Globe at Night

Globe at Night

Globe at Night GAN is an initiative of Dr. Connie Walker, astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Arizona.  GAN hosts campaigns to make quality of night sky measures every fall and spring. It is a simple citizen-scientist program where virtually...
Student Housing GHG Emissions 2010

Student Housing GHG Emissions 2010

The OCS crunched the energy use of the 23 campus residence halls and the numbers are in!  We took into consideration electricity, water, chilled water and steam consumption.  We assigned carbon in metric tons (MTCO2) of output per category, divided by number of...
2012 GHG Emissions

2012 GHG Emissions

Energy Related Emissions Down in the U.S. The United States’ energy-related carbon dioxide emissions for the first quarter of 2012 were reduced to levels not seen since 1992 according to a 2012 publication by the Energy Information Administration.  Emissions in the...