
Service Learning Initiative

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Molly Jensen: Lessons learned from teaching service learning

Dr. Molly Jensen is a clinical associate professor at Marketing Department, Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. She is teaching nonprofit marketing class. What she finds most fulfilling in teaching a service learning class is seeing students...

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Carly Franklin: Service Learning a necessary component of any education

Professor Carly Franklin is a clinical assistant professor at the School of Social Work. She is teaching some service learning courses such as Social Work Practice II and III, Field Seminar, Spirituality in Social Work.  For Professor Franklin, service...

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Laura Gray: Transformative shifts through international service-learning experiences

Dr. Laura Gray is an assistant professor at the Department of English, University of Arkansas. She is teaching Introduction to Literature: Community Engagement as well as Community Development Program in Vietnam. For her, service learning is impactful for both...

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