 WMPS Probe.

10-foot by 10-foot by 4-foot Soil Compaction Box.