The Office for Sustainability held a public comment session at the University of Arkansas on December 16, 2013. The purpose of this comment session was to determine whether our aspirational goals of Carbon Neutrality by 2040 was still useful as a guiding force and to determine additional strategies for reducing emissions.
Those in attendance represented students, staff and faculty. The discussion was led by Marty Matlock.
What follows is a brief synopsis, in bullet point style, of the conversation.
- Elizabeth Hood
- Marty Matlcok
- Carlos Ochoa
- Janine Durdik
- Joshua Yougblood
- Tahar Messadi
- Cassandra Gronendyke
- Elana Harrison
- Scott Turley
The UA Climate Action Plan
- The UA achieved target goals of carbon reduction for 2014 and will likely reach 2021 goals within a few years, if a combined heat and power system is installed on campus.
- Update for January and February 2014
- 2007, Chancellor White signed the ACUPCC
- Aggressive and innovative programs
- Achieve carbon neutrality by 2040
- Divided into three phases
- Policies (Water and Waste) were integrated into the plan but not fully articulated.
- Please see attached PowerPoint presentation for additional information.
- Elizabeth Hood What was the reduction from CCN?
- Very minimal. Maybe a $6,000 reduction. Overall utility bill was $6 million.
- Janine Durdik
- “Labs can have a lot of work.”
- Marty Matlock
- What will the price of energy become in the next 5 years?
- “30% increase? Rise in costs make additional projects pencil out.”
- What will the price of energy become in the next 5 years?
- Tahar
- What about green labs and what about green roofs, responsive envelopes, natural ventilation, and orientation.
- A small research pilot to measure efficiencies, including solar and possible geo-thermal.
- Move ball forward with the working groups on larger projects.
- Energy Efficiency, outreach, etc, first and then measure to see what works.
- We may need to tackle transportation.
- Marty: Not a big contributor to overall GHG emissions
- Michelle Halsell: No, but each parking spot costs $20,000. Each non-car commuter saves the UA money and emissions.
- “What are the major sources of emissions?”
- We looked at the sightlines data and scope 2 (purchased electricity) is the largest source of emissions.
- Scott Turley
- Best in class energy per square foot might be a good strategy. Determine what the lowest kWh per square foot/person is and go for that goal.
- Michele Halsell
- Does the UA use Energy Star Portfolio, going to Arkansas Energy Academy, and asking for funding to benchmark.
- Energy Star Portfolio does not necessarily represent the kinds of buildings on our campus but setting benchmarks per building is possible.
- Does the UA use Energy Star Portfolio, going to Arkansas Energy Academy, and asking for funding to benchmark.
- Dig deep into Scope 2 and come up with better inventories
- Dig deep into each scope for possible policies
- Pilots of alternatives – Geothermal and solar
- Aspirational goals are kept in place
- Strategic goals 1&2 are on track
- Strategic goal 3, now new goals should be crafted, redefined.
- We need more metrics and benchmarks, explore the possible, may be Best in Class for energy per square foot. Summer internships could accomplish this task.
- Maximum efficiency and behavior should be achieved and then “something” (TBD) next.
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