
Service Learning Initiative

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  Meet Elizabeth Newton! She is a senior from Conway, Arkansas and currently studying Psychology. She joined Lunch Buddy Mentoring in the fall 2018. Here’s what she said about her […]

Meet Elizabeth Newton! She is a senior from Conway, Arkansas and currently studying Psychology. She joined Lunch Buddy Mentoring in the fall 2018. Here’s what she said about her experience. 
Is it your first time taking a service learning course?
Yes, last fall was my first time taking a service learning course.
Describe ways in which the service learning experience is different from the traditional classroom approach to learning.
One way that the service learning experience is different from the traditional classroom approach to learning is that you are practicing what you have learned in the traditional classroom in your community.
Describe a time when you had to use problem-solving skills during your experience.
In the Lunch Buddy Mentoring program, we mentor children who are victimized by bullying and try to increase their social reputation and increase positive interactions between their peers. There are times when you try an approach to improve your mentee’s social reputation and positive peer interactions, but the approach you tried did not work. You must not give up and think to yourself, “Why did this not work?”, “What are some other approaches I could take?”, “What effect will a new approach have on my mentee?”. 
Describe your most moving experience during your service-learning course.
My most moving experience during my service-learning course is that the child I mentored was always very excited to see me. Whenever they saw me in the lunchroom they had a big smile on their face. It made me happy to know that I could make a difference and make someone smile. 
What is your number one piece of advice you would offer to a future service-learning student?
Do not get discouraged if things do not work out the way you have imagined they would. For example, in the Lunch Buddy Mentoring program we mentor children. It is possible that the child you have matched with to mentor will want nothing to do with you or you could perceive it that way. No matter what attitude your mentee has towards you, its possible that you are impacting their lives in ways you do not notice.