Cycle September is (almost) Here!
Cycle September is a month-long, fun and free, community and workplace challenge designed to get people to ride their bikes. Throughout the month, there are weekly and overall challenges for participants to compete, win prizes, and top the leader boards. The...
Back To School Sustainability 101
The start of a new academic year always brings about a revived sense of excitement and anticipation. If you’re an incoming freshman, this is the start of a new way of life – full of newfound freedoms and the power to become your best self. The Office for...
3 Reasons We Are Still Using Fossil Fuels
Say the words “fossil fuel” to most environmentally conscious people and you will conjure up images of smoggy air, oil spills, and melting ice caps. Fossil fuels, including coal, petroleum, and natural gas, are the go-to boogeyman of the green movement—and...
Law Gives Cycling New Momentum in Arkansas
The bicycle is the most energy efficient mode of transportation ever devised. With an input of about enough energy to power a lightbulb, a bicycle and an adult rider can get going about 10 mph on flat ground. But bikes stay this efficient only if you keep moving....
New Movement in NWA
Northwest Arkansas is not just in a boom; rather, it’s undergoing a transformation. We are transforming the way we live by changing the way we move through our communities. And the way we move matters. It matters to our health, to our environment and it matters to the future of our community.