The Office for Sustainability celebrated its first Campus Sustainability Month this October with multiple events. Campus Sustainability Month, previously Campus Sustainability Day, began with Know Tomorrow, followed by Bike Fest, a screening of the food waste documentary, Just Eat It, and Project Green Challenge.
Know Tomorrow kicked off Campus Sustainability Month on Oct. 2 on the Union Mall. The event was in conjunction with the upcoming United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Paris. Students were able to learn about climate change, what we can do to mitigate it, and how to use social media to voice their concerns.
Summer Sherrod, president of the Student Sustainability Club and event coordinator, said, “The Know Tomorrow event went well. We had over 35 students sign up to show their support for the UN climate talks on the University of Arkansas Know Tomorrow website. We were able to educate students about climate change, crowd source ideas for reducing our carbon footprints, and give away some awesome prizes. It went really well!”
Gronendyke said the attendees were an inspired group, going into the discussion afterwards. “Each of the students, staff and faculty had meaningful questions and challenged themselves to acknowledge their own responsibility in the situation,” Caja said. “We have built a market system remarkably resilient to making the small changes necessary to end hunger entirely in this country.”
To learn more about food recovery, the University of Arkansas Food Recovery Project’s legal guide can be found here.
The final event, spanning the entire month, was Project Green Challenge. Students registered online at, and would receive small challenges each day to be more sustainable. This event ran for the entire month of October, and the results will be announced this week.
The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) upgraded its national Campus Sustainability Day event to Campus Sustainability Month for the first time this year.
Michael Repovich, program director at the University of Arkansas Office for Sustainability said, “It’s great that we went from a day to a month, and that is a great leap in awareness.”
Campus Sustainability Month was sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, the University of Arkansas Office for Sustainability, and Student Sustainability Club.